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  1. #1
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    Default How many Hitpoints should a Sorcerer Have at 20?

    So... U12 came out. I joined a Hard Shroud as a Fire Sorc with 280 Hitpoints, 3073 sp and got booted for not having enough Hitpoints! Never has this ever happend to me. I have high umd and can self heal.

    My stats are:

    Str 16
    Dex 18
    Con 24
    Int 12
    Wis 10
    Cha 34

    I have worked on my dc and sr and usually have no issues killing in normal raids (greater evocation feat and item, +1,2 and +3 Cha items). However I am not a TR.

    How many HP should a non Tr sorc have to be raid/epic ready? Someone told me I should have 400, but what I would have to give up to have that would decrease the effectiveness of my spells.
    Last edited by Gametym; 11-10-2011 at 01:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    you don't have to give up anything. you just have to stack your HP gear. 280 is a *tad* on the low side.

    you want
    toughness the feat +20
    all the toughness enhancements that go with it +20 (?)
    a toughness item (minos legens, thaarak bracer, slotted into epic item, etc) +20
    a GFL item (great ones to try to get your hands on... amrath belts. +6 con +30HP. yay!)
    you've been turned down once, but keep trying, get into as many shrouds as will take you and craft a HP item. there's another 45hp there

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  3. #3
    Community Member Seager52's Avatar
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    It look like as the above poster said you dont have the toughness feat.

    This is very important for all classes. You will loose a magical feat, from your SP i would imagine you have mental toughness...drop this one for toughness.

    Toughness will give you 23 HP at lvl 20 +20 hp from enhancements = 43

    That will a Greater Flase Life Items will give you for a 24 con sorc 312 HP

    If you add a minos legend then your at 332. Add a GS HP item (45hp) then your at 377. Now with tomes or Yugo pots you can get to 400 for the needed raids/epics.

    400 on a caster is very nice for very hard raids and epics. now if you were doing like rainbow on hard then you dont need 400 so dont use a yugo pot for that.

    It is very gear and resourse intensive but if your trying to do the very hard raids and epics that require these items are needed for your class.
    Seager, Seagar, Jayrixx, Dezaray, Guiled, Glorysong

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  4. #4
    Community Member Fejj's Avatar
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    280 is way too low - I wouldn't boot you. But if your asking, there it is..

    The recommended hit points for your level 20 Sorcerer should be:

    80 - Level 20 Sorc
    140 - 24 Con
    20 - Heroic Durability (all get for free at level 1)
    30 - Greater False Life
    280 - Most likely you are here.

    22 - Toughness Feat
    30 - Toughness Enhancements
    10 - Gianthold Favor
    20 - Toughness Item
    352 - You should get here as soon as possible

    45 - GreenSteel HP Item
    397 - Recommended for a first life character.
    Last edited by Fejj; 11-10-2011 at 01:39 PM. Reason: Adjust toughness from 23 to 22 - Thanks Bandyman1

  5. #5
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    Being honest here.

    280 for Lvl 20 very low.
    People will assume that you actually worked at getting it that low

    You probably should show your stat break down, starting stats. Why a 16 str ?
    What was your starting con ?
    What race ?

    Do you have toughness ? Greensteal +45 HP item ? GFL or SFL item ?

    And you can bet it will happen again, especially if you try joining Epics, eDQ2 good luck surviving that and
    now Shroud with the blade damage.

  6. #6
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    Should have around 400 or so but I wouldn't boot but if you started dying to much I might just carry stone for awhile until the danger was gone or the quest was complete

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
    Community Member zeonardo's Avatar
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    300ish non wf
    400ish wf

    Uber Twinked Geared powergamer players out there thinking every player can get in 1 week all the gears they got back then before those buffs.
    500ish non wf (or moar)
    600ish wf (or moar)

    Shroud runs (any race)
    OVER 9000!!!!!!!!
    I don't care...

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    It can certainly hurt to be on the receiving end of a nerf

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeonardo View Post
    Shroud runs (any race)
    OVER 9000!!!!!!!!

    QFT LOL, nice one.

  9. #9
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    After seeing every other poster here get close, yet still miss the mark;

    The Toughness feat gives 22 HPs at level 20. It's 3 at level one, +1 for each additional level ( 19 in total ) = 22.

