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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Exclamation New Player Raid Training – Vision of Destruction

    Are you a new player wanting to try a bit of raiding? That’s awesome!

    Unfortunately you face a few obstacles.

    When LFM’s for raids do appear, leaders tend to presume that you’ve

    ran the raid hundreds of times and they lose sight of what it’s like to be new
    to the raid. They then yell at you for not “just knowing what I want you to do”
    or otherwise being a mind reader.

    My goal is to help alleviate this issue and run some training for raids which

    have become problematic for the PUG scene. Having fun is a big plus as well.

    If you are interested please respond to this thread with your character you

    want to bring and short description of your build. (class split, race, PRE)

    All directions will be given via spoken English. If this is an issue to disability,

    language barrier, etc please let me know ahead of time and we can
    probably make appropriate arrangements.

    If the list fills up please sign up anyhow in case other people cancel.

    Thursday, November 10, 2011 - 19:00 MST (That means 7:00 P.M. Mountain Time, 8 Central, 9 Eastern, etc)

    1 – Tobril (exact character may change depending on who signs up and shows up)

    2 – Shuhei (halfling rogue assassin)
    3 – Rosten (drow cleric)
    4 - Slarden (20 cleric or 20 articifer, he has to be flexible and fill in a missing role mwa ha ha ha)
    5 - Zzyzzxx, lvl 20 WF KOTC Paladin

    6 - Farayon (20 human evoker-caster) or Hekromiton (20 WF air savant)
    7 - Fistalis (18 wiz)
    8 - Saurfang (17 horc barb)
    9 - Opensource OS Installed, 20 WF Artificer (buff slave)
    10 - Silinterest (18/2 ranger/fighter, might be sleepy)


    Samius (if I get him drunk enough)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    We won!!!

    18 minutes and pretty smooth once people made it through the low road. Big thanks to Greive, Yuda, and Naphor for helping out, as well as all the new(ish) people for doing a really good job that resulted in a smooth run.

    Will probably do another event like this soonish.

    Everyone got something INCREDIBLY AWESOME. If you were in the run and lost it, just send me a PM on forums or in game and I'll give it again.
    Last edited by Tobril; 12-14-2011 at 03:04 PM.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mandatory Things to Bring: (I will ask you to link items when joining, you don’t get in without them)

    All characters
    20+ remove curse potions (must be guild versions if you plan to use barbarian rage or madstone boots)
    100% Fortification
    ~300+ HP (somewhat negotiable)
    Featherfall (permanent preferred, ~3 clicks will suffice, might be able to trick an arcane into prepping if desperate)

    A weapon with some combination of silver and good for the boss.
    (see or ask if your weapon will work)

    Greater Heroism
    Resist Energy
    Fire Shield (cold version is what you will use)
    Scrolls – Reconstruct (if warforged tank, I will help subsidize this cost for your first time)

    Mass Deathward
    Mass Heal
    Mass Cure
    Blade Barrier
    Resist Energy
    Resurrection or True Resurrection (don’t use raise dead)
    Scrolls – Heal, Mass Cure (again, if you are poor I can help pay for these)

    Silver Weapons spell
    Aligned Weapons spell
    (these allow people who have a decent weapon that only has one of good+silver the ability to do a lot more damage)
    Curative Admixture – Remove Curse
    Scrolls – Reconstruct (if warforged tank, I will help subsidize this cost for your first time)

    Thief Tools, Search and Disable Items (there are a few traps to disable)

    Other Class Abilities that are Awesome to Keep Running Constantly

    Align the Heavens

    Inspire Courage (any)
    Spellsong Trance (spellsinger only)
    Spellsong Vigor (spellsinger only)
    Ironskin Chant (warchanter only)

    Optional Things That are Really Nice:
    Healing Amplification (healer friend for warforged)
    AC (60-70ish+ or don’t worry about it)
    Clikies – (items that cast spells on you, Greater Heroism, Deathward, etc in case you die and need to be rebuffed)
    Potions – Resist Fire/Sonic/Elec 20 (again, in case you become deceased and need to rebuff when raised)
    Potions – Cure/Repair Serious, Silver Flame (help out healers a bit and/or save yourself in an emergency)
    Regeneration – Tasty Ham, Pouch of Jerky, etc. “Trickle” healing in this raid is helpful
    Destruction and/or Improved Destruction ("marks" a monster, will become easy to see why when you see it happen)
    Be Mildly Sober – A drink or two is OK, just don’t come trashed

    Things I Don’t Want You To Use:
    Mnemonic Potions – It’s important to learn how to raid without relying on these,
    as it’s highly likely they will be placed on a large timer someday.

    Voice Chat when the leader is speaking

    Voice Chat when a healer or tank is speaking
    Last edited by Tobril; 11-07-2011 at 05:11 PM.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  3. #3
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    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  4. #4
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    If we complete everyone in the group will get something INCREDIBLY AWESOME, so show up ready to WIN!!!
    Last edited by Tobril; 11-04-2011 at 04:38 PM.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  5. #5
    Community Member Asmodeus451's Avatar
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    +1 rep for this.

    tried to do similar on Cannith, but got little interest unfortunately.

    main problem is that the new players you seek to teach dont visit the forums much.

    The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
    Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith

  6. #6
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    wish somebody did this an yr ago. most new players stay away from forum. One option mihgt be to advertise in game with link to post.
    Thaxlsillyia: Proud officer of Halfling Commandos

  7. #7
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    I’ve seen a lot of posts from people who want to try raiding
    but have issues finding a group.

