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  1. #201
    Community Member SickCat's Avatar
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    Illithid!!! (Mind Flayer) Psionics, baby, YEA!
    -Qetsil / Sickcat / Dorktastic / Belir / Peachfuzz / Fysh / Sometime / Segment / Skwash / Pyg / Swetn / Smurfingly, And 2 nameless others
    All Thelanis, all the time...FER SHIZZLE!

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    Well technically their already in the game just not as player characters :P but having those enlarge-like SLA as a Racial would be cool. Although I'd rather see "Sub-Races" as a variable (similar to Savant) enhancement line in the racial Shield Dwarf, Gold Dwarf, Dark Dwarf,etc. (like Aeranel & Varenal for now than drop-down list in the new system) than you can just use the Char Creation screen to match whichever you prefer.
    Definitely agree on this one; pure win...

    Tho without subraces I honestly cant see myself choosing a CON Gnome instead of Dwarf or Warforged for most classes unless their racial PREs are extremely OP since at that point it would just be sales pitch for an otherwise underwhelming race.

    IO another vote for tinker Gnome (DEX/INT) which to me, screams Gnomish inventor-artie which would make a lot of sense in the current game context.

    As for Kobolds, now that you mention it guess it would be a lot of fun to play rogue and sorcerer with the little rascals :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Huty-Shadowrunner View Post
    Centaur hands down. Of course they would have to add lances, spears and halberds to the game as well as charging mechanic, things that should be here anyways. Kensai centaur with LIT2 heavy lance..... mmmm. Shining Force it up ho! Plus you could trample halflings so automatic win......
    That would be sweet!!! But seeing the inmense work an undertaking such as that represents I honelty don think it could even be considered unless they adopted, developed and balanced Juggernaut first (which is fine by me ). That way theyd release them, lances and a whole new scenario (in which they work best) all at the same time.

    Shining Force Rocks!!!
    (So did the Ravenloft series, on the second game you had a centaur in your party and he was pretty cool too)

  3. #203
    Community Member Esserbe's Avatar
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    Monthly Kobold post.

  4. #204
    Community Member windchant's Avatar
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    thiefling!!!!!!! we alread have them in game... also asmir..

    p.s. if we must choose from the list.. i would say Succubuss... though not likely to happen since we evil alignment are not open to us.
    dance in the wind, die in the wind.

  5. #205
    Community Member LongshotBro's Avatar
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    I'd like to see genasi, or kalashtar.
    When you stand out in the rain, you get wet.

    The Long Shot - where I write about stuff:

  6. #206
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldured View Post
    Definitely agree on this one; pure win...

    Tho without subraces I honestly cant see myself choosing a CON Gnome instead of Dwarf or Warforged for most classes unless their racial PREs are extremely OP since at that point it would just be sales pitch for an otherwise underwhelming race.

    IO another vote for tinker Gnome (DEX/INT) which to me, screams Gnomish inventor-artie which would make a lot of sense in the current game context.
    That I'm fine with since we don't have ANY gnomes (and I agree regular gnomes would be outshined by EVERYTHING...Tinkers FTW) I just don't want to have multiples of the same race when it can simply be done in the character creator anyways but i understand wanting to have the lore so a variable enhancement like makes sense.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  7. #207
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Here are some links to Keith Baker's articles on the Zil Gnomes and a brief quote related to artifice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Baker Dragonshards Article

    Artifice, Alchemy, and the Arcane

    Magic runs through the blood of the gnomes -- a faint gift of illusion that some attribute to the distant touch of Thelanis. Many gnomes develop this talent without formal training. Levels of bard or sorcerer reflect this, and the gnomes typically focus their studying on enchantment, illusion, and conjuration spells. The insatiable curiosity of the gnomes has led to the pursuit of artifice and arcane magic. Zil artificers are justly famed, but House Cannith possesses the most gifted artificers in Khorvaire, and Arcanix is still the greatest seat of wizardry. But Zil gnomes are unsurpassed in two fields: alchemy and elemental binding. Some say that the Zil wrested the secrets of elemental binding from the ruins of Xen'drik, and they jealously guard this secret.

