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  1. #21
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    2 things might ease this kind of frustration:

    1. a "withdraw application" button (suggested many times)
    2. a lock icon next to level range that will "hard lock" levels and/or classes so that someone that doesn't meet the requirements can't even click on the LFM. (not suggested that I've seen, but probably has been suggested multiple times)

    I've been running low level quests lately on BB streak I just toss an LFM with the appropriate quest selected at the appropriate difficulty (elite, of course) then put "elite for streak, ip". Since I'm generally in progress I just hit accept on all comers. I've not had anyone above the level range yet hit it so that I had to decline but I've had plenty of people that open with "share pls" or "what house" or "what quest"....and, of course, "is this p2p?"...I thought the "buy now" was fixed in that 3rd LFM column. This kind of thing does get a little annoying and I don't think I'm an "elitist" for being annoyed. I also don't always hit decline fast enough like, say, I'm in progress (as the LFM would have had said) and I'm near or past the end of the quest. I like to /tell then decline but I don't always manage to do that rapidly.

  2. #22
    Community Member nicnivyn's Avatar
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    Sometimes it is rude, I agree. And at those time I would just move on, start soloing something, join another group, or put up my own.

    But from experience sometimes making some people wait a couple of minutes for a response is not being rude, it's just you haven't reached the top of the queue yet.

    At times when I put up a raid with spots available, I'll be hit by several tells and LFM requests at a time. I try to treat them each equally which means that some of the people clicking the lfm may have to wait for me to reply to tells and get responses from people who, for instance, want to switch characters. I generally try to let everyone know we filled and decline, but there are times when those people waiting are so impatient they log off or start sending the nasty-grams right away.

    Don't wait around, but don't assume if you didn't get an immediate response that you're being ignored either.
    Goddess! You know it baybee.

    Nissha - Chanteuse - Zealotry - Zealot - Zeal
    Leader, High Rollers (Cannith)

  3. #23
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    I thought about responding to this thread... but then I remembered I was far too elite to bother to do that.
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  4. #24
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by der_kluge View Post
    I thought about responding to this thread... but then I remembered I was far too elite to bother to do that.
    I thought about responding to it as well.......but then remembered bacon is made from pigs and that I have some in my fridge.

  5. #25
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    I was going to suggest you join Thelanis, based on your title, but then I read the post and thought, "Wait, he thinks someone being nice and NOT declining, but instead letting you get "declined because the party is full" so your feelings don't get hurt is "elitist"" and then decided not to suggest this.

    Many people do this because it is actually NICER to just let someone get autodeclined, because then that person doesn't feel it's them, their build, class, etc, but instead that "oops, they filled, it has nothing to do with me."

    Elitist is declining right away because you're playing a ranger/rogue or don't have enough HP or a DR breaker on your MyDDO (even though you have one in your backpack).

  6. #26
    Community Member freekay's Avatar
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    Default \o/ Drama!

    Oh, Drama. How I missed thee. Declining LFM join requests is a funny thing - it's a case of you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. People will get booty-tickled no matter what. I mean, who seriously likes rejection? Take initiative; cry less; be more awesome.

    Personally, when people I don't know are applying to hit up my epics, I like to find out what I'd be in for by peeking at their myDDO page. I chuckle when not even 10 seconds have passed when I get a tell from said nobody with something like "y u no accept?!" It's at that point when I put my troll hat on and let their application 'hang', as you put it.

    Sometimes I feel lazy (especially when pugging out raids) so just throw up the LFM with intended raid and no other details. I've found that this method works surprisingly well in that:
    a.) Bads need a babysitter - someone to tell them what to do and when, so they tend to avoid empty LFMs
    b.) Although there are no 'set-in-stone' party make-ups, some things are just silly... like a raid with no healers... or more than 1 monk in a raid <_< (yes, that was a swipe at monks). I'd expect people to check out a party's make-up before blindly hitting it up, otherwise they're not adding any value to the group.
    c.) Sometimes people may be running an alt toon, so having the LFM open for all classes catches their attention, thus opening up the group to larger potential audience - it's all about marketing, you know.

    Anyways, as many ppl have pointed out, if you don't like being filtered, start your own group

    Soaked/Soaking/Zecks/Zeckshealer - Cannith
    Soaked's build

  7. #27
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Wait a second.......bacon isn't made out of FOLKS!!

