It would be nice if toons with unopened mail had an indicator on the character selection screen so players with many toons would be sure not to loose mail do to not loggin a toon in for awhile. I have 15 toons and a guildie has 30 so we don't get around to logging them all in too often.
Also being able to browse all toons inventory and stats without logging in would be nice, but that is another can of worms that has plenty of disscusion already.
I've seen the mail thing mentioned in older posts but could not find a recent one so I figure I'd bring it up again.
P.S. the lag lately has been a royal pain, but I'd still like to thank the developers for what overal is a great game (esp for old PnP D&D fans), and an affordable one. Stick to the D&D roots, strong party, strong guild, and even strong solo content keeps this game different from the others and keeps your loyal customer base.