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  1. #1
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    Default Pugs and Sarlona

    I have came to a quick, and concise conclusion regarding the epic/raid scene of Sarlona: It blows.

    People with sub-par skills, gear, knowledge and builds. So people of Sarlona, I beg of you, take the time to research gear, builds and make the ddowiki your home page.

    If you don't know, ask.

    Join a raiding channel, send the PMs to appropriate people. Do what it takes, because in all honesty, vets are dropping like flies, and the newer players replacing them aren't performing.

    Soulless or Die.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    pfffttttt what you trying to say
    Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell

  3. #3
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    I blame those soulless gimps

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    I blame those soulless gimps
    It's all my fault

  5. #5
    Community Member Sithias's Avatar
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    Kinda like having 300hp and no fortification or wearing the Korthos melee set in EV6?....Wish I would have fraps'd that comical travesty.....

    Sithias ~ Darcath ~ Darccath ~ Darckath ~ Sithificer ~ Sithinator ~ Sithiuus

  6. #6
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    PUGs on Sarlona are not dying, they are dead, