No, I am going by what I saw in the preview posted by a Dev. I am sure you are smart enough to find it on your own.
I am also sure you are smart enough to know that 1 glove does not equal the abashai set bonus. So please, no more lies.
You have a point about the TOD rings, but still, small gains may be made using slots on epic rings to match what some are currently getting out of TOD rings. This will certainly be the case on this build. This may also even be possible using random generated loot with slots after U17. For example this build is using a +8 int random loot ring. It could be easily improved with a +8 random loot int ring with a slot after U17.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
In the small chance that you are actually being sincere:
1. I can't possibly answer your question because A, I do not know what else you are wearing. and B, you are obviously not following this build since it does not use the bloodstone for seeker, it uses the eveningstar dragon robes for that.
2. Regardless of whatever the answer is right now, I would wait until U17 to decide.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
I've already read the post. Its the same as the video.
So you think +1 Str warrants 2 more item slots? Interesting.
It may be useful for item builds that use random gen loot. Assuming you can find said item with augment slot. As for epic rings beating tod rings. Would never happen.(this message will self destruct when Epic Gianthold comes out)
I tried refraining from slotting the epic gear, however, I just couldn't live without Heavy Fortification, which I figured was always going to be needed.
Just got my Balizarde today. WOW. Game changer right here. Now to finish getting the favor and get that subterfuge bonus.
That quiver still seems to evade me. But I'm working on it. At least I have all the major parts down for the build.
Thanks for all your hard work. I'm a fan, and so are the people that group with me.
Last edited by hi_sa1nt; 01-15-2013 at 09:52 PM.
This may be true for people new to the game/rolled up a new toon.
As for everyone else. Just keep your old epic slotted GFL item.
It's also convenient that the best armour for rogues has a blue slot.
I assume(pure speculation) that Epic Gianthold may have a few items with greater false life or various slots that support it.
Its not like 30 hp is that useful any ways.
Community Member
Court Jester
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Regarding U17.
It would appear that GFL is no longer a yellow slotted effect (it is now a blue slot at this time on llamma). I would recommend slotting GFL before U17 hits into a yellow slot just in case since yellow slots seem to be a lot more common. (if you havent already done so)
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
I think it might be easier to go with the dragon robe and helm combo from epic giant hold for U17 i would say that cause of the fact you get the blue augment slot on the robe and one of the helms has+8 int on it i think and there is a set bonus for them to. or at the least it would give a nice robe set either black or white . personally i like the white robes abit better . as for the gear the bracers with the swim like a fish would be great for EE crucible runs. there could be some others in there also but i havent looked close at the whole list yet.
I can easily see the Black Dragonscale armor becoming an "always wear" item in the end game. 20% fort bypass, increased dps when you kill a mob, haste guard, best light armor AC in game atm (correct me if I'm wrong), 19 max dex bonus (important for dodge) and a blue slot that you can put +7 Resistance or +2 max dex bonus into. Add in the helmet bonus for +3% doublestrike and a +8 Int (or +3 Insightful) and a green and yellow slot and you've got one killer combination.
yeah, I am thinking the same thing. Black Dragon robe is the way to go! (or light armour if you can hit 25% dodge via destiny or mobility feat). Add in the helm with a +8 int on it, and you gain a ring slot and more with the new slot system. You give up +3 profane bonus to con tho. It woill most likely be worth it tho. I have a feeling U17 will be the death of the 5-piece abashai set for this build, as there are so many awesome new items coming, and with all the slots it will be an even better set up. Too bad I only recently finished slotting the 5-piece set
Last edited by Mellkor; 01-24-2013 at 09:44 PM.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
well they have new augment crystals to put in that also offer +7 stat bonus also will have aug crystals for low lv gear as well aka non epic gear should help in leveling the helms give +3 exp stat bonus and being able to put on GFL on robes with heavy fort, pro +7, +6 shield bonus and +10 armor bonus is just sweet for robes
I put together a preliminary U17 equipment list for this build: (subject to change)
Head-Black Dragon Helm (+8 CON, green(heavy fort), yellow(+1 exceptional to all stats), set bonus(+3% double strike)
Neck- Pendant of the Stormreaver(Thunderstruck, Sovereign Lightning resist, Protection +7, yellow slot) AND/OR Secondary greensteel (such as +6 cha skills item, situational greensteel items, etc)
Trinket- Planar Focus (+3 exceptional INT, +1 alchemical saves, set bonus(3% dodge, +5 sneak attack to hit, +8 sneak attack damage, true seeing)
Cloak- Greensteel +45 HP's, Smokescreen, +6 dex skills, Displacement x2
Belt- Girdle of Giants Brawn (+8 STR, yellow(+2 STR insight), colorless(+2 CON insight)
Ring 1- Ring of Deceit tier 2 (+20 to bluff, diplo, haggle, perform, +8 CHA, improved deception, yellow slot(+2 CHA insight), colorless slot(+2 WIS insight)
Ring 2- Ring of Shadows, (ghostly, lesser displacement, +20 to move silently and hide, yellow slot)
Hands- EE Nether Grasps Open Lock +20, Diversion 20%, Seeker +10, +2 STR profane, ghostly
Feet- EE Treads of falling shadow (striding 30%, +8 DEX, +3 DEX insight)
Bracers- EE Bracers of Twisting Shade (disable device +20, Search +20, +5 seeker exceptional, blurry, resistance +7)
Eyes- Intricate Field Optics (+8 INT, True Seeing, Spot +20, yellow slot(+7 WIS), green slot. Swap to Dreamvisor for red named, and Epic Goggles of Time Sensing for haste clickie.
Armour- Black dragon robe (or light armour if it allows 25% dodge) (Armour piercing 20%, Haste Guard, Set Bonus, Sup Acid Resist, Relentless Fury, Blue(+2 max dex bonus OR toughness).
Quiver- one of the new ones that adds + acid damage to ranged attacks
Weapon main set is still Balizarde + EMG but with DR bypassers in the red slots now that they will be permanent, OR +1d10 elemental damage of your choice. I will probably go with 1d10 acid damage on both.
Last edited by Mellkor; 02-04-2013 at 07:37 PM.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
Can't help but notice that you don't have Manslayer or +5SA (the planar bonus is exceptional SA). FF can be slotted into a fully upgraded Epic Ring of the Stalker. The time sensing goggles confuse me a bit. At the very least I would put in Tharne's Goggles for the +5SA. The +7 WIS I assume is for saves and can be slotted in any other clear slot.
i would suggest for the second ring slot the Ring of Deceit since it gives you cha+8 bluff +20, diplo +20,haggle +20, and perform +20. when fully upgraded has a yellow and colorless slot.this would free up the neck spot for the GS necklace again. with the colorless slot you can also slot in a +7 stat augment like dex or wichever would work the best.
Well that can be your ring if you like . Manslayer is nice, but I already have vorpal on a 20. In theory you shouldnt need manslayer or vorpal too much since you should have already assassinated it! So I don't think manslayer is all that important on this build.
Planar conflux is an insight bonus, not exceptional. So it doesnt stack with thranes.
Time sensing is for boost to will saves and haste clickie and as well as an always on +20 search and spot bonus and GFL.
Another bonus with this equipment set is all of the important rogue skills dont require equipment swaps before use anymore. There is +20 always on to spot, search, disable, open lock, bluff and diplo
I also try and have equipment set ups that minimize equipment swaps for commonly used clickies such as haste and displacement. This set up has both of those ready to go when u need it without having to slow down to swap, use and swap back.
Last edited by Mellkor; 01-25-2013 at 10:58 AM.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~