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  1. #1
    Community Member Scriplin's Avatar
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    Default Chat Channels & COD Mail

    I would like to see server wide chat channels.

    This means if you're typing in /trade or /advice, it's seen server wide, not just in the area you are in.

    Then instead of having a general, trade, and advice channel for each area, there would just be a general chat channel for that area, example "The Harbor".

    Using /say would send the message to "The Harbor" or current zone, and using general, trade, or advice would send the message to the server wide channel.

    The only downside to this is people will say it will just be spammy / scrolling text, but let's face it, if you wanna sell an item via trade chat, it makes sense that everyone see it and not just the people in the marketplace or just in the harbor, and if you're asking a question in advice, you can get an answer faster if everyone can see it.

    Then, if you're chatting about a quest in a certain area, etc., you can use the /say command to talk to just the people in your area.

    For server wide general chat, I could see it getting a bit over loaded, but at the very least, for trade and advice, I would very much like this.

    Also, it'd be nice if you could send a mail message with a COD amount, so that if you were using trade chat and someone far away wanted something, you could just drop it in the mail and specify the COD amount, and when they get the mail, detaching the item included would send you a message back with the payment attached. Of course, for this they would need to increase the amount of platinum you can send with one message, or either not include that limitation to COD requests.

  2. #2
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scriplin View Post
    For server wide general chat, I could see it getting a bit over loaded, but at the very least, for trade and advice, I would very much like this.
    Advice should be broken up into multiple channels to reflect the "level" of the advice. Korthos advice, for example, gets a LOT of basic, newbie questions. That's good! That's exactly the point of Korthos. New players can get their feet wet and learn from other new players, plus the occasional help from a veteran player passing through. Then The Harbor is a bit more advanced, plus there are more veterans passing through at any given time, both for the higher-level harbor quests and to reach the Inspired Quarter.

    I admit, I don't know how many advice channels there are beyond the harbor, but I would agree that there shouldn't be many. Folks in Amrath should be at the same level of know-how as folks in the Inspired Quarter, after all. Just put a blip on the channel name in chat so people know where someone is coming from. For example:

    (Advice--Inspired Quarter)RobertSmith: OMG why won't this titan do its thing? would make it clear that the person was probably talking about Eye of the Titan, not Weapons Shipment.

    Regarding trade channels, I think Korthos and maybe the harbor should still be separate: We already get the occasional beginner in the marketplace excitedly trying to sell a +2 short sword as though this were PnP. This would be worse if Korthos Trade and Marketplace Trade were merged. Other than that, though, sure: Why not put all the mid- to upper-level areas into one trade channel?

    Also, it'd be nice if you could send a mail message with a COD amount, so that if you were using trade chat and someone far away wanted something, you could just drop it in the mail and specify the COD amount, and when they get the mail, detaching the item included would send you a message back with the payment attached. Of course, for this they would need to increase the amount of platinum you can send with one message, or either not include that limitation to COD requests.
    This would be cool. Dunno whether it's worth the devs' time, but, then, I don't know how much time it would take. Definitely a cool feature.

  3. #3
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Good idea providing it can be disabled in the UI to be just left zone wide for those that don't want it.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Grenada's Avatar
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    Newb question, what is COD amount?

    Anyhow, /signed to trade channel, maybe some advice channels, but general chat would become very confusing at times (like it gets sometimes in the marketplace, which then blocks out advice). Not sure it would be that beneficial to effort needed to pull it off, but it sounds nice.
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  5. #5
    Community Member gloopygloop's Avatar
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    I would really like to see /trade work as a server wide channel. The rest of them are better off split up into their regions, IMHO.

  6. #6
    Community Member Barthax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grenada View Post
    Newb question, what is COD amount?

    COD= Cash On Delivery

  7. #7
    Community Member Grenada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barthax View Post
    COD= Cash On Delivery
    Yay, I feel my inner newb slowly dwindling.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
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  8. #8
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scriplin View Post
    I would like to see server wide chat channels.
    We have 5 server while channels.


    And to be honest, if you have just those 5 active, it can be quite a handful.

    Add in /Party and that can be hectic.

    I personally would not like a Server wide Trade Channel. We have the AH for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scriplin View Post
    Also, it'd be nice if you could send a mail message with a COD amount, so that if you were using trade chat and someone far away wanted something, you could just drop it in the mail and specify the COD amount, and when they get the mail, detaching the item included would send you a message back with the payment attached. Of course, for this they would need to increase the amount of platinum you can send with one message, or either not include that limitation to COD requests.
    We have the AH for this too.

    IMHO: I kind alike how channels are limited to area, it gives each zone it's own feel. Like Harbor Chat....
    Last edited by Ungood; 11-09-2011 at 10:50 PM.

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