    I’m also going to advertise loudly in the LFM panel, tweet,
    and otherwise make a nuisance of myself to make this happen.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  8. #8
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Put me down as an alternate Tobril. Not sure what I've got going on on the 10th but I'll try and make it.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by elricken View Post
    Put me down as an alternate Tobril. Not sure what I've got going on on the 10th but I'll try and make it.


    Spread the word, tell your boss, your kids, your wife. Let’s get the
    raiding situation on our server smokin hawt.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  10. #10
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    I will sign up. I have 2 toons high enough to run this raid:

    1) Level 20 Artificer with everything listed but the reconstruct scroll. However I have the spell in my book and have pots which are cheaper than the scrolls lately
    2) Level 20 Cleric with plenty of pots

    I'll come with whatever is needed most.

    Thank you.

  11. #11
    Community Member arroyo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    Optional Things That are Really Nice:
    Healing Amplification (healer friend for warforged)
    AC (60-70ish+ or don’t worry about it)
    Clikies – (items that cast spells on you, Greater Heroism, Deathward, etc in case you die and need to be rebuffed)
    Potions – Resist Fire/Sonic/Elec 20 (again, in case you become deceased and need to rebuff when raised)
    Potions – Cure/Repair Serious, Silver Flame (help out healers a bit and/or save yourself in an emergency)
    Regeneration – Tasty Ham, Pouch of Jerky, etc. “Trickle” healing in this raid is helpful
    Be Mildly Sober – A drink or two is OK, just don’t come trashed
    I'd add someone with Destruction/ImprDestruction for painting. Helps to focus DPS on some parts, it was really nice when I was learning the raid.

    Not sure if I'll be online at the time, but I don't mind helping if I catch the LFM up.
    Sarlona: Sagarana (Drow Roguenought) / ~Katrynna~ (Human Assassin) / ~Jcuervo~ (HElf Emerald) / ~Jwalkers~ (Human PM)

  12. #12
    Community Member Zondus's Avatar
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    Default Ty

    +1 to you as someone who has been trying to get into raiding and epics its nice to see someone making the effort to help out. just wish I knew whether or not I would be able to be on at that time to run with ya

  13. #13
    Community Member BladeTricks's Avatar
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    That's an awesome initiative, I wish I could join, but Thursday is probably not gonna be good...

    Since I'm playing a Sorc and never done this raid, I want to ask: why is Cloudkill mandatory?
    ~ Crate & Barrel Smashing, LLC ~
    ~Hydrode~ Sorc18/Pal2/Epic5 - Oaked FvS20/Epic5 - ~Guttts~ Bbn 5

  14. #14
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeTricks View Post
    That's an awesome initiative, I wish I could join, but Thursday is probably not gonna be good...

    Since I'm playing a Sorc and never done this raid, I want to ask: why is Cloudkill mandatory?
    It is helpful to keep the person tanking because there is a chance Sully will miss when he swings due to the tank being concealed. If sully misses when swinging tank keeps more hp, healers keep sp and your chances of winning are higher

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by arroyo View Post
    I'd add someone with Destruction/ImprDestruction for painting. Helps to focus DPS on some parts, it was really nice when I was learning the raid.

    Not sure if I'll be online at the time, but I don't mind helping if I catch the LFM up.

    Dunce cap for me for not mentioning this originally.

    +1 and added.

    Also added more sign-ups.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  16. #16
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeTricks View Post
    That's an awesome initiative, I wish I could join, but Thursday is probably not gonna be good...

    Since I'm playing a Sorc and never done this raid, I want to ask: why is Cloudkill mandatory?
    Suulomades, the Boss, has True Seeing. However, Concealment effects still require him to make a check. So, you lay Cloudkill on the Tank, and Sully misses 20% of the time.

  17. #17
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeTricks View Post
    That's an awesome initiative, I wish I could join, but Thursday is probably not gonna be good...

    Since I'm playing a Sorc and never done this raid, I want to ask: why is Cloudkill mandatory?
    Quote Originally Posted by LazyTigerLily View Post
    It is helpful to keep the person tanking because there is a chance Sully will miss when he swings due to the tank being concealed. If sully misses when swinging tank keeps more hp, healers keep sp and your chances of winning are higher
    it's also useful if you're assigned to bat duty at the end, in which case you will probably be kiting the bats since cloudkill is a very slow killer (often that responsibility is given to divines with their blade barriers, though i suppose that might go to artis now as well, it just depends on the situation mostly).

  18. #18
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Suulomades, the Boss, has True Seeing. However, Concealment effects still require him to make a check. So, you lay Cloudkill on the Tank, and Sully misses 20% of the time.
    And just adding on, Sully has a Mantle of Invulnerability as well, so he is immune to level 4 and under spells. Cloudkill is high enough to effect him (for the Concealment part). Cloudkill, unlike Acid Cloud or Incendiary Cloud, also doesn't block vision quite as much.

  19. #19


    I would love to do this, but unfortunately I think that equates to 1am UK time....way past my bed time for a week day!

    If you do any others, any chance you could run them weekend afternoons? Cheeky, I know, but that would be evening for UK and do-able (plus I reckon I have 3 guildees who'd be interested also).

    Hope you kick arse on Thursday :-)

  20. #20
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeTricks View Post
    That's an awesome initiative, I wish I could join, but Thursday is probably not gonna be good...

    Since I'm playing a Sorc and never done this raid, I want to ask: why is Cloudkill mandatory?
    i think i comes in scrolls that last a little more than a min too. so you wont have to slot that spell.
    Thaxlsillyia: Proud officer of Halfling Commandos

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