    /shrugs. Not being snarky, just saying
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  10. #10
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    i r bad at maths.

    thanks Bandyman

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  11. #11
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    You can look at my caster who sits at 407:

    He's not the best geared but he is pretty good. Having the extra build points of a second life helped a bit - I maxed CHA and then put plenty into CON to start with 16 (I think - not online to check).

    As stated by the posts above, I have the amrath belt that provides +6 CON and GLF, 1 toughness feat and all the toughness enhancements I could get, plus my boots are con op/HP.

    If you have taken mental toughness then I advise respeccing to pick up the regular toughness. You really shouldn't need 3000 SP - I rarely run out. Having a Torc and con op definately helps with that, so I would recommend to continue shrouding until you can get a con op/HP item which not only boosts HP but will allow you to make up for the lost spell points from ditching mental toughness.
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  12. #12
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    Depends what you want to run. For hard epics I'd recommend 400+ at least. 500+ is nice but not necessary.
    I don't quite understand what you mean by having a +1,+2,+3 cha item. Stat boosting items do not stack as
    a general rule (i.e. you should have a +6 cha item). You can get exceptional cha +1 and +2 from either a
    crafted shroud weapon or from ToD rings. From Fejj's breakdown you can see getting close to 400 is not hard
    if you can grab a +1 and +2 except con on a tod ring that helps a bit (depending on race you might not be able
    to get 30 hp from toughness enhancements just 20). If you haven't used a +2 con tome that's another 20 hp
    that can be gotten fairly readily.

    The thing I would advise though is don't join hard raids until you're fairly geared. It's lately become all the rage
    to run raids on hard and people feel it's the usual thing to do. It never used to be that way and as they
    upped the difficulty it probably should stop again. I didn't set foot in hard Shroud/VoD/ToD till my caster
    had 450 sustainable hp's and didn't do elites till I could stay above 500. That doesn't mean you actually need
    that many hp (I'm sure you can manage with high 300's) it's more about the fact that you sort of put off
    the harder content until you're better geared and have mastered the raid on normal.
    Last edited by Rawel_San; 11-10-2011 at 02:12 PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member Seager52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeonardo View Post
    300ish non wf
    400ish wf

    Uber Twinked Geared powergamer players out there thinking every player can get in 1 week all the gears they got back then before those buffs.
    500ish non wf (or moar)
    600ish wf (or moar)

    Shroud runs (any race)
    OVER 9000!!!!!!!!
    I will agree that general content is fine for spellcasters to have 300ish.

    However, what is annoying is when new players get to 20 and join Epic Devils Assault with 300 HP. Im sorry but no you are not ready.

    We dont expect you to get all this gear to do these quests in a fact we dont care how long it takes you.

    But you should understand that the hard end game content is for those charaters that have already completed and attained the gear from lower content.

    If you want to roll with us on the top end content a week after you cap your first toon, then yes, we expect you to have gotten all the above posted gear before hand.

    Its like starting a job and after one week you want a promotion when you are just not ready for it.

    I have played this game since beta and I will tell you right now that when I made a new toon recently I would not take him into th eend game hard content until I got him prepared. Why? Because I want to help the team not drag them down.

    There are plenty of quests and raids that you do not have to be uber geared to when...but if it has the word EPIC in front of it, you had better be geared and ready.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gametym View Post
    So... U12 came out. I joined a Hard Shroud as a Fire Sorc with 280 Hitpoints, 3073 sp and got booted for not having enough Hitpoints! Never has this ever happend to me. I have high umd and can self heal.

    My stats are:

    Str 16
    Dex 18
    Con 24
    Int 12
    Wis 10
    Cha 34

    I have worked on my dc and sr and usually have no issues killing in normal raids (greater evocation feat and item, +1,2 and +3 Cha items). However I am not a TR.

    How many HP should a non Tr sorc have to be raid/epic ready? Someone told me I should have 400, but what I would have to give up to have that would decrease the effectiveness of my spells.

    If you are a Sorc/wiz your second highest stat should be Con you need no dex, str, or wis

    Isnsightful Reflex for wiz and Force of Personality for Sorc. The thing of it all is that we have ALL doen said quest below 300 HP on a Arcane for those that have not they have only done it @20. Best advice do what you can with what you have if they boot you for Hp lacking in Shroud for under 300 be GLAD they did so.

