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    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Default Master Assassin: an int based build

    Posting this build upon request.

    U23: Updated for U23. Biggest changes are Lots of Gear! And. The Harper Enhancement Tree, which brings INT modifier score to hit and to damage with all weapons!!!! I haven't actually TR'd into Human yet, so the numbers below may be off a little here and there and feat progression may be off. Let me know if you spot any errors.

    U19: Updated for U19. Biggest change was race. Drow is best race for this build IMO, but human is a close second.

    Updated for U17: Biggest change is gear! Entirely new gear set for lev 25 over lev 20 gear. I added a level 25 gear section to this post, I left the level 20 gear list as it was. Some chages to twists also.

    U16's biggest change is more emphasis on defense. U16 Epic Elite quests are brutal if you neglect defense. I now have 25% dodge + 25% incoporeal + 20/50% concealment running on this guy all the time. You dont get hit much with all of these being separate checks for each incoming blow.

    I have tried str based and dex based rogues pures and spalshed, but by far I like this one the best.

    This guy requires a lot of hard to grind gear, but it is worth it!

    My concept for this build started out a while back (when lev 16 was cap) as an INT based assassin. When I started this build most folks laughed and said no way it would work. LOL. My concept was to max out assassinate DC, with 500+ HP's, be able to hit most mobs on a 2, all while still being able to do all the trap stuff expected of a rogue, without fail. This build does between 80-90% of the dps that a geared STR based build does. That said, I gotta wonder why folks go STR based!!!!

    Game play on this guy involves doing most of my DPS via sneak and assassinate. I concentrate on assassinating full health bar mobs, and then joining the main fight on an already engaged mob until my cool down for assassinate is reset, I then go into sneak and hunt down the next mob with a full health bar, rinse, repeat. I usually give priority to mobs in the periphery such as archers and casters for my assassinates. I also try to get lined up so I can hit two or three mobs at once. You can often assassinate 2 at once and rarely 3 if you get lucky with double strike, but the mobs have to be close together. For solo play I use Shadow Manipulation a lot and/or summon monster scrolls to get mobs attention, then stick 'em. I tend to use Bluff and Diplo a lot. All this while being able to do any trap and open any lock on any difficulty, without fail. I have a lot of fun with this guy!

    Damage comes primarily from Assassinate and Sneak Attack Damage which on this guy is 29d6 + 12. As far as damage goes, it ALMOST does not matter what weapon you use, since sneak damage is so dominate. You can almost do as much damage with a spoon, LOL.

    Anyway, Benchmarks for this build: at Lev 28: (assumptions: ship buffs, GH, haste, as equipped or using equipment described below, 3 rogue past lives, +6 tomes to all).

    I do not include other (some easy to get) buffs in these numbers as I consider most of them either too hard to get (abashai cookies, house D pots, bard buffs, etc), too much of a pain in the ass to sustain (rage pots, scrolls of whatever buff, and other short duration buff pots and clickys), or too expensive (store pots, yugo pots, etc). Do keep in mind tho, that the below posted numbers can be even better. The only one of these I often use these days are the store pots, they last 10 mins and allow some flexibility in some aspects of this build, such as making up for lack of a +6 tome, or if you prefer a different destiny set up than what is described below.

    Race Human. (36 pt build)



    STR 8
    DEX 15
    CON 16
    INT 18
    WIS 10
    CHA 8

    End Game:

    STR 27: (8 base, 6 tome, 8 item, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship).
    DEX 39: (15 base, 6 tome, 11 item, 2 insight, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship).
    CON 41: (16 base, 6 tome, 11 item, 2 insight, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship).
    INT 62: (18 base, 6 tome, 7 levels, 1 human, 2 capstone, 2 assassin, 4 harper, 11 item, 3 insight, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2ship, 3 epic destiny).
    WIS 30: (9 base, 6 tome, 8 item, 2 insight, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship).
    CHA 30: (9 base, 6 tome, 8 item, 2 insight, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship)

    Standing Assassinate DC:

    26 INT bonus (62 INT)
    20 rogue levels
    10 base
    6 stealthy from shadowdancer destiny
    5 measure the foe enhancement from assassin tree
    4 Item
    71 Self buffed standing Assassinate DC

    1 bard Song
    1 yugo pot
    1 store pot
    74 DC from common and/or not too much a pain to maintain buffs.