    My breakfast is ruined.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by countfitz View Post
    I was going to suggest you join Thelanis, based on your title, but then I read the post and thought, "Wait, he thinks someone being nice and NOT declining, but instead letting you get "declined because the party is full" so your feelings don't get hurt is "elitist"" and then decided not to suggest this.

    Many people do this because it is actually NICER to just let someone get autodeclined, because then that person doesn't feel it's them, their build, class, etc, but instead that "oops, they filled, it has nothing to do with me."

    Elitist is declining right away because you're playing a ranger/rogue or don't have enough HP or a DR breaker on your MyDDO (even though you have one in your backpack).
    Agree with this. I don't think it is necessarily "nicer" but it is certainly less confrontational. People are playing the game to have fun, and specifically declining someone feels mean. People get angry, ask why you didn't take them when the group is not even full, etc. While it is a bit passive, some people would just rather deal with that then the tells from some random d-bag yelling at you and calling you names or claiming that you don't know how to lead a raid, etc.

    Autodecline is just more palatable. Oh, the spot got filled. It's not personal, etc.

    note: subject censored courtesy of Turbine I see. Probably a good move.
    The Silver Legion - Guild Medieval
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  9. #29
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    I'd have to say that overall we have a pretty good community on Cannith.

    However, we do have some of THOSE people. You know, the ones who have absolutely no social skills who play an MMO because the only other human contact they have are people paid to interact with them.

    Fortunately, even in an MMO most normal people don't want to interact with them, so they have ghetto-ized themselves into a handful of guilds where being a jerk is one of the primary entrance requirements.

    Make note of the LFMs that are obviously run by the "socially challenged". Use the game interface to determine their guilds. It won't take long to see a pattern.

    Some of them have even shown up in this thread to rationalize their behavior.

    I just blacklist the entire guild. It saves time, and you end up playing with people who are not only fun to interact with, but who also have a better grasp of the game.

  10. 11-08-2011, 08:16 PM

  11. #30
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    Thumbs up


    No response LFMs
    I just don't understand why others think it is ok to let people hang. When I start my LFM for an epic raid, and since I am a noob and I need a baby-sitter, I filter PUGS. There are times that there are 5 to 8 applications pop up at the same time. I will send them a tell to give me a sec, just to let them know they are not being ignored. It is not a reason that you are too busy and can't respond. It is all about respect. If you respect other people, even if they are a noob or a gimp, you will give them a tell.

    To the OP
    I still do experience my application being ignored, a lot. My suggestion is, move on, and improve. Try to do your best. Know the game more. Start your own LFMs. Be mentioned on the "best leader thread". Be the exact opposite of the elitist jerks you are referring to. Be the hero Cannith deserves, not the one it needs right now.


  12. #31
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    I find that if I'm playing the right class then my applications don't hang.

    I never really had this problem until I started playing ranger. Maybe there is an increase in this activity recently which just happens to coincide with my ranger getting to lvls 14-16 or maybe it's just because I'm playing ranger. They likely have the lfm up for any class to join but if you're playing a gimp class/build they're not likely to take you unless they have some name recognition. In these cases it's probably better to decline the player outright but they don't want to offend anyone.

    This is just my take on it as I rarely (if ever) have had someone waiting to join an lfm I put up for more than a minute or two without a tell explaining why my decision is taking so long.
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  13. #32
    Community Member Ehllie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    Or perhaps they aren't being rude at all, maybe they are giving you a 'second chance' at joining the group.

    For example: My lfm says: X quest - some reserved
    Usually I'll get more than needed to fill. Anyone who would cut into the reserves will usually have their application wait (or hang as you say), and if all the reserved spots fail to fill for whatever reason (Blame real life usually) - or any already filled spots open - those who had to wait to get accepted will get their "second" application to the group.
    This imo. I don't put up lfms often and usually try to add it's reserved for guild (and friends) for a few. But even if that's not the case, people might not be exactly what i'm looking for and i'd give an additional minute to see if i get other choices, it's my group my choices after all.
    When applying just give yourself a time limit on your wait then move on. I don't want people to waste my time and thus you shouldn't have me waste yours if i don't accept you asap and you don't want to wait. But if you don't send me a tell and just think i'm an elitist jerk because i didn't take you as soon as you click my lfm, something's also wrong on your side.

    Quote Originally Posted by GermanicusMaximus View Post
    I'd have to say that overall we have a pretty good community on Cannith.

