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  1. #21
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    Default A true inspiration.

    This build is amazing. I will definitely play it, once I reach my monk life.
    I was hoping to go monk -> rogue -> Ranger, but I'll change my order just to benefit this build more. Ranger -> Monk
    I will also have wiz, sorc, barb, paly, fighter PL to go along with it :P
    Last edited by Such755; 11-11-2011 at 04:09 AM.

  2. #22
    Community Member MeatSheild's Avatar
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    Ok, so, I'm stupid... I see your stats and I tried to break them down but I'm missing alot and I'm hoping you can help a fool out here.
    STR 14 base +11 from gear + 2 StD + 2 ship +3 tome = 32 (assuming kyosho's ring otherwise only need +2 tome to hit your 30)
    Dex 16 base +12 from gear - 2 earth stance +2 enh +2 ship +2 yugo +4 tome = 30 (i think I'm right)
    Con 14 base +9 from gear +9 from build +3 tome +2 ship = 34 (I think I got that right as well)
    Int 13 base -1 gear +2 ship = 14 (yours only shows 13, no ship but a +1 tome? not that this matters one bit as long as the base is 13)
    Wis 16 base +5 lv ups -1 gear + 1 gear (none of the gear listed adds to wis other than sloted +1) +3 tome +2 ship +2 yugo = 28 leaving me 7 short (of your 35) with kyosho's (or any other +6 Wisdom ToD ring) and a +4 tome I can get your 35
    Chr 8 base +7 gear +2ship +3 tome = 20 (i think I have this right too)

    Why encrusted ring? You'd lose your guild slot belt for the set bonus and you could take Kyosho's for more str or if you get a +4 Str and Con tome the War priest ring (set on that might not be to bad for epics if there is and issue with to-hit) would yeild and extra two con (36 thats 22 more hp) and take you str up to 32. Personaly with the way +3 tomes are now I think I'll stick with kyosho's or something simlular (one of the slotted +1's with the wis +6 would be fine and yeild the same effect).

    Also as a side thought I will be tr'ing my pali into this build and will most likely only be using it when a tank is needed. In this case would human be a better idea for the extra feat and skill points? Also is the pali active pl feat worth taking for this (as I dont have a ranger pl)?
    Last edited by MeatSheild; 11-11-2011 at 05:06 PM.

  3. #23
    2016, 2018 Player Council Member Ziindarax's Avatar
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    Default Questions about the build...

    Seeing as raids were made harder (and it's not always possible to be in static groups/guilds good enough to actually beat the Raid Boss of Epic Chrono), does one HAVE to have the loot you listed?

    What loot can I substitute in until I get the loot listed in your build?

    Also, is there any chance you could break this build down level by level? (There's no way, I am wasting money on +5 hearts of wood just to arrive at the build, and trying to "guesswork plug" your build into Ron's Character Planner is rather painful).

    Don't get me wrong, I think you have a good build. Going for completionist, I think this build would be a nice way t oget through the monk life.
    Last edited by Ziindarax; 11-11-2011 at 08:12 PM.
    Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien

    Fernian Summer Carnival

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeatSheild View Post
    Ok, so, I'm stupid... I see your stats and I tried to break them down but I'm missing alot and I'm hoping you can help a fool out here.
    STR 14 base +11 from gear + 2 StD + 2 ship +3 tome = 32 (assuming kyosho's ring otherwise only need +2 tome to hit your 30)
    Dex 16 base +12 from gear - 2 earth stance +2 enh +2 ship +2 yugo +4 tome = 30 (i think I'm right)
    Con 14 base +9 from gear +9 from build +3 tome +2 ship = 34 (I think I got that right as well)
    Int 13 base -1 gear +2 ship = 14 (yours only shows 13, no ship but a +1 tome? not that this matters one bit as long as the base is 13)
    Wis 16 base +5 lv ups -1 gear + 1 gear (none of the gear listed adds to wis other than sloted +1) +3 tome +2 ship +2 yugo = 28 leaving me 7 short (of your 35) with kyosho's (or any other +6 Wisdom ToD ring) and a +4 tome I can get your 35
    Chr 8 base +7 gear +2ship +3 tome = 20 (i think I have this right too)

    Why encrusted ring? You'd lose your guild slot belt for the set bonus and you could take Kyosho's for more str or if you get a +4 Str and Con tome the War priest ring (set on that might not be to bad for epics if there is and issue with to-hit) would yeild and extra two con (36 thats 22 more hp) and take you str up to 32. Personaly with the way +3 tomes are now I think I'll stick with kyosho's or something simlular (one of the slotted +1's with the wis +6 would be fine and yeild the same effect).

