Originally Posted by
Thanks all, that is very helpful.
As far as the unarmed attacks animations were concerned:
a) they were noticeably slower than the one-handed and TWF attack animations right from the start
b) one both occasions I ran the one-minute-test the attack sequence seemed to slow down or break. It had been a slow punch-punch-kick cycle but after 40 secs or so it started to do punch-kick-pause then punch-kick-pause. So the attack rate was a lot slower for those final 20 seconds.
Good to know that unarmed is pretty useless for a non-monk. I had been thinking of crafting a set of acid handwraps of lesser ooze bane to use at level 3 against oozes. If the attack rate is that much slower I am now reconsidering. Trouble is that everbright has a min level of 3, so I could use TWF with everbright warhammer / everbright light mace but I couldn't craft anything else onto the weapons until level 5.
Anyone have an opinion or a better idea than the above with respect to oozes? Maybe I should just go with the handwraps (1d3+2d6) and accept the lower attack speed...