I still have not acquired one of these so I am upping my offer yet again, here is my new offer

1 pale lavender ioun stone
1 Scroll of The Antique Great Axe
1 scroll Ring of Elemental Essence
1 scroll Full Plate of the Ringleader
1 scroll Illusionist Robe
1 scroll Grims Bracelet
1 scroll Brawns Spirits
1 scroll Garos malice
1 scroll Brimstone Verge
1 scroll Kronzeks Cruelty
1 scroll Shimmering Pendant
1 scroll elders focus
1 scroll robe of dissonance
1 scroll of the souleater

As always if this deal does not interest you I also have lots of larges and Red Dragon Scales and "other stuff", if you have one you might want to trade contact me.