    Also as a side thought I will be tr'ing my pali into this build and will most likely only be using it when a tank is needed. In this case would human be a better idea for the extra feat and skill points? Also is the pali active pl feat worth taking for this (as I dont have a ranger pl)?
    Str 14
    Dex 16
    Con 14
    Int 12
    Wis 16
    Cha 8

    Strength 14 + 7 item + 3 profane 3 pc epic abishai set + 2 defender stance + 2 ship + 2 tome = 30
    Dex 16 + 7 item + 1 slotted exceptional + 2 alchemical + 2 ship +4 tome +1 helf enhancement +1 rogue dilettante dex +2 yugo pots - 2 greater mountain stance = 34
    Int 12 + 2 tome - 1 Epic Brawns Spirit = 13 (Assume he skips the int shrine on ship as that's useless, whereas he would have had to have eaten a tome to get CE)
    Con 14 + 6 item + 2 ship + 2 tome + 2 defender stance +1 helf enhancement + 3 greater mountain stance +1 exceptional +2 exceptional epic brawns spirt = 33, all I can guess is he really has a +3 tome
    Wis 16 + 6 conc opp goggles + 5 level ups + 2 ship + 2 tome +2 monk wisdom +1 exceptional slotted +2 yugo -1 epic brawn spirt = 35
    Cha 8 +7 item +2 tome +2 ships = 19 Maybe a +3 tome? Haven't read anywhere that he's slotting exceptional charisma

    I'm looking for one of the Barbarian rings just to get the extra +1 exceptional str since I don't already have that slotted into my epics.
    Pretty sure he's not planning on a ToD set. But I suppose he may for dps mode. Ravager set dosn't work with handwraps. Not sure about Frenzied set. Warpriest I believe has issues with the attack bonus stacking with other items. Probably could come up with something if you cared. Dunno.

    If you go human, you give up 1 point of dex from helf rogue dille, which is AC. He has mentioned replacing ranger PL with toughness. I also have a paladin PL and am thinking about it. It should be 6 minutes of +3/+3 at level 20. That doesn't seem horrible.
    Last edited by chippkipp; 11-12-2011 at 10:32 AM.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by chippkipp View Post


    If you go human, you give up 1 point of dex from helf rogue dille, which is AC. He has mentioned replacing ranger PL with toughness. I also have a paladin PL and am thinking about it. It should be 6 minutes of +3/+3 at level 20. That doesn't seem horrible.
    Your guesswork is amazing. Everything is spot on. Yes, I used a +3 con tome. Wisdom 6 comes from GS HP conc op goggles and +1 exceptional slotted. I have an extra +1 exceptional cha from Band of Siberys.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziindarax View Post
    Seeing as raids were made harder (and it's not always possible to be in static groups/guilds good enough to actually beat the Raid Boss of Epic Chrono), does one HAVE to have the loot you listed?

    What loot can I substitute in until I get the loot listed in your build?

    Also, is there any chance you could break this build down level by level?
    As stated in the introduction, this build is ~heavilly~ dependant on gear. Without the chrono set, you'd miss out on +3 profane natural AC as well as +3 profane str, not to mention +7 stat items such as the helm. If you want to tank the best of the best raids, such as LoB on Hard and only be hit on a natural 20, you'll need all the AC gear. Just getting through the monk life? Don't even bother with the epic gear then since as soon as you hit 20, you should be moving onto your next life anyways.

    You'll need to explain which of my items specifically you think will be a problem in order for me to suggest replacements. I have too many items listed to go through each one. In one of my early replies, I listed suggested levels to take. 12 monk, 6 fighter, 2 paladin shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Just prioritize what you want and when. If you want Touch of Death fast, then take the monk levels early. If you want the extra 10% hp from fighter 6, then take that early.

