Must face it --- usernames (3 of them for some ancient reason..) and passwords for forum - for game - is now a mess I am lost in.
Question is : How can 'I' (in-game char) make contact with my proper DDO-page (that represents 'me' - the char...and 'my' alts...).
As it is now I have been so stupid as asking it to 'remember me', and since that, it only shows some blank stub page linked to wrong/passive username ...
The reason I did that was because i read in a forum post recently that we didnt have to log into forums by username/password each and every time if we accessed them via MyDDO.... not the best of advice in each and any case apparently..
I never use MyDDO for anything but lotteries anyway; but it would be nice if anyone could show me the button that can make MyDDO ACTUALLY remember 'me' - the char that calls on it and thus the page on which it is listed too .