My guild is comprised of 5 people with multiple characters. We are very casual. No power gamers in the lot. We like to take our time and explore everything about a quest, not just run through and kill the boss. We are mostly older adults, so if you are under 18 I would say our guild is not for you. We are pretty much looking for a couple more people to play with. As we get higher in level, you jsut cant do some quests alone! LOL. Plus its nice to have different people in your group. The highest level character in our guild right now is 12 or 13 so, this is probably not the place for some level 20's either. We just want to take our time, have a lot of fun, and explore the game.
Also we do use a voice chat program-GSC-which if you decide you want to use you are welcome to. We do not usually invite people to the server until after we get to know you some. Had a bad experience a time or two and so we are cautious.
What kind of people are we looking for? Friendly, casual players. We are all in America except for one guy in Belgium, so if you play anywhere in the time zones of GMT-5 to +1 or 2, you are probably looking at a good time. No moochers allowed, but we do like to help our friends. If you are brand new to DDO, we like new people as well since at one point we were all new too. Anyway drop me a line in game, either under Athdaira or Kahlanne, my 2 main characters. I am usually on after 6 pm EST. Happy gaming!
WHOOPS! Forgot! We are on Orien server.