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  1. #1
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Default Adjustment to Trap the Soul and Cannith Crafting

    I suggest to allow Trap the Soul to work on red/purple named under certain conditions - such as being under 1000 HP - to allow players to get soul gems of various raid bosses for super duper cool cannith crafting recipes.

    I think that this would be a great way to add new depth to raids. Turns out that it isn't good enough to actually kill the boss, instead, if you want the crafting mat you have to first get the boss to 1-3% of his HP and then survive long enough for an arcane to land a trap the soul spell.

    The recipes could be all sorts of things.

    /sign if you like the idea (though feel free to make suggestions on how it could be adjusted).

  2. #2
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    Neat idea but it would suck to be in a hard raid and tell the party to wait for your arcane to get the raid boss to fail his fort save against your trap the soul spell.

    If it was implemented then it needs to be a trap the soul debuff that persists for about 2 minutes so that an arcane can get a stone when the boss dies.

    What about all the melee that are there wanting to pick up your stone? I'd like the soul to drop like a treasure bag. Everyone can click the treasure bag and its not a ninja lootable item.

  3. #3
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barryman5000 View Post
    Neat idea but it would suck to be in a hard raid and tell the party to wait for your arcane to get the raid boss to fail his fort save against your trap the soul spell.

    If it was implemented then it needs to be a trap the soul debuff that persists for about 2 minutes so that an arcane can get a stone when the boss dies.

    What about all the melee that are there wanting to pick up your stone? I'd like the soul to drop like a treasure bag. Everyone can click the treasure bag and its not a ninja lootable item.
    Trap the Soul is a Will Save.

    The Debuff to get the Soul upon mob death sounds good - lets go with that.

    Yes, it'd sure be nice to have the Soul Gem come straight into my bag, rather than fall to the ground.

  4. #4
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barryman5000 View Post
    Neat idea but it would suck to be in a hard raid and tell the party to wait for your arcane to get the raid boss to fail his fort save against your trap the soul spell.

    If it was implemented then it needs to be a trap the soul debuff that persists for about 2 minutes so that an arcane can get a stone when the boss dies.

    What about all the melee that are there wanting to pick up your stone? I'd like the soul to drop like a treasure bag. Everyone can click the treasure bag and its not a ninja lootable item.
    Some very good points.

    One correction, Trap the Soul targets a will save so is significantly easier to get to land against most bosses than if it was a fort save.

    I definitely think that the added difficulty of landing a TTS spell on a boss under 1k HP to get the stone is the hurdle that would make it a challenge and worthwhile. If it's just another resource that you get by applying the debuff at the right time then it wouldn't be a good addition to the game.

    As far as what happens once you successfully trap the soul ... yes, I agree. I'd do it as a treasure bag that drops a fragment of the boss (so everyone gets a piece) then you need to collect x number of pieces to form a whole stone (just cause we know how people like to grind stuff). I don't know if it would be within the limits of scripting but making the amount of shards that drop as a fraction of the people in the raid could be an interesting incentive to solo/short man raids (solo it for a whole soul stone or run it 12 times in a full raid). Probably just a random amount of shards is fine though.

  5. #5
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    Never noticed it was a will save. Hmmmm.

    No wonder goes off so well. Thanks for the correction.

  6. #6
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I like the idea to insta kill purples, but I do have to suggest this:
    Upon a successfull Trap the Soul, the CASTER will recieve the soul gem directly into his backpack.
    Why should anyone else have the chance to ninja the gem, or why should anyone have it anyway? It is the caster who did all the work, he should have the privilege to sell or put the gem to use. That's the only fair thing to do.
    Don't compare this to treasure bags, because killing monsters in general is the purpose of most dungeons, and that doesn't require special resources like those precious khyber dragonshard fragements.

