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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Default drow air savant, fire/ice secondary

    1st: hypnotism, jump, nightshield, tumble
    2nd: blur, glitterdust, resist energy, web
    3rd: displacement, haste, rage, suggestion
    4th: dimension door, ice storm, repair critical damage, wall of fire
    5th: ball lightning, cloudkill, eladar's electric surge, niac's biting cold
    6th: chain lightning, disintegrate, otiluke's freezing sphere
    7th: delayed blast fireball, finger of death, prismatic spray
    8th: mass charm monster, otto's irresistable dance, polar ray
    9th: energy drain, hold monster mass, wail of the banshee

    incidentally these are my enhancements. i forgo critical modifiers for fire/ice but maxed out the critical chance

    Sorcerer Bloodline of Power 2
    Sorcerer Improved Maximize II 6
    Sorcerer Improved Heighten I 4
    Sorcerer Air Savant III 8
    Glacial Spellcasting VI 6
    Charged Spellcasting VI 6
    Combustive Spellcasting VI 6
    Deadly Shocks VI 6
    Frost Manipulation VII 7
    Storm Manipulation VII 7
    Flame Manipulation VII 7
    Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded 3
    Sorcerer Charisma III 12
    Last edited by drachine; 11-28-2011 at 10:20 AM. Reason: corrected added enhancements and spell list

  2. #22
    Community Member scoobmx's Avatar
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    Race: Warforged
    Build: Air Savant with crowd control secondary and tertiaries Cold, Fire, and Force
    Level 1 Spells: Jump, Nightshield, Magic Missile, Hypnotism
    Level 2 Spells: Web, Resist Energy, Knock, Gust of Wind
    Level 3 Spells: Displacement, Rage, Haste, Magic Circle against Evil
    Level 4 Spells: Wall of Fire, Ice Storm, Dimension Door, Crushing Despair
    Level 5 Spells: Eladar's, Niac's, Protection from Elements, Ball Lightning
    Level 6 Spells: Chain Lightning, Reconstruct, Disintegrate
    Level 7 Spells: Delayed Blase Fireball, Otto's Sphere of Dancing, Finger of Death
    Level 8 Spells: Polar Ray, Otto's Irresistable Dance, Symbol of Death
    Level 9 Spells: Mass Hold Monster, Wail of the Banshee, Energy Drain
    Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
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  3. #23
    Community Member Isharah's Avatar
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    Race: Human
    Build: Water savant, light secondary on force, single ranks on lighting. Nuker/spot CC.

    Lvl 1: Shield, Protection from Evil, Expeditious Retreat, Jump
    Lvl 2: Resist Energy, Web, Blur, Knock
    Lvl 3: Haste, Rage, Displace, Frost Lance
    Lvl 4: Stoneskin, Fire Shield, Force Missile, Ice Storm
    Lvl 5: Break Enchantment, Cone of Cold, Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold
    Lvl 6: Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone
    Lvl 7: Protection from Elements (Mass), Otto's Sphere of Dancing, Finger of Death
    Lvl 8: Otto's Irresistible Dance, Polar Ray, Power Word: Stun
    Lvl 9: Power Word: Kill, Energy Drain, Wail of the Banshee

    Scrolled: Invisibility, Greater Heroism, Dimension Door, Teleport, Globe of Invulnerability

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    If we get a few more lists, I could compile them and see what the most popular choices are. Could be a good resource for newer players, although it's also good to see whole lists, since there are synergies that might not show up on a composite.

  5. #25
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotSomeQuestions View Post
    If we get a few more lists, I could compile them and see what the most popular choices are. Could be a good resource for newer players, although it's also good to see whole lists, since there are synergies that might not show up on a composite.
    I was thinking of that at the start, but alone the combinations of fleshy/wf + primary + secondary allow at least 32 different setups which makes compiling rather tedious. If you want to volunteer for this task, be my guest.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  6. #26
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    I was just going to sort each spell level into staple (almost always used), common (often used), and unusual (more rarely used). Reconstruct might get two entries (staple for wf, unusual otherwise), but I think the rest will sort themselves out.

