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  1. #1
    Community Member Daggertooth's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Red face Please change earth savant character visual effect

    Air, fire and water all have very nice looking wispy effects. Please change the earth savant to something better.

    1) small rock protrusions on the arms/ shoulders, but balanced on both sides at least
    2) greenish wispy acid rain/fog like aura similar to the other savants

    Having a big rock on one forearm just looks bad. And the other ones look quite good.

    Best would be small spiky rock protrusions on the upper arms and shoulders with some white caulky whispy stuff like the other's have.

  2. #2
    Community Member MrPilgrim's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daggertooth View Post

    Best would be small spiky rock protrusions on the upper arms and shoulders with some white caulky whispy stuff like the other's have.
    This! well mostly the spiky and obtuse rocky formation in the forearms would be nice. It should give that more centered and solid feel to being the earth savant or blobs of acid or some such

  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    I have to admit, I really like the Hellboy Hand.
    But, it'd look better as the Tier II look, IMHO - and something a lot more visually appealing for T-III. Right now it just looks like a top-tier Earth Savant should be falling over to the right at all times due to massive imbalance.

    I'd like T-3 changed to involve both hands. And, it really should look rockier instead of just lumpy. Kinda like the Earth Savant stuck their right arm in a giant vat of oatmeal.

    My suggestion for a small visual upgrade to the look would be to have some crystals embedded in there. The purple or green ones we see littering the floor/walls in some quests. Break up the uniform grey, and give it just a bit of color. I think that small change would add a lot to the "earthiness" of the Earth Savant - even if it remains a one sided Hellboy Hand.

    A little photoshopping to show what I mean by adding some crystals:

    Without crystals: ..... With crystals:

    I think it adds a lot of visual appeal, and would bring Earth Savant's look up to par with the other Savants.
    Last edited by Memnir; 11-08-2011 at 10:45 AM. Reason: needed more flair
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  4. #4
    Community Member Scriplin's Avatar
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    Mar 2008



    At tier 2 I was told by various female players over voice chat that I was an awesome caster but I had either a rat nest or a pile of horse **** on my forearm.

    Personally, I'd like a green aura.

    Another thing concerning earth savant...we get bonus to acid spells, and have one "earth" spell, which is an inherent ability (earthgrab)...I love earthgrab, I think it rounds out the earth savant as a PrE and makes it very fun to play.

    Simply put, however, we cast acid spells, not "earth" spells. So we should be acid savants, or earth savants, with inherent spells like summon earth elemental. Personally, I think each savant style should be able to summon a monster of that element as an added inherent spell (don't take away the ones that exist already).

    The only problem with this would be if we ever got the best savant of them all, FORCE SAVANT, not sure what kinda summon they would get, any suggestions? Maybe a will o' wisp?

    Just my two copper!

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