    5 from +10 more int from maximizing INT in destinies (+3 more), twists (+4 more), and epic feats (+3 more)
    79 Assassinate DC

    Higher than 74 and you really begin to move into PIA-to-maintain-that-DC territory. Requiring (IMO) major sacrifices in destines and feat selection, relying on others for buffs, as well as maintaining short duration buffs that are difficult to obtain, such as abashai cookies or house D pots, etc.

    71 is what I consider the best practical DC as all you need to rely on is yourself (and your ship), not make major sacrifices to attain, and not have to worry about refreshing pots or other short duration buffs. I sometimes use store and yugo pots for a 73 DC, but the cost and/or detriments are not worth it or needed most of the time.

    80+ DC is possible, but, again, is not practical as it requires hard to acquire or very short duration buffs such as abashi cookies or house D pots, etc. 74 is about the best practical DC one can easily maintain, IMO as of U23. Going all out to 80+ DC really gimps you in other areas that matter in destinies, twists, feats, and enhancements.

    ~ 910 HP (often ends up to be over 1000 with commonly used party buffs)

    Armour Class: 78


    Fort: 52
    Reflex 79 (high 80's vs traps)
    Will 52 (useful, even in EE content with Slippery Mind)

    Reflex save is very high without really trying so you could drop insightful reflexes and settle for a low 60's reflex save and get some other feat of your choice. But having that high reflex save sure is nice in end game EE content (almost required, I'd say).


    Max ranks in Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Spot, Tumble, UMD, and one other of your choice, I put mine into swim

    Trap Skills: (at lev 28 using +20 items, +5 exceptional items and/or gear described below and self buffed only. Other buffs such as bard/yugo/store pots, action boosts, etc, will make these somewhat better.)

    Spot 83
    Search 101
    Disable 111 + 1d20
    Open Lock 91 + 1d20

    I have not failed any trap or lock with these numbers to date in epic elite quests and raids.

    Other Skills (as equipped at lev 28 below)

    UMD 55 (good enough to cast level IX scrolls at 100% success rate)
    Hide 78
    Move Silently 78
    Jump 40+
    balance 71
    swim 71 (LOL) try it, its a hoot. (with a +20 item)
    Diplo 76
    Haggle 60
    Bluff 79
    Listen 77


    1 - toughness
    1 human bonus feat - two weapon fighting
    3 - precision
    6 - insightful reflexes
    9 - improved two weapon fighting
    12 - improved critical: pierce
    15 - greater two weapon fighting
    18 - dodge
    21 - epic toughness
    24 - imp sneak attack
    26 - perfect two weapon fighting
    27 - watchful eye (I love this ability!!) or overwhelming critical or sneak of shadows
    28 - toughness

    Rogue special feats:

    Improved Evasion
    Skill Mastery
    Slippery mind (this really helps to shore up this builds greatest weakness, the low will save)


    Human Racial tree: +1 INT and healing amp

    Assassin Tree: All 6 core abilities, +1 INT x 3, Assassinate, measure the foe III, Crit accuracy III, crit damage III, killer II, knife specialization, sneak attack training x 4, stealthy III, Envenomed Blades III OR Damage Boost III.

    Harper Tree: first 4 core abilities, +1 INT x 4, Strategic Combat II, Highly Skilled III, Versatile Adept x 4.

    Thief-Acrobat Tree: first core ability, fast sneaking III.


    This part of the build is often changing for me. Many good things here. You could actually go all int in twists and main destiny and hit a 75 or so standing assassinate DC if you like, however, I recommend AT THE VERY LEAST maintaining 71 standing DC + 25% dodge somehow. There are many ways to do this by tweaking this destiny to your liking. It becomes even easier if you get lucky with a +6 int tome. I use shadow manipulation a lot, it is really excellent.

    Shadow Dancer.

    Stealthy III
    Intelligence x3
    Lithe I
    Shrouding Strike III
    Cloak of Shadows I
    Shadow Manipulation I
    Improved Ivisibility I
    Untouchable I
    Grim Precision I
    Shadow Form I
    Sealed Soul I (immunity to level drain, you need this for tyhe new abbot raid, mainly. If not running Abbot raid, put these points into Grim Precision)

    Sense Weakness (use the following 3 if not an epic completionist)
    Brace for Impact
    Hail of Blows
    Impregnable Mind


    I also use a greensteel healing amp stick when self healing (a heal scroll heals me half my total HPs or so).