  7. #27
    Community Member zombieaon's Avatar
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    Since I got back from a year+ hiatus, I've been an earth savant on my TR'd Sorcerer and am really liking it. Earthgrab is an amazing CC spell, and the SP/damage ratio on acid spells is super efficient. I recently respec'd for fire secondary and am liking it alot. With superior fire lore on my cloak and superior acid lore on my boots combined with the elemental essence ring, I'm very happy with the numbers

    Race: Human
    Build: Earth Savant, Fire secondary, CC/Nuker

    Lvl 1: Nightshield, Protection from Evil, Magic Missile, Jump
    Lvl 2: Resist Energy, Web, Blur, Scorching Ray
    Lvl 3: Haste, Rage, Displace, Acid Blast
    Lvl 4: Acid Rain, Fire Shield, Dimension Door, Firewall
    Lvl 5: Break Enchantment, Protection from Elements, Cloudkill, Teleport
    Lvl 6: Greater Heroism, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone
    Lvl 7: Delayed Blast Fireball, Waves of Exhaustion, Finger of Death
    Lvl 8: Black Dragon Bolt, Symbol of Death, Power Word: Stun
    Lvl 9: Mass Hold Monster, Meteor Swarm, Wail of the Banshee
    Gods & Generals

  8. #28
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    Okay, here's the current breakdown. I ended up with four categories. There were 16 full lists (although several were missing a spell), so I counted every spell that was in at least 15 of the lists as a staple, everything that was in 9-14 of the lists as common, everything that showed up 4-8 times as uncommon, and everything that showed up on less than a quarter of the lists as rare.

    Level One!
    Staples: Jump, (Night)shield (I counted these as one spell)
    Common: none
    Uncommon: Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Magic Missile, Hypnotism
    Rare: Detect Secret Doors, Feather Fall, Tumble

    Level Two!
    Staples: Resist Energy, Web
    Common: Blur, Knock
    Uncommon: none
    Rare: Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Gust of Wind, Glitterdust

    Level Three!
    Staples: Haste, Rage, Displacement
    Common: none
    Uncommon: Magic Circle Against Evil
    Rare: Acid Blast, Chain Missiles, Repair Serious Damage, Frost Lance, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Energy, Halt Undead, Suggestion

    Level Four!
    Staples: none
    Common: Dimension Door, Ice Storm, Fire Shield
    Uncommon: Wall of Fire, Acid Rain, Stoneskin, Crushing Despair
    Rare: Enervation, Solid Fog, Repair Critical Damage, Force Missiles, Phantasmal Killer

    Level Five!
    Staples: Niac's Biting Cold
    Common: Eladar's Electric Surge
    Uncommon: Cloudkill, Ball Lightning, Protection from Elements, Break Enchantment, Cone of Cold
    Rare: Teleport, Cyclonic Blast, Waves of Fatigue

    Level Six!
    Staples: Disintegrate
    Common: none
    Uncommon: Reconstruct (Staple for WF), Chain Lightning, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Greater Heroism, Circle of Death
    Rare: Flesh to Stone, Acid Fog

    Level Seven!
    Staples: none
    Common: Finger of Death, Otto's Sphere of Dancing
    Uncommon: Waves of Exhaustion, Mass Protection from Elements, Delayed Blast Fireball
    Rare: Prismatic Spray, Banishment

    Level Eight!
    Staples: none
    Common: Polar Ray, Otto's Irresistible Dance
    Uncommon: Symbol of Death, Power Word: Stun
    Rare: Black Dragon Bolt, Summon Monster VIII, Trap the Soul, Mass Charm Monster

    Level Nine!
    Staples: Wail of the Banshee
    Common: Energy Drain, Mass Hold Monster
    Uncommon: Meteor Swarm, Power Word: Kill
    Rare: none

  9. #29
    Community Member Xiadais's Avatar
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    Before I TR'ed my sorc into a wizard, slightly after House Cannith but before I had the pack:

    Drow Pure Water Savant, Secondary Elec, Nuker + CC

    1: Exped. Retreat, Hypnotism, Jump, Nightshield
    2: Blur, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, Web
    3: Chain Missiles, Displacement, Haste, Rage
    4: DDoor, Enervation, Fire Shield, Ice Storm
    5: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold
    6: Disintegrations, Flesh to Stone, Greater Heroism
    7: Banishment, Finger of Death, Otto's Sphere of Dancing
    8: Black Dragon Bolt, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Polar Ray
    9: Energy Drain, Wail of the Banshee, Mass Hold Monster

    If I would go back to it (well, WHEN), with MOAR DCs:
    1: Hypnotism, Jump, Nightshield, Detect Secret Doors?
    2: Blur, Knock, Resist Energy, Web
    3: Displacement, Rage, Haste, STINKING CLOUD (for concealment when asked for, unless it doesn't work)
    4: Crushing Despair, Dimension Door, Fire Shield, Ice Storm
    5: Break Enchantment, Cone of Cold, Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold
    6: Circle of Death, Flesh to Stone, Greater Heroism
    7: Finger of Death, Otto's Sphere of Dancing, Prismatic Spray (maybe something else instead)
    8: Black Dragon Bolt, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Polar Ray
    9: Energy Drain, Mass Hold Monster, Wail of the Banshee (maybe/probably PWK or Meteor Swarm in place of Energy Drain)

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