Ladies and Gentleman,
Please stop upgrading new raid items while leaving previously hard earned raid items left behind. You are running a DATABASE, which means you can upgrade every single item in that database. If you fail to do so it tells me that you are intentionally trying to force us to grind the same content again. Is that the intent?
Gianthold and Orchard items, I really expect you to upgrade our previously pulled items to the new upgrade able status. Not doing so just tells me you have no care of your player base (paying player base) whatsoever. No care of the customer, no intent to keep the customer happy.
I normally purchase every new pack the day it arrives. This time, forget it. If purchasing packs means that my old gear gets relegated to a bank slot while I have to re-grind for new gear, forget it, I'm quit spending money on this game until there is some respect for the customer. Heck I might even quit. Stop screwing us by making the same items now better but old items not able to upgrade. Its lame. The first time it happened with the old Dreamsplitter, I was upset. Now, its just silly, ALL the gear from Gianthold and Abbot? Really?
I can deal patiently with feat, gear, class, enhancement, and general mechanics changes as you endlessly try to balance a game that is forever impossible to balance. What I cannot deal with is getting the short end of the stick every time you decide to upgrade raid loot and leave everyone of your paying players out in the cold.
By the way, my madstone boots don't work, clicky does not work, proc does not work. I'm sure that your pristine customer service will actually never tell me why and probably not fix it, yet there are new madstone boots available if I run the raid again and again....right? Is that the expectation and intent? Get me to run that stuff again for your management reports? What is the intent over there at Turbine?