    For ranged weapons you get repeater crossbows profs from first 4 core abilities from mechanic as well as int bonus to damage!!. I went for this as early as possible because a good repeater with int bonus is really powerful at early levels. Greensteel repeaters at lev 12 on up is also very, very good. This is a nice bonus when ranged is required.

    ENDGAME gear: (Lev 28 as of U23):

    Head- Mythic Muffled Veneer: (Move +20, Hide +20, Spot +20, Double Strike +9%, +2 Exceptional Reflex Save, Assassinate +4, BLUE SLOT: +40 Hit Points, GREEN SLOT: +2 insight CON).

    Neck- Shield of Ardent: (+18 PRR, Smoke Screen, Fear Immunity, Healing Amp +30%, YELLOW SLOT: Blind immunity or some skill +15, GREEN SLOT: Resist Lightning 40).

    Trinket- Epic Litney of the Dead: (+2 to all stats, GREEN SLOT:STR +8, BLUE SLOT: Good Luck +2). AND/OR Manual of Stealthy Pilfering: (Good Luck +3, Dex Skills +6, Int Skills +6, UMD +5, Open Locks +20, Disabe Devicen +20, GREEN SLOT: STR +8).

    Cloak- Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf (+5 exceptional seeker, 8% dodge, attack +4, diversion 20%). This is borderline useful post U23. Good place for greensteel HP/displacement clickie.

    Belt- Epic Belt of Thoughtful Remeberence: (CON +11, Resist +11, Dodge +11%, Greater Regenerate, BLUE SLOT: +8 WIS, GREEN SLOT:Resist Acid 40).

    Ring 1- Ring of Deceit: (+20 to bluff, diplo, haggle, +8 CHA, improved deception, YELLOW SLOT:vitality +20, COLORLESS SLOT: +2 insight WIS).

    Ring 2- Consuming Darkness: (Seeker XII, GREEN SLOT: Resist Fire 40).

    Hands- Epic Fanged Gloves: (INT +11, Blurry, some useless stuff, YELLOW SLOT: Globe of Imperial Blood, GREEN SLOT: Resist Cold 40).

    Feet- EE Sure Footed Boots: (Mobility Feat (+2 to dodge and dodge cap), Balance +20, GREEN SLOT: protection +8).

    Bracers- Epic Ethereal Bracers: DEX +11, Ghostly, Deadly 10, Feather Fall, GREEN SLOT: Resist Sonic 40, BLUE SLOT: +2 insight DEX).

    Eyes- EE Intricate Field Optics: (+3 insight INT, True Seeing, Spot +20, YELLOW SLOT: +Resist Sonic 40, GREEN SLOT: +2 Rear Immunity).

    Armour- Thunder Forged Light Armour: Alchemical Armour Defense ritual, Fortification 130%, Shadow Killer, From the Shadows, Ghostly, BLUE SLOT: +2 armored agility, GREEN SLOT: Natural Armour +8).

    Quiver- Epic Quiver of Alacrity.

    Main Hand: Thunderforged Dagger with Touch of Flames, Dragons Edge, Mortal Fear, SLOTS: Caustic Acid, Search +15.

    Off Hand: Thunderforged Dagger with Blinding Fear, Paralyzing Fear, Mortal Fear, SLOTS: Caustic Acid, Tumble +15

    For DR bypassers, 2 Celestia's works on almost everything needing bypassers. I also carry a good set of portal beaters.

    This guy is a lot of fun for me because blindly running ahead is NOT the thing to do with this guy. This guy requires smart play and accomplishing things by thinking outside the box, which for me is the biggest appeal for this character, and a nice refreshing change from the norm. There is almost nothing more satisfying than listening to the big bad barb ***** because you decimated his precious kill count. LOL. And you did most of it with one swing / mob

    Max Theoretical Assassinate DC for a rogue:

    Max assassinate DC = 85 for a Helf, 84 for a drow elf. (this DC is far from practical since it requires a lot of very short duration and very hard to get int buffs. It is here just for reference.)

    10 base
    20 rogue levels
    6 stealthy (shadowdancer tier 1)
    4 Item
    5 measure the foe
    40 INT bonus from 90 INT (18 base, 6 tome, 7 levels, 1 human adaptability, 1 arti dil, 3 action surge, 2 capstone, 2 assassin, 4 harper, 11 item, 3 insight, 1 exc, 2 yugo, 2 ship, 6 epic destiny, 4 twisted, 3 great int, 2 completionist, 2 litany, 2 store pot, 3 house D pot, 4 abashai cookies, 2 bard song)
    Last edited by Mellkor; 10-05-2014 at 10:16 AM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  2. #2
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post

    Weapons: Epic Midnight Greetings. One with +6 INT slotted in.
    Looks like a nice build, but am wondering about this - As far as i know, you can't slot +6 stats on a red slot, am i mistaken?

