I’ve been running a guild for over 2 years now and one of the biggest problems with the current guild structure is the fact that – I cannot see how much renown each account has generated. What I propose is two separate columns next to each guild members name showing, TOTAL renown generated since he joined the guild & is he up to par for the week showing how much he has generated in the last week. Another words if the guild is up to a point that each account must generate 1100 renown per day to break even -- I would like to see if Frank who has promised me that he PLAYS – is really doing so.
Many times I’ve had people begging me to join my guild and they promise that they will play A LOT daily or at lease 4 -5 times a week.. Then I do not see them or when they are on they are in the Wayward Lobster goofing around. With this system a guild leader would be able to see who is a active player and who does not give a orc’s butt about the guild.
** The guild leader should be able to see everybody’s RENOWN Progress.
** Officers should be able to see all guild members renown BUT NOT each others.
** Members see only members.
** Everybody should be able to see the Guild Leaders renown (Lead by example)
-- For those that may NOT understand, try to reach level 75 or 80 and you will see how much renown is lost daily..
-- Also if u do not care about guild levels and you are in a social FEEL-good guild that does NOTHING except talk a lot – then this post is not for you.