    Quote Originally Posted by MeatSheild View Post
    Why encrusted ring? You'd lose your guild slot belt for the set bonus and you could take Kyosho's for more str or if you get a +4 Str and Con tome the War priest ring (set on that might not be to bad for epics if there is and issue with to-hit) would yeild and extra two con (36 thats 22 more hp) and take you str up to 32. Personaly with the way +3 tomes are now I think I'll stick with kyosho's or something simlular (one of the slotted +1's with the wis +6 would be fine and yeild the same effect).

    Also as a side thought I will be tr'ing my pali into this build and will most likely only be using it when a tank is needed. In this case would human be a better idea for the extra feat and skill points? Also is the pali active pl feat worth taking for this (as I dont have a ranger pl)?
    As Chippkipp stated, I don't plan on using the encrusted set. Just the exceptional +1 str unless I'm doing an epic and just want extra dps. War Priest set isn't bad. I'm thinking about snatching some Epic Spectral Gloves for the +4 to hit, but would hate to miss out on the 30% heal amp from the Epic Gloves of Claw. Artificers love being able to scroll heal me for over 500 a pop. =D I personally suggest half elf for the +1 dex as well as insane 3d6 sneaks for epics, but human is a great second choice for an additional toughness. Paladin past life isn't bad. It's not long enough to last through VoD, LoB, or Epic Abashai though. It'll mainly just be for ToD I guess. I'd just take more toughness personally.

    I took weapon focus and specialization because my previous Emerald build was lacking in dps. This monk version does rediculous dps though, so I think I'll be swapping those two feats out for more toughness to last longer as a tank. After 27 successful runs, I had my first LoB whipe on Hard recently. Got stunned by the LoB in the middle of dog goo. =/ That was a horrible combination...
    Last edited by Droken; 11-13-2011 at 12:04 PM.
    Cannith Server - Kelida - Myriad - Sylmeria - A Tribe Called Zerg
    * Founder of The Emerald build and The Emerald v 2.0
    * First melee to have ever soloed VoD on Hard

  6. #26
    2016, 2018 Player Council Member Ziindarax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Droken View Post
    Your guesswork is amazing. Everything is spot on. Yes, I used a +3 con tome. Wisdom 6 comes from GS HP conc op goggles and +1 exceptional slotted. I have an extra +1 exceptional cha from Band of Siberys.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziindarax View Post
    Seeing as raids were made harder (and it's not always possible to be in static groups/guilds good enough to actually beat the Raid Boss of Epic Chrono), does one HAVE to have the loot you listed?

    What loot can I substitute in until I get the loot listed in your build?

    Also, is there any chance you could break this build down level by level?
    As stated in the introduction, this build is ~heavilly~ dependant on gear. Without the chrono set, you'd miss out on +3 profane natural AC as well as +3 profane str, not to mention +7 stat items such as the helm. If you want to tank the best of the best raids, such as LoB on Hard and only be hit on a natural 20, you'll need all the AC gear. Just getting through the monk life? Don't even bother with the epic gear then since as soon as you hit 20, you should be moving onto your next life anyways.

    You'll need to explain which of my items specifically you think will be a problem in order for me to suggest replacements. I have too many items listed to go through each one. In one of my early replies, I listed suggested levels to take. 12 monk, 6 fighter, 2 paladin shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Just prioritize what you want and when. If you want Touch of Death fast, then take the monk levels early. If you want the extra 10% hp from fighter 6, then take that early.

    As Chippkipp stated, I don't plan on using the encrusted set. Just the exceptional +1 str unless I'm doing an epic and just want extra dps. War Priest set isn't bad. I'm thinking about snatching some Epic Spectral Gloves for the +4 to hit, but would hate to miss out on the 30% heal amp from the Epic Gloves of Claw. Artificers love being able to scroll heal me for over 500 a pop. =D I personally suggest half elf for the +1 dex as well as insane 3d6 sneaks for epics, but human is a great second choice for an additional toughness. Paladin past life isn't bad. It's not long enough to last through VoD, LoB, or Epic Abashai though. It'll mainly just be for ToD I guess. I'd just take more toughness personally.

    I took weapon focus and specialization because my previous Emerald build was lacking in dps. This monk version does rediculous dps though, so I think I'll be swapping those two feats out for more toughness to last longer as a tank. After 27 successful runs, I had my first LoB whipe on Hard recently. Got stunned by the LoB in the middle of dog goo. =/ That was a horrible combination...

