Fixed, that looks better.Originally Posted by Unknown Persons
Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~
Strange are the ways of men...
Oooh, I come back to the forums for some good 'ole trolling, and I get to see this exchange. Woo!
So, to be honest, I saw your posts and didn't know who you are. So then, of course, I whipped out the myDDO, and... I still don't know who you are. Whoever you are, please continue trolling Soulless. They deserve it. All of it. Because they are pure evil incarnate, a scourge on the face of this world. Keep up the good fight, because everyone knows that you can't truly beat them on the plane of DDO, only banish them temporarily. You can only end their pitiful existence on the plane of Forum, where true warriors travel to test their mettle and enlarge their greenis.
well to get the gist of epic you need to die a few times to realize that maybe you need to do it better. I agree that people should take the time to go to ddowiki, look at their build and figure out what gear to get, then get it, saving epic stuff for last.
Don't group with n00bs ;-) start an epic no group list. posting here won't help. If they read the forums they wouldn't be having those types of issues in epics.
You think it's bad now, wait til SWTOR goes gold or there's another major WoW expansion.
As far as the epic/raid scene blowing... I have no problems at all. I haven't been in a failed raid in a month and it was 4 months before that. I probably do 20 raids/epics a week and PUG 95% of them.
The last failure was due to an AA in VoD that kept pulling boss aggro off me beginning with the first round. I was tanking. We reformed. The guy rejoined. This time the healers let him die. We finished with no problem. Afterwards I had a talk with the AA about aggro management and how the list works. Problem solved. He thanked me.
Oh yea then there was that part 4 shroud failure due to the knives tripling their damage and spawning more when devils are killed. First raid i was in after latest mod, someone with a really high necro DC killed all the devils in one shot with the party standing next to him. My 750hp fighter was killed instantly. So was pretty much everyone else.
The rest have gone like butter.
It's a lot more productive to educate people in game and not be a jerk, than it is to come here and moan. Just saying... Help a brother out once in a while. Anger and frustration solves nothing.
I don't know who these Souless people that you speak of are. If you are going to jab at us as a guild, at least spell our guild name correctly. It's right there in my signature and apparently we are doing a good job, cause we are still getting aggro one thread at a time :P
Sithias ~ Darcath ~ Darccath ~ Darckath ~ Sithificer ~ Sithinator ~ Sithiuus