    When God gives you lemons, find a new God.

  3. #3
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryNotes View Post
    Looks like a nice build, but am wondering about this - As far as i know, you can't slot +6 stats on a red slot, am i mistaken?
    Yes, you can put a colorless into that red slot.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  4. #4
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Yes, you can put a colorless into that red slot.
    Ah! Never knew that, thanks!

    When God gives you lemons, find a new God.

  5. #5
    Community Member domandi's Avatar
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    Ok, what am I missing here. How do you get to a 32 con?

    14 + 7 enh, +3 exc +3 abishi +2 rage and ....? +2 yugo? that is only 31.

    I love the build. If I could ever get ANYTHING to drop from echrono, I would love to make my rog into this.

  6. #6
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by domandi View Post
    Ok, what am I missing here. How do you get to a 32 con?

    14 + 7 enh, +3 exc +3 abishi +2 rage and ....? +2 yugo? that is only 31.

    I love the build. If I could ever get ANYTHING to drop from echrono, I would love to make my rog into this.
    (assumptions: ship buffs, GH, haste, rogue skill boost active, as equipped or using equipment described below, one TR, +3 tomes to all, +4 int tome)


    +3 Tome and +2 ship (instead of rage you have listed above) is 32.

    I dont count on rage much, pot duration on that is too short to bother with for me, but it is a nice boost when you have it.

    So 34 with rage, 36 with a store pot, 38 with a yugo pot, heck, you can even hit 41 with a house D pot. But I dont use those much. The penalty on yugo pots is just not worth it, House D pots only lasts 90 seconds, and I dont always have store pots to use. I sometimes use store pots for int, every now and again yugo pots for int, and sometimes use store pots for con, but 507 HP's is enough usually. If you get killed with 500 hp's then whatever killed you will most likely also kill you with 20 or 40 more anyway, LOL

    I dont like to count on too many short duration buffs, hard to get buffs, or buffs that cost TP's, so I dont put those numbers into my build description, mainly because too many short duration buffs are too much of a hassle to manage, yugo pots have penalties that most people wont tolerate, and who wants to constantly buy Turbine Points?

    Too many folks put in too many unrealistic numbers into their builds, I prefer to keep numbers closer to actual practice instead of the theoretical or fantasy numbers that plague too many builds posted on these forums.
    Last edited by Mellkor; 11-15-2011 at 11:37 AM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  7. #7
    Community Member domandi's Avatar
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    Right! I can't believe I forgot about tomes/ship... thank you. Now I need to get back to farming epics...

  8. #8
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    I noticed you have Half-Elf, and Skill Boost IV.

    Don't Helves get Human Versatility enhancements, or am I making that up?

    You'd benefit much more from 10 AP spent into HV IV than SB IV, since you have the option of using it to increase your damage output, Saves, to-hit, etc. dependant upon your situation. Especially since it can be used concurrently with Haste Boost.

    Also.. no Power Attack? Hurting you on Boss Battles here, where they can't be insta-killed.

    Wand and Scroll Mastery IV seems a bit overkill - even taking only tier III gets you impressive Heal-Scroll numbers, while allowing you a few free AP for something else.

    Actually, looking at those enhancements I just realized... no Haste Boost in there?

  9. #9
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    I noticed you have Half-Elf, and Skill Boost IV.

    Don't Helves get Human Versatility enhancements, or am I making that up?

    You'd benefit much more from 10 AP spent into HV IV than SB IV, since you have the option of using it to increase your damage output, Saves, to-hit, etc. dependant upon your situation. Especially since it can be used concurrently with Haste Boost.

    Also.. no Power Attack? Hurting you on Boss Battles here, where they can't be insta-killed.

    Wand and Scroll Mastery IV seems a bit overkill - even taking only tier III gets you impressive Heal-Scroll numbers, while allowing you a few free AP for something else.

    As for haste boost, its a good one to get, but I prefer to spend AP's on enhancements that are always on, rather than limited. My experience with haste boost was I burned thru them too darn fast to feel like they were of any real value.