  15. #15
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    I would say a little on the low side, but nothing to get worried about. Check my signature.


  16. #16
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    Default Thanks!

    Thanks to everyone for the quick and specific suggestions. I did have the mental toughness and thanks to your suggestions switched it for toughness and selected toughness in my enchantments.

    For those that asked, I currently do have a +6 con item, Greater false life item and +3 exceptional con item and a +2 tome. With all those items I am at 322 currently. I will get a toughness item and the =10 from GH which will easily get me to 352 which is very nice trade off only loosing 65 sp (still above 3k). when I cast false life spell It will give me an additonal 20 boost too.

    For the record I wasnt attempting a Epic... it was just a Hard Shroud.

    Thank you all! Very helpful
    Last edited by Gametym; 11-10-2011 at 02:45 PM.

  17. #17
    Community Member Diyon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gametym View Post
    Thanks to everyone for the quick and specific suggestions. I did have the mental toughness and thanks to your suggestions switched it for toughness and selected toughness in my enchantments.

    For those that asked, I currently do have a +6 con item, Greater false life item and +3 exceptional con item and a +2 tome. With all those items I am at 322 currently. I will get a toughness item and the =10 from GH which will easily get me to 352 which is very nice trade off only loosing 65 sp (still above 3k). when I cast false life spell It will give me an additonal 20 boost too.

    For the record I wasnt attempting a Epic... it was just a Hard Shroud.

    Thank you all! Very helpful
    Temp HP is nice, but don't count false life to your HP total since its not constant (doesn't come back when healed). However, the rage spell for +2 con (20 HP) is good to keep the HP up.

    Also shroud, especially hard and elite, got harder. The blades hurt.

    Work on that GS hp item and you'll be good to go.

    As others have said, the HP bar to work at at least hitting is about 350-400 HP at lvl 20.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    If you are a Sorc/wiz your second highest stat should be Con you need no dex, str, or wis
    Gonna have to disagree here. Circle gets the square.

    As a sorc/wiz you should max (or come close) your primary stat, CHA/INT. Next is CON, but ignore STR at your own risk. Not only will it help at lower levels when you are still swinging the ol' greataxe, but at higher levels it will prevent you from being encumbered. This is an inconvenience for most of the game but, for example, when kiting the shadowfiends in ToD encumbered = dead.

    There should be enough points in any guild to give a little love to STR.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fejj View Post
    280 is way too low - I wouldn't boot you. But if your asking, there it is..

    The recommended hit points for your level 20 Sorcerer should be:

    80 - Level 20 Sorc
    140 - 24 Con
    20 - Heroic Durability (all get for free at level 1)
    30 - Greater False Life
    280 - Most likely you are here.

    22 - Toughness Feat
    30 - Toughness Enhancements
    10 - Gianthold Favor
    20 - Toughness Item
    352 - You should get here as soon as possible

    45 - GreenSteel HP Item
    397 - Recommended for a first life character.

    I second that.
    Making a 45 HP Green steel item can be very simple, you can make one with only 2 large devil scales (Triple negative, if I'm not mistaken). (although a conc opp 45 HP items is probably better, with 5 large devil scales).

    If you're a human or half elf you can also take Greater Adaptability: constitution and eat a +1 con tome. That will add 20 HP, and will unlock the third Racial Toughness, so that's +30 HP Right there.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gametym View Post
    Thanks to everyone for the quick and specific suggestions. I did have the mental toughness and thanks to your suggestions switched it for toughness and selected toughness in my enchantments.

    For those that asked, I currently do have a +6 con item, Greater false life item and +3 exceptional con item and a +2 tome. With all those items I am at 322 currently. I will get a toughness item and the =10 from GH which will easily get me to 352 which is very nice trade off only loosing 65 sp (still above 3k). when I cast false life spell It will give me an additonal 20 boost too.

    For the record I wasnt attempting a Epic... it was just a Hard Shroud.

    Thank you all! Very helpful
    awesome. glad that helped! you may have been turned down because of the recent upgrade to shroud's blades.

    keep at it. you'll get it

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