    However, we do have some of THOSE people. You know, the ones who have absolutely no social skills who play an MMO because the only other human contact they have are people paid to interact with them.

    Fortunately, even in an MMO most normal people don't want to interact with them, so they have ghetto-ized themselves into a handful of guilds where being a jerk is one of the primary entrance requirements.

    Make note of the LFMs that are obviously run by the "socially challenged". Use the game interface to determine their guilds. It won't take long to see a pattern.

    Some of them have even shown up in this thread to rationalize their behavior.

    I just blacklist the entire guild. It saves time, and you end up playing with people who are not only fun to interact with, but who also have a better grasp of the game.
    You don't really seem socially better or less ghetto-ized than "THOSE people"... You probably already blacklisted my guild so i don't need to bother with this too much though (phew).

    Quote Originally Posted by arjiwan View Post
    It is all about respect. If you respect other people, even if they are a noob or a gimp, you will give them a tell.
    I'm not sure it's all about respect but more about information. If you just leave people without any info on what's happening, or in this case why nothing's happening, then they start imagining things (and worst case they end up like our friendly Germanicus). It can be solved with a tell or some update of your lfm description.
    Also, one could argue that respect has to be both sides. Applying a reserved lfm without even a tell or sending nerdrage in your first message will have you wait forever!

  14. #33
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
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    There are several reasons why people get left hanging on the lfms:

    1. The party leader is just swamped with joins and /tells. If I'm putting up a Lord of Blades and for some reason don't guild fill it, you can bet I'm myddoing every person who applies. I don't feel like carrying gimps through raids... which leads me to -

    2. Just about every time I hit decline I always get a response back from said person that is something along the lines of: "zomg why u decline me u jerk!1!" or "omfg ur elitist I hope u die an wipez teh raid!11!" or "ur r very noobz!1!1". Slices is the most common problematic person who does that. However, there are a lot of people who just get hurt in the butt and feel the need to insult someone because they got declined. Some times I go out of my way to try to tell the person why they get declined because I'm feeling nice that day. I'll tell them they have low hp, or awful gear, or something. Then the "omg wah" and other insults come flying. I have too many things to do than deal with someone's whining. I would rather just ignore them than waste time getting hate /tells because someone got declined and wants to be a baby.

    3. People don't know how to read. I can't count the number of times I put up a lfm for guild only, or says full, etc. and people click it. You are too stupid to dignify a response. If you can't take time out of your day to read the lfm, why should I take time out of mine to give you a response that is clearly written in the lfm to begin with? If I have a spot, I'll say there are spots. If it says it's full, it's full. Learn to read.

    4. When filling lfms I don't just take the first 12 people that hit the group. I usually wait a few minutes to see who applies, and then take the best people who hit it. The exception is shroud, that I'll take anyone on. However when doing other raids that I don't feel like failing because of fail people, I wait for better options before I start accepting people. It's either that, or hit accept then boot you when someone better comes along. Either way someone is going to get butthurt.

    5. I'm afk. Some times I have to get the phone, take a leak, get a drink, dog got sick, etc. We are real people and some times **** comes up and we have to step away from the computer for a minute.

    So yeah, there are several reasons why people get left on lfms. Personally if I leave you on the lfm it's probably one of those.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  15. 11-09-2011, 11:16 AM

  16. #34
    Community Member phayth's Avatar
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    also adding onto what my guildmate said, with my guilds LFM's it's not hard to realize what we are looking for.
    HeLLA Pro-- means we are taking guild only at that time
    HeLLa Pro and Friends--- means we are taking people we already know who play well to fill spots not taken by guildies

    It doesnt go much further than that really.
    When it does, we DDO the person or look at their guild tag or whatever and give someone a shot, everyone had to start somewhere.

    Want to be invited back? Play well, follow directions, play nice, learn and adapt. Thats all we ask
    Phayth Divine
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  17. #35
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    Why not avoid confusion and put "Guild only" like every other guild on the server?
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  18. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ehllie View Post
    You probably already blacklisted my guild
    Well, at least you were able to recognize yourself from the description, although really, it couldn't have been that hard.

    It is amusing that you are willing to identify yourself as matching the profile I put forth. Even without you publicly admitting it in the forums, the vast majority of the end game players on Cannith immediately understood that your guild was one of the handful to which I was referring.

  19. #37
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    This thread is done.
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