So the day after the patch I found that all my non named armor had been bleached, Ive lost 2 mithral full plates, one in Red and one in Dark Bronze. both now look like the Full plate of the defender and make me sick to look at. And my 3 different colored darkleaf bandeds are also now all a sickly green. Does anyone have more info on this bug than I do. I've allready submited tickets and bug reports, and turbine says they are looking into the bug. But on the other hand the tickets come back telling me its WAI, or that there is no knowledge of it being an issue. Has this happened before with a patch, do they successfully repair it, or is it a ploy to sell the new armor kits?
It's extremely frustrating to me, that now that i can craft armors using the nice looking ones i saved over nearly 2 years of playing, a week after i do so they destroy them.