    I think, for me anyways, the problem lies in getting the Epic Chronoscope loot. The main reason being that this build may not be able to 1) solo farm the scrolls, and 2) solo-farm the seals/shards needed to get items to epic. Getting the core items should be pretty easy imo (just need to farm chrono above level with a loot farm party). Additionally, there's the problem of assembling a skilled group of players to successfully run this raid without having to join their guilds on the Orien server.

    So where the slots taken up by the Chronoscope loot are the slots in which I seek an alternative. I am not entirely convinced on the Icy Raiments, and the Cove gauntlets offer the same +7, with the benefits of Glass Jaw Strike (which adds some respectable DPS IMO. Although the Gloves of the Claw would be much easier to get than the Chronoscope loot).

    As far as classes go: while I am aiming for completionist, I also like to spend a couple months in between TR's to enjoy the build that I've worked so hard to get to 20.
    Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien

    Fernian Summer Carnival

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ziindarax View Post
    As far as classes go: while I am aiming for completionist, I also like to spend a couple months in between TR's to enjoy the build that I've worked so hard to get to 20.
    I understand completely. That's why my leveling toon is only on her 6th life meanwhile our master leveler Lotusfly in our guild is already on his 30th life or so. =S I like to park at 20 sometimes and enjoy the build.

    There's no way this build can solo anything required for the epic chrono seals. The scrolls are actually possible though. The high stunning fist DC allows you to kill normal mobs with pretty relative ease.

    Chrono is an epic raid though, and it's not meant to be solo'd. You're ~supposed~ to be in a raid force. For farming purposes, casters and fvs are the way to go normally. This is a melee build. On our server, Cannith, we see pug lfm's for chrono all the time. It's not that big of a deal. If you want some of the best of the best gear, you're gunna have to find some way to raid for it.

    Icy Raiments are irreplacable. Nothing comes even close. It's the only cloth armor that adds +4 dodge AC. If you totally can't get the chrono set items, then I would suggest epic helm of moranon or however you spell it from Epic Velah, Epic Jidz Tetka from house D chain, and Epic Cove Gauntlets.
    Last edited by Droken; 11-15-2011 at 05:42 AM.
    Cannith Server - Kelida - Myriad - Sylmeria - A Tribe Called Zerg
    * Founder of The Emerald build and The Emerald v 2.0
    * First melee to have ever soloed VoD on Hard

  8. #28
    Community Member Rosze's Avatar
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    Default Your opinion ...

    K i don't have helf so ill go wit human cause of that I'm thinking going 12monk,6 fighter, 1 rogue 1X( your opinion on this) rogue is only for umd.

    Also wouldn't light monk give this build nay good or dark the way to go. I see the benefits but in ToD its nice to have a light monk so would it be a complete miss judgment on my side ?

    Think i might have something wrong but don't see a loss in saves really:
    reflex 8monk+2 rogue+2 fighter+ 24dex and wis+ 5 resistance+4 gh=45 if really needed ocean stance for +4 saves
    actually think i might might have confused here... wisdom not affecting saves... well ill know in a sec for sure

    Well is wisdom is not counted towards saves its only 37 in water stance so i could see a problem well correct me cause someone else will know better..

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by 94daniel View Post
    K i don't have helf so ill go wit human cause of that I'm thinking going 12monk,6 fighter, 1 rogue 1X( your opinion on this) rogue is only for umd.

    Also wouldn't light monk give this build nay good or dark the way to go. I see the benefits but in ToD its nice to have a light monk so would it be a complete miss judgment on my side ?

    Think i might have something wrong but don't see a loss in saves really:
    reflex 8monk+2 rogue+2 fighter+ 24dex and wis+ 5 resistance+4 gh=45 if really needed ocean stance for +4 saves
    actually think i might might have confused here... wisdom not affecting saves... well ill know in a sec for sure

    Well is wisdom is not counted towards saves its only 37 in water stance so i could see a problem well correct me cause someone else will know better..

    You cannot have levels from more than 3 different classes.

    Light monk is a DPS loss compared to dark monk (touch of death.. curses...etc) iirc

    Regarding light monk in Tod, you have enough AC that getting stunned in Tod is really more of an annoyance than a threat (unless you somehow get disintegrated (and roll a 1 on your save), and Horroth suddenly rolls several 20's in a row...before anyone is 'unstunned' ...rather unlikely)

    Losing pally means no charisma modifier to [all] saves. (so.. ~5 less on all saves)
    Losing pally means no LoH for emergency free heals. (60 * healing amp) hp each.