    Actually, looking at those enhancements I just realized... no Haste Boost in there?
    Good point on the HV IV.

    No need for power attack. I am not a boss beater so much. But do just fine w/o PA anyway. Also for power attack to be truly effective you have to still be able to hit most mobs on a 2. On this build, with PA running, that would not be the case.

    Wand and Scroll mastry, meh matter of personal preference on that one, I guess.
    Last edited by Mellkor; 11-15-2011 at 07:34 PM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  10. #10
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    Good point on the HV IV.

    No need for power attack. I am not a boss beater so much. But do just fine w/o PA anyway.

    Wand and Scroll mastry, meh matter of personal preference on that one, I guess.
    K. And Haste Boost?

  11. #11
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    K. And Haste Boost?
    Thats a good one to get, but I prefer enhancements that dont run out. My experience with haste boost always left me feeling like it was a waste of points since I burned thru them so fast lol.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  12. #12
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    Thats a good one to get, but I prefer enhancements that dont run out. My experience with haste boost always left me feeling like it was a waste of points since I burned thru them so fast lol.
    They're a dramatic increase to DPS. With Extra Action Boost I (2 AP), and a Lesser Action Boost Enhancement Item (Such as Kensei Necklace), you can have 8 Haste Boosts/Rest. Even firing them off as soon as you're off timer, that's 4 minutes where 2/3rds of the time you're swinging 30% faster.

    I dunno, I guess it goes back to the "Boss DPS" thing. Your Rogue is heavily built towards the 6-man party, insta-kill trash mobs. Barbarians/Fighters tend to go for the in-your-face, hit as hard and fast as possible, big numbers approach. Seems like maybe the pendulum has swung too much in one direction.

    I admit, my Assassin's 41 DC doesn't instakill everything - but I find that I'm happy with a comfortable medium of instakill and DPS.

  13. #13
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    :O i am certainly going to TR my rogue into this, it is incredible. i have run him through epics on a regular occasion, and its always so fun to just watch that caster/any other epic mob get ready to do something, then sneak up behind them and then suddenly drop. I've even out killed some of my arcane friends on this guy, and he's only running around with a 40 assassinate DC with ship buffs and 1 EMG. always wondered how effective i could be if i completely maxxed it. and i had planned on getting a 5 piece abashai set anyway, already have a few of the items listed here.

    couple of questions:

    i know you have stated you aren't much of a boss dps'er, but when you are doing that, do you keep 1 EMG in your offhand, or swap to a rapier or some such?

    how much use have you seen slippery mind? i know one of the few things i haven't enjoyed about my rogue was his weak will save. he had it at one point, but it seemed more like he just had to fail twice, but i think my lil halfing is a bit weaker it that department than you brainiac half elf.i think i have rolled a 20 and still gotten held

    with all your skill points and your such excellence in heal scrolls, why no concentration? im sure you can get by with a 57 swim or something

    Oh, and i as far as someone else was saying, i think even on a build like this, haste boost is still a very effective addition, even if it would be regulated to boss fights
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  14. #14
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post
    couple of questions:

    i know you have stated you aren't much of a boss dps'er, but when you are doing that, do you keep 1 EMG in your offhand, or swap to a rapier or some such?

    I really only meant this as a generic statement regarding all rogues since they really all fall into the category of being a poor boss DPS'r relatively speaking,

    how much use have you seen slippery mind? i know one of the few things i haven't enjoyed about my rogue was his weak will save. he had it at one point, but it seemed more like he just had to fail twice, but i think my lil halfing is a bit weaker it that department than you brainiac half elf.i think i have rolled a 20 and still gotten held

    with all your skill points and your such excellence in heal scrolls, why no concentration? im sure you can get by with a 57 swim or something

    Oh, and i as far as someone else was saying, i think even on a build like this, haste boost is still a very effective addition, even if it would be regulated to boss fights
    I usually just use my EMG's for just about everything, mostly because I am too lazy or forgetful to swap. The +10 enhancement and the disintegrate procs are hard to beat, tho. I do use boss DR beaters, and portal beaters where appropriate, but for almost all else it is dual EMG's.

    I like having slippery mind, that second roll on will saves is nice to have, Also I just dont think the other choices available bring as much to the table as slippery mind does.

