Well I've 'taken a break' long enough to know that I doubt i'll be returning, But I WILL miss all the fun I had, and the people I've met.
Wish you all the best, and may the game (or whatever game u end up playing) serve u well.
Well I've 'taken a break' long enough to know that I doubt i'll be returning, But I WILL miss all the fun I had, and the people I've met.
Wish you all the best, and may the game (or whatever game u end up playing) serve u well.
(That Guy! build) http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=3957241#p3957241
Enjoyed running with you on your last life, like always. Take care.
Now who's gonna get mad at the noobs for hitting Sully in VOD, and then go stand in the spikes until aggro is established? Sigh.....
Oh, and I don't want all your stuff - just some will do.
Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others
Take care, man.
Last edited by UrbanPyro; 04-01-2014 at 01:39 PM.
Bye Atma! Goodluck with your endeavors.
Moinder (Trd)16bard/2ftr/2barb (4 fatesinger)--- Mareen (3rd life) Bard 9/Rog2/ -- Moarigan -- 16bard/2ftr/2barb -- Celeros 18rgr/2ftr -- Malegor 18spellsingerbard/2rog -- Ennoreth (Trd) FVS (19th) Sarlona
Fare Thee Well, and may your travels bring you much fun....
Ratthlin,Rathlin,Ratlin, Healsavant
Englorious Basteurds
take care man. heal amp will never be the same without you
Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.
Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build
Aww...Good luck Atma, You will always be remembered as 'that guy' of Sarlona ^_~
Good luck with wherever you end up.
Morlain - Kairoes - Rhamiel - Zweyhander - Kyrost - Vaedaes - Claidheamh
You'll be missed. Best of luck though!
Exiile --- Exalt --- Exception
Ok I may not be playing DDO anymore but sucks to see you saying farewell to the game Thanks for all the fun times, many, various farming runs, raids etc. and your awesome attitude (even when hated by some :P you know "haters gonna hate" :P )
Here's some reeeaaaaly old screenshots that include you in them (hey look! there's even the horsie icon instead of envelope for mail :P)
Not a single f*** was given about the "shere"
Take care Atma!
Grimmsie ??* Grimoria ??* Coffinrot ??* Grimberry ??* Coffindust
good luck in what ever you pick up. you were one of the best to run with... and definitely the most patient definitely worthy of sarlona's "that guy" title.
hope you keep your stuffs and log in once in a while.
Thaxlsillyia: Proud officer of Halfling Commandos
aw, i was about to grind some more stealer of souls and somehow expected to duo it with you (as was the case the previous three times i ground that).
Have fun wherever you end up. You will be missed... if you make it to the new StarWars, I might see you. U12 has me on the ropes...
You mean all those kewl new CHALLENGE vignettes aren't going to keep you interested in DDO? But it's an exciting new direction for the DDO sandbox! The devs said so!
Good luck. Only ran a few Reaver's quests with you, but your performance soloing Enter the Kobold Elite as the rest of us picked our noses will always be remembered.
Last edited by UrbanPyro; 04-01-2014 at 01:37 PM.