    Ocean stance means less hp, less damage reduction... less DPS from lower str/no mountain bonuses, and less threat gen from losing mountain stance.

    Why are you adding wisdom to reflex save?
    Last edited by Darknark; 11-14-2011 at 04:07 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  10. #30
    Community Member Rosze's Avatar
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    wis in saves mix up.

    12 monk 6 fighter one rogue combines to 19 lvl one aded to any won't do much. so what would be best

    wis stance adds to saves if its really needed like ecrono.

    And umd beats the 2 pala in my case even though id love to have it too but can't have all :/. easier to max umd with rogue lvl and 7 finger gloves that are siting at the bank waiting for me to tr.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by 94daniel View Post

    12 monk 6 fighter one rogue combines to 19 lvl one aded to any won't do much. so what would be best
    7 fighter lets you get: haste (attack speed) boost tier 3, sunder tier 3, AC boost tier 3... etc.

    2 rog lets you get: Tier 1 stacking energy resists, sneak attack accuracy tier 1 (+1 on sneak attack to hit, for regaining aggro on high ac bosses I guess....). +1 dex enhancement.
    Oh, and tier 1 (30% boost) to scroll "damage" .. so 30% better heal scrolls.
    Last edited by Darknark; 11-14-2011 at 04:16 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  12. #32
    Community Member jojje_b's Avatar
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    fudgecake will absolutely do this build instead of the original emerald build, ill be a naked halfling though, as usually. but im thinking maybe 2 rogue or arti instead of the pally for the umd... but that would leave me with a terrible 28 reflex:/
    cannith's original naked halfling

    member of the tribe called zerg

  13. #33
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    question on gear i have the epic jidz-tekt'ka from my first life would you think replaceing the claw gloves with the epic abashai gloves would work still though it might lower my threat some and healing amp. since the jidz-tekt'ka in earth gives me a increased dice step on earth stance. im just trying to figure out if it would be a worth while replacement or not and im not against swapping out them for the set you suggest as well when threat tanking. maybe haveing them as dps gear. and when threat tanking go to the claw gloves and scorched bracers then. would def appreciate your input on it since i will be TR'ing once i have my set made up.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by dom_keno View Post
    question on gear i have the epic jidz-tekt'ka from my first life would you think replaceing the claw gloves with the epic abashai gloves would work still though it might lower my threat some and healing amp. since the jidz-tekt'ka in earth gives me a increased dice step on earth stance. im just trying to figure out if it would be a worth while replacement or not and im not against swapping out them for the set you suggest as well when threat tanking. maybe haveing them as dps gear. and when threat tanking go to the claw gloves and scorched bracers then. would def appreciate your input on it since i will be TR'ing once i have my set made up.
    To be honest, I keep playing around with my gear, trying to find a better set up, but I haven't been able to come up with anything definite. It all revolves around the stupid chrono set which requires you to use 3 of. lol. I want to squeeze in the cloak for more con and such, but the cloak of night is almost irreplaceable. 2 dodge AC, 20% dusk, 5Dr..

    And if you drop the gloves, you lose out on 5 intim and 30% heal amp, which is pretty huge. I actually don't use the gem of many facets any more these days, so I don't benefit from the extra 20% hate or 4 dmg.

    So that leaves the bracers, boots, and helm as the normal 3 to use. =/ I would love to use the jidz tetka bracers too, but I don't know what you could replace... I guess when you're in DPS mode, the gloves would be the right choice since heal amp isn't as important, and you also gain in dps from the miniature lightning strike thingymadoo..

    That's about the best advice I can give ya. =O

    Quote Originally Posted by jojje_b View Post
    fudgecake will absolutely do this build instead of the original emerald build, ill be a naked halfling though, as usually. but im thinking maybe 2 rogue or arti instead of the pally for the umd... but that would leave me with a terrible 28 reflex:/
    If you don't use icy raiments, you're gunna want a crafted item or another that adds +5 to all saves. I'm using a +6 con belt with large augment for an additional 20 hp for instance. You could stack +5 resistance bonus on the same item. I personally haven't bothered because my saves are already high enough. (4 higher than posted screenshot)

    But yeah, if you take away the paladin levels, see what your saves add up to with a +6 con belt of +5 resistance.