  7. #7
    Community Member masterzzan's Avatar
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    i don't mind trapping bosses souls (no reason they stay aloof).

    i do mind ANY soul gem used in crafting.

    so far i couldn't get even 1 soul stone from ah\trader because of their cost.
    i don't think that some crafting should be open only to arcane casters \ high levels that made their gs soul sucking weapons.

    this is a function that should be open to all crafters.

    and if you do use soul gems in crafting .use them for caster's recipes, like an undead soul stone for negative energy related recipes .
    bane weapons are mostly used by NON arcane casters. why do the ing for them can only be gained by casters?!?
    This Side UP

  8. #8
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterzzan View Post
    i don't mind trapping bosses souls (no reason they stay aloof).

    i do mind ANY soul gem used in crafting.

    so far i couldn't get even 1 soul stone from ah\trader because of their cost.
    i don't think that some crafting should be open only to arcane casters \ high levels that made their gs soul sucking weapons.

    this is a function that should be open to all crafters.

    and if you do use soul gems in crafting .use them for caster's recipes, like an undead soul stone for negative energy related recipes .
    bane weapons are mostly used by NON arcane casters. why do the ing for them can only be gained by casters?!?
    What's the issue with various crafting requiring a collaborate effort between various interested parties? Next you'll be suggesting that any quest/raid in the game should be able to be completed by any composition of characters regardless of the classes, builds, experience or gear.

    In regards to Trap the Soul spell, leveling a wizard is about the quickest leveling experience that you can get and even a completely f2p account can build a completely self sufficient character that can tackle just about any content solo (human or drow pure palemaster).

    If you're religious about not playing a wizard then you have other options available to you: friends, guildies, soultrap weapons or trading (AH, marketplace etc). If you don't wish to avail yourself of any of these options then I suppose that you won't be able to access this specific list of recipes.

    Finally, in this thread is the idea that should you successfully TTS a raid boss that every raid member will be able to pick up some soul gem fragments (like a collectible) to provide an incentive for everyone participate in such a difficult task.

  9. #9
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterzzan View Post
    i don't mind trapping bosses souls (no reason they stay aloof).

    i do mind ANY soul gem used in crafting.

    so far i couldn't get even 1 soul stone from ah\trader because of their cost.
    i don't think that some crafting should be open only to arcane casters \ high levels that made their gs soul sucking weapons.

    this is a function that should be open to all crafters.

    and if you do use soul gems in crafting .use them for caster's recipes, like an undead soul stone for negative energy related recipes .
    bane weapons are mostly used by NON arcane casters. why do the ing for them can only be gained by casters?!?
    You can easily get soul gems.

    1) Make a Greensteel Vacuum II Weapon
    2) use Greensteel Vacuum II Weapon on mob
    3) Collect Soul Stones
    4) ???
    5) Profit.

    Ok, the stone creation rate is low, and some people tend to ninja them when they see them on the ground, but it does work. That's how I made my stock for my Trapmaker... before they became unnecessary for trapmaking.
    Oh and the nice part is that you don't need the Dragonshards when using a Vacuum II weapon.
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  10. #10
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flavilandile View Post
    You can easily get soul gems.

    1) Make a Greensteel Vacuum II Weapon
    2) use Greensteel Vacuum II Weapon on mob
    3) Collect Soul Stones
    4) ???
    5) Profit.

    Ok, the stone creation rate is low, and some people tend to ninja them when they see them on the ground, but it does work. That's how I made my stock for my Trapmaker... before they became unnecessary for trapmaking.
    Oh and the nice part is that you don't need the Dragonshards when using a Vacuum II weapon.
    The essences you want the most are very hard to obtain this way i have one char with 2x Vac II peshe that i made pre U7 ( loved that 2 bad boys in epics and poof they were gone ). And i cant strike enough on that 5 earth elemental in forgotten caverns ( pa off, buffs off, neg lvl on ) to get more than 1 in 2 runs ( out of 10 elemental ).
    Imho easier (cheaper) to make epic soul eater

    You can't compare Vac II / tts proc ( item / wepon ) with the spell it self...
    Last edited by maha0201; 11-17-2011 at 04:36 AM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Urjak's Avatar
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    oh and please let it work on epic mobs => remove 30 hd limit on the highest tier version
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  12. #12
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urjak View Post
    oh and please let it work on epic mobs => remove 30 hd limit on the highest tier version
    30 HD version remains but a new one is introduced that works on any mob as long as it is below 1000 HP.

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