Short Version
Process rate: 1.45% ± 0.30%
Average damage: 610
Very Long Version
Process Rate
I recorded 14520 swings against the training dummy with my exploiter. I did so with a single Lit II khopesh and no sources of double-strike. Of these, 706 were misses and 200 were lightning strikes. The process rate is therefore:
200 / (14520 - 706) = 1.45%
To determine standard deviation, I calculate the variance as:
(14520 - 706) * (1.45%) * (1 - 1.45%)
Taking the square root to obtain standard deviation and multiplying by 3, I obtained the 0.30% figure. This means that there is a ~99.7% chance that the actual process rate is somewhere between 1.75% and 1.15%.
Damage Dice
I also recorded the damages done on each lightning strike, taking into account the helpless state when appropriate. The raw data is as follows:
As we would expect with such a low data to bin ratio, the graph is very ugly. This does not prevent us from calculating a standard deviation, however, which I found to be 25. What this means is that ~68% of the values fall within 25 bins of 610, or from 635 to 585. By extrapolation, this also means that we expect ~99.7% of all future values to fall within 75 bins of 610, or from 685 to 535, very close to the commonly held belief that lightning strike ranges from ~500 to ~700.
We can reasonably expect that the underlying distribution for lightning strike damage is dice-based, which means that it is a normal distribution, which in turn means that it is totally described by the standard deviation and average value: the average tells us where it is, the standard deviation tells us how broad it is. We can also obtain the variance directly from any hypothetical dice distribution with the following equation:
variance of xdn = x * (n^2 - 1) / 12
And since we have a value for standard deviation, we can work backwards by setting n to certain common values and obtaining values for x:
We can now apply some general observations about DDO:Code:d6 214.2857143 d8 119.047619 d10 75.75757576 d12 52.44755245 d20 18.79699248
1. There are no fractional dice; that is, there could be 214d6 or 215d6, but not 214.285d6.
2. Generally round numbers are used, so 120 seems more likely than 119, 50 more likely than 52, and so on.
3. Generally there are only positive flat damage modifiers; we see lots of d6 + 2 types, but not d8 - 4 or d10 - 1.
For instance, if we do 215d6, the average value of the dice is 215 * 3.5 = 752.5, which means lightning strike would have to be 215d6 - 240 to fit both the observed average and standard deviation. By point 3, this seems unlikely, and it also raises the possibility (however remote) of negative damage. To my mind, the most likely candidate is 20d20 + 400. Here is a graph of the distribution against the current data, consolidated into bins of ten, so "500" represents all data from 500-509, and so on:
While the model is labeled 20d20 + 400, it's important to stress that the distributions are effectively interchangeable. The points where they differ are only at the edges: 20d20 has a total range of 381, while 215d6 has a total range of 1076. By construction, however, both distributions have the same generally expected distribution, which is to say standard deviation. As such, it's only reasoning that can feasibly rule them in or out. Take 20d20: the only way to see the very edge of the range is to roll a 1 on every d20, or (1/20)^20, which works out to 1 in 10^26, or 1 in 100 trillion trillion. It's simply not practical to wait for such edge cases to present themselves, and 20d20 is the best case. The worst case (215d6) is 1 in 10^167.
I will continue to collect data, but this seemed like a good point to get some results out there.