    Alternatively, you could also put all points into dex instead of wisdom and take weapon finesse. You'd gain higher reflex saves as well as +3 to hit or so. With the new +5 combat DC's belt from the House C challenges, your stunning fist DC will still be high enough to stun epic mobs without problems.
    Last edited by Droken; 11-15-2011 at 06:01 AM.
    Cannith Server - Kelida - Myriad - Sylmeria - A Tribe Called Zerg
    * Founder of The Emerald build and The Emerald v 2.0
    * First melee to have ever soloed VoD on Hard

  15. #35
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    4 votes, all 5 stars! =D I'm really liking the response to this build. If you like this build, please keep voting!
    Cannith Server - Kelida - Myriad - Sylmeria - A Tribe Called Zerg
    * Founder of The Emerald build and The Emerald v 2.0
    * First melee to have ever soloed VoD on Hard

  16. #36
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    My little monk has farmed most of what he needs to "supersize" himself into something similar to this, but one question regarding the alchemical wraps.

    You've mentioned you're breading DR, but have metal type adamantine on your alchemicals, what about devil/demon raids, a wrap switch? Or are you getting it from an epic slot perhaps?

    My little bloke has the shintao and FB neck/ring/belt/ring sets and i'll be looking to slot those probably, but was just worried about breaking DR as a dark monk in devil raids - hards and elites being my foremost concern of course.

    Oh, and, amazing build, most impressed, got my vote
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

  17. #37
    Community Member paraplegic's Avatar
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    well i like this build ill try it once my main get his 20 rewards.

    btw i know you have lesser reincarnate few times. but how do you suggest to level up? what are the main gear?
    any suggestion for other gear thats not echrono? (now these days i dislike that raid)

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by pSINNa View Post
    My little monk has farmed most of what he needs to "supersize" himself into something similar to this, but one question regarding the alchemical wraps.

    You've mentioned you're breading DR, but have metal type adamantine on your alchemicals, what about devil/demon raids, a wrap switch? Or are you getting it from an epic slot perhaps?
    For now, I just use a pair of crafted silver wraps. (+5 Anarchic Burst Greater Lawful Outsider Bane). The holyburst on your ToD ring combined with silver wraps will break DR. I might eventually consider making a tier 2 pair of silver wraps, but it's not very high on my list of things to do as I don't spend a lot of time killing devils any more, and they're not hard enough to warrant something better than the crafted wraps.

    Quote Originally Posted by paraplegic View Post
    well i like this build ill try it once my main get his 20 rewards.

    btw i know you have lesser reincarnate few times. but how do you suggest to level up? what are the main gear?
    any suggestion for other gear thats not echrono? (now these days i dislike that raid)
    Both questions have been asked and answered previously in the thread. =}
    Cannith Server - Kelida - Myriad - Sylmeria - A Tribe Called Zerg
    * Founder of The Emerald build and The Emerald v 2.0
    * First melee to have ever soloed VoD on Hard

  19. #39
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    Thumbs up

    You got me thinking.. usually thats not a good thing lol but in this case i think it is. You had mentioned crafting a +6 con belt with large augment slot. I was in the crafting hall today and looked it up and thats a lv 100 crafting then I thought about the epic cloak of night being needed. So I looked in there and they do have a +2 dodge shard you can add onto the belt as well elemental lv 100. This way you could end up relplaceing your Epic cloak with the epic cloak of venom. still keeping your ac of 2 though as you said you loose the dusk and the 5 dr. can still keep the epic Jidz- Tetka on for the 2 augment slots a yellow and colorless with the exp +1 wis already on it. so you would still have the helm boots and cloak then with the gloves and keep full ac and healing amp going. and for a boost to healing amp you can switch to flame stance for a extra 25% as well for short heals. Let me know what you think and critique it some if you like. Also this is a great build i def give you vote on it and my Main monk is def TR'ing to it

  20. #40
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    Unhappy my mistake

    ok i relised where i messed up you can only put the dodge on bracers goggles or a trinket , and with the attack bonus as a suffix so is the dodge so cant put them on same trinket well i thought i had a way to get past the issue lol

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