    The articles provide a bit of history on Gnome civilization and culture. Zilargo Gnomes send expeditions to Xen'drik for knowledge and guard the secrets they find. We really should see some House Cannith rivalry going on in Stormreach and some adventures incorporating the Trust for a bit more intrigue.

    My vote is still for Gnome as well.

    EDIT: The flavor script as well.

    Dorilan Del Caroldan sipped his tal and studied the map on the table. "The first temple to the Mockery -- just imagine what secrets it must hold! But this is one ruin you'll never raid, Solas."

    The half-orc roared with laughter. "I'm sure it will be dangerous, Dorilan, but we've faced far worse. I've spent more time in Xen'drik than I have in the Marches. Don't worry, my little friend -- we'll keep you safe on the journey."

    "It's not my safety that worries me, or the dangers of Xen'drik. Bursting into the Preceptor's estate, spilling blood in the light of day, beating that merchant for information -- that's not how things are done here."

    Solas smiled and took a deep draught of his koreshk ale. Gnomes and their sense of propriety. The funny little man wouldn't last a day in Sharn. "Why not? I haven't seen a guardsman since I arrived. I've never seen a softer city." He looked at the door. "What's keeping Kyrna and Jaral? It's been nearly an hour."

    "They're both dead," Dorilan said. But he wasn't Dorilan any more.

    Solas' hand flew to the hilt of his sword, but his muscles turned to ice before he could draw. He strained with all his might, but he could not move.

    The gnome smiled, revealing the ivory wand she'd kept hidden beneath the table. She was younger than Dorilan, and dressed in darkweave and leather. "We believe the best guards are those that remain unseen." Silvered steel glittered as a dagger appeared in her hand.
    On that note, I want an adventure involving the first temple to the Mockery.
    Last edited by Aashrym; 04-07-2012 at 04:14 PM.

  8. #208
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    Why? Go into any dungeon with a non-twink toon at the appropriate level using just chest drops and reward pulls and get hit once by a Kobold shaman. If you survive the first hit, then try to catch the little turd. Watching how they move they have to start with a racial Dex bonus of, what, at least +4? Gimp their strength and wisdom by -2 each to compensate. If the Drow can have 3 abilities buffed with only 1 gimped, why not the opposite?

    I would play a Kobold Rogue til I passed out at my keyboard.. like I did with my halfling monk the other night...

  9. #209
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    Fey Corgi

    'nuff said?

    just imagine a fey corgi artificer... a dog, with a constructed dog...
    Last edited by RandomFireGuy; 04-10-2012 at 08:50 PM.

  10. #210
    Community Member dunmoore's Avatar
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    Add Gnoll, That has my vote.

  11. #211
    Community Member Mizzaroo's Avatar
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    Cool Cousins of the selkath!

    No ones voted Sahaugin? I love them! Theyre like the evil cousins of the Selkath!
    Quote Originally Posted by AZgreentea View Post
    I think the problem is that, as an inexperienced trapper, you used far to much C4 to disable the trap.
    Quote Originally Posted by Izumar View Post
    There's that moment when you learn not to stand next to the guy doing the trap. For your group mate it was this moment.

  12. #212
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  13. #213
    Community Member Noopleh's Avatar
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    WF Titan
    The Fight Club - Orien.
    Xcaltar: WF Barbarian 25

  14. #214
    Community Member ddobard1's Avatar
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  15. #215
    Community Member cryzone's Avatar
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    Arrow i vote for Knoll

    I'd like to see bugbear or hobgoblin

  16. #216
    Community Member die's Avatar
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    1. A Real Lich

    2. Dragonborn

    3. HalfGiant

    4. HalfCelestial

    5. HalfDemon
    Kahzadoom~Nexus~Irondoom~Doomlord~XvKing DoomHammer~
    Xoriat Born~Doompriest~Doom~Xzr~Legion of Doom~Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

  17. #217
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    Tiefling, I'd say Gnomes but I hate them like their a plague. Only race I hate worse is Kender, I am not a fan of any small race, medium or bust!

  18. #218
    Community Member cleriyou's Avatar
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    for me eladrin and dragonborn

  19. #219
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    Goliath. One of my fav races from Races of Stone.

  20. #220
    Community Member CarpeNoctu's Avatar
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    Monk... Epic unarmed combat

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