    As for concentration, I dunno, I didnt think about getting it to help with scroll casting. Might be good to throw some spare points into it. I havent noticed failing scroll casting because of it tho, probably because when it gets to the point of having to self heal, I am usually running away and/or clear of all dangers.

    If you like haste boost you can easily fit it in, it is just not something I want or need for my playstyle.
    Last edited by Mellkor; 11-15-2011 at 07:39 PM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  15. #15
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    I usually just use my EMG's for just about everything, mostly because I am too lazy or forgetful to swap. The +10 enhancement and the disintegrate procs are hard to beat, tho. I do use boss DR beaters, and portal beaters where appropriate, but for almost all else it is dual EMG's.

    I like having slippery mind, that second roll on will saves is nice to have, Also I just dont think the other choices available bring as much to the table as slippery mind does.

    As for concentration, I dunno, I didnt think about getting it to help with scroll casting. Might be good to throw some spare points into it. I havent noticed failing scroll casting because of it tho, probably because when it gets to the point of having to self heal, I am usually running away and/or clear of all dangers.

    If you like haste boost you can easily fit it in, it is just not something I want or need for my playstyle.
    yeah, i figured as much, they aren't bad weapons by any means, especially on this build, and can be made beaters if ya good slot them and have a friendly artificer in the group. just wanted to ask

    if/when i make this build, although probably without the +3s, don't have those on hand so may have to do a slight allocation of stats for twf, but if/when i make this build i would take slippery mind again to at least try it. if it didn't help, i could always take a skill mastery instead, have a 100% chance with summon monster IX/PWK scrolls, and just to have a really nice looking skill sheet

    i wonder how much use that little bit of concentration would be now that i think about it. 11, and i've heard that even arcane's with really nice concentration, 40-60 maybe, still failing when getting the stuffing beaten out of 'em when they forget to turn quicken on. but im not sure though

    yeah, im sure i could fit it in, just wanted to weigh in on the debate happening around me

    EDIT: about that highlighted red statement, yeah, you're pretty much correct, rogues aren't made for boss dps'ing, but we get much cooler abilities than those dumb barbs, so no worries
    Last edited by DragonTroy; 11-15-2011 at 07:43 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  16. #16
    Community Member Alleyna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post
    EDIT: about that highlighted red statement, yeah, you're pretty much correct, rogues aren't made for boss dps'ing, but we get much cooler abilities than those dumb barbs, so no worries
    What? Rogues are EXCELLENT boss DPS. Even with the increase in fort, there are several ways to reduce fort. On any boss that can be sneak-attacked (which is most of them), rogues without aggro are kings of DPS. There are many threads floating around about ways to reduce fort since U11. If you can fit improved sunder in, that helps dramatically (need to take PA as a pre-req, which fits in quite well!).

    OP, your build looks pretty solid. I also went Helf with Arti Dilly (please fix int enhancement Devs!), but I went strength based with just enough int to hit the 42 DC and max out the enhancement on the EMG. In fact, our rogues look very similar, just swap the str and int scores. There are lots of ways to play rogues, and I think they can all bring something to the table. IMO, it's player skill > gear > build
    Begonia ~ FVS Sorc Pali Barb Rngr Ftr Monk Rog Bard Cleric Druid Arti Wiz ~ Evoker FVS Completionist

  17. #17
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    The super high DC is better in epic quests.

    The PA/haste boost is better in raids.

    What do you like to do with your time?
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  18. #18
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    The super high DC is better in epic quests.

    The PA/haste boost is better in raids.

    What do you like to do with your time?
    Why can't we have both?

  19. #19
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Why can't we have both?
    for one thing, which feat would you give up for PA?. And second, your to hit on the first swing would be below +50, which for me is not acceptable, as you could no longer hit most mobs on a 2. You cant damage em if you cant hit em. I just cant see giving up any feat I have on this guy for PA, where it would be worth the trade-off.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  20. #20
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    What I see is this...

    No Haste Boost IV, no PA, Max assassinate DC. Sacrificed non situational damage in favor of situational damage and trash killing ability. This can be overcome with radiance or other means of rendering mob of his Dex bonus on AC but still if you go dual Greetings u must go bluff to to enable SA. On other hand u have good scrolling ability and u can be scroll healer in some raids but any decent raid party would prefer more for u to do damage then to heal.

    Trash is trash, if party's only way of disposing trash is assassin then that party has a problem.
    Libras of Khyber, Rogue 80.
    Malakatai of Khyber, TR Gimp, useless almost all the time.

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