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  1. #1
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Default popup when low on spell components

    similar to this dialog:

    Have one that appears when you are low (e.g. fewer than 50) on spell components for a particular spell you have memorised.


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  2. #2
    Community Member ~jradnut's Avatar
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    Red face

    Hey! That's a pretty good idea, imo. Gj!

  3. #3
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    No there is little enough immersion I dont want more dumbing down of the game dont need more simplification thank you very much.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #4
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    But an even better idea would be to remove spell compontents.

  5. #5
    Community Member Rheebus's Avatar
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    Default spell Components pop-up...add thieves' tools to the list

    I'd like to see it with 10 or less thieve's tools as well. How about stacks of 1000, like every other component?

    It's not less immersive. It should be a popup when you cast a spell.

    Fireballs casts Wall of Fire.
    Popup, "You only have 34 level 4 spell components left!"

    It represents the character noticing that they are nearly out of spell components when they reach into their bags to get the next one. Otherwise we are oblivious.

    Here is why this won't be added: Turbine makes $$ when we are lazy and forget to check these. Mid quest, the only way to get them is to buy them from the DDO Store. I don't fault them for this, they have to make $$ to keep the game running, but it won't be high on the priority list. The incentives are backwards.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rheebus View Post
    I'd like to see it with 10 or less thieve's tools as well. How about stacks of 1000, like every other component?

    It's not less immersive. It should be a popup when you cast a spell.

    Fireballs casts Wall of Fire.
    Popup, "You only have 34 level 4 spell components left!"

    It represents the character noticing that they are nearly out of spell components when they reach into their bags to get the next one. Otherwise we are oblivious.

    Here is why this won't be added: Turbine makes $$ when we are lazy and forget to check these. Mid quest, the only way to get them is to buy them from the DDO Store. I don't fault them for this, they have to make $$ to keep the game running, but it won't be high on the priority list. The incentives are backwards.
    it is less immersive you should keep track of stuff yourself if its automatic there is no immerrsion and yes we used compents in pnp starting in 78 when the first phb came out.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post

    But an even better idea would be to remove spell compontents.
    cant agree with this

    Beware the Sleepeater

  8. #8
    Community Member Aaxeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    cant agree with this
    How does stocking up with 2-3000 hen hearts do anything positive for immersion?

  9. #9
    Community Member ~jradnut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaxeyu View Post
    How does stocking up with 2-3000 hen hearts do anything positive for immersion?
    LMAO! Would need a mule train or a chicken ranch...

  10. 11-06-2011, 10:27 AM

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  11. #10
    Community Member umeannothing's Avatar
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    Default Great suggestion!

    /signed! Would be very nice.

    As far as immersion? when I buy 10k bat guano and sulfur, I do so so that I can NOT run out for awhile. It is a deliberate measure to be able to quest longer, without a constant need to have to remember to get the components every time I decide to join groups.

    What would be nice as well as the OP suggestion, is the ability to add more than 10 components at a time to a stack, and increase the max number of pots, components, and ALL basic necessities for all classes. Can only buy 1 stack, adding 1 at a time of pots, when you need to grab 7 or 8 stacks of various pots. Same goes for all other mats/components/scrolls/etc.

  12. #11
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Default While you hold your breath

    In the meantime, a simple solution is to make a hot bar and fill it with reagents, then put it vertical and out of the way.

    This will be a clear and visual reminder of all of your spell components.

    Works for most things: 10 units on the hot bar, 9 levels + stoneskin. Some components, like the one for raise undead, in my opinion are not used enough to warrant a space on the bar.

    hope this helps.

  13. 11-06-2011, 11:05 AM


  14. #12
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    No real point to having them in this game. They don't serve the same purpose as they do in PnP.

    All they do is cause you to walk to house J every couple of weeks to buy stacks of items that you put on the last page of your inventory and forget about for awhile.

    But since they wont take them out of the game, a warning would be ok.

  15. #13
    Community Member umeannothing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    No real point to having them in this game. They don't serve the same purpose as they do in PnP.

    All they do is cause you to walk to house J every couple of weeks to buy stacks of items that you put on the last page of your inventory and forget about for awhile.

    But since they wont take them out of the game, a warning would be ok.


  16. #14
    Community Member Rian's Avatar
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    A trick I like to do is hotbar all my spell componets so I can see them for myself.

    You can see them right there!
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  17. #15
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    IMO the whole PnP spell system is pretty bad. I've never really liked.

    Having another quickslot bar on my small screen is annoying. If the components got removed casters would be even better :P

    /signed for the OP
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  18. #16
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    How is it immersive or fun to go to cast a spell like haste on your party and realize you are out of components?

    My issue with the "warning" is a technical one, as the game has to keep track of each stack in relation to the others. If I have 3 stacks and one is getting low, the game has to do constant checks of my inventory to make sure that the others still exist.

    There is precedence in Pen and Paper for not tracking spell components with a "negligible cost."

    Quote Originally Posted by SRD
    Don’t bother to keep track of material components with negligible cost. Assume you have all you need as long as you have your spell component pouch.
    To me, the basic components in this game fall under that category, while the ones that have a higher cost (stoneskin, death pact, create undead, etc.) are the ones we should have to track.
    Last edited by IWZincedge; 11-06-2011 at 07:46 PM.
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  19. 11-06-2011, 04:33 PM

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  20. 11-06-2011, 05:24 PM

  21. #17
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garth_of_Sarlona View Post
    similar to this dialog:

    Have one that appears when you are low (e.g. fewer than 50) on spell components for a particular spell you have memorised.

    Big No. I hate them being in DDO store. If you lack comps you lack comps. More pop-ups are bad.

    That aside its a pitance of a plat sink even if you stone skin everyone every 5 minutes. They should be coverted into special comps only with a generic single bag in which you must refill ever so often your lvl determines costs pnp and ddo satisfied. or self assume each class always has basic comps.

  22. #18
    Community Member Grenada's Avatar
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    Doesn't everyone have eschew materials?

    You must all be noobs.
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  23. #19
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    As others have said, hotbarring them is easy enough. And as others have said, no more popups.
    There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.

  24. #20
    Community Member Scriplin's Avatar
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    I think there is a better approach than a popup message.

    I do hotbar my components, I still forget.

    For one thing, we need spell component bags, hate wasting 10+ inventory slots on just spell components.

    I think it's hard to say what the number would be that is considered "low" and also, I don't wanna see a popup message every time I cast a spell once I get low, as that could get annoying.

    My vote is to add the the stack size of the given component to the spell icons so that when you hotbar the spell, if it uses a material component, it tells you right on the spell how many more times you can cast it.

    Then, I no longer need to hotbar my spell components, and I won't have to deal with pop ups, and for those that don't want it or don't want the game "simplified" by addressing things are just annoying (like going into a quest with 3 spell components), give them another option on the right click menu for spells for "Display remaining components" to enable or disable it.

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