Anyone know if there are any plans to further develop the PvP system in the game? I'm not a huge pvp'er. It tends to accumulate the sort of "1337 I killz n00bz!" competitive types that I'm not really playing to compete against in the first place...
But I can see a lot of potential in it at the same time. Why not have raids where its 12 vs 12, or 6 vs 6 if lagg is an issue. somehow mathematically balanced enough to prevent there from being only one way/party/gear set to win. And have there be special rewards that can be won only through these challenges.
Another thing would be a kind of duelling arena/areas, where players/parties can agree on a wager of items/platinum before the challenge takes place. Winner takes all. Winning a certain amount of these fights might entitle a character to the occasional guild renown award, place on leaderboard, etc. or even access to rare gear.
And maybe a progressive player vs. npc arena, where items/platinum can be won/lost fighting against an ever increasing level of opponents. Have a public leaderboard posted and no upper limit aside from the skill of the player.
Basically, some optional pvp that can effect the game. It would open up a whole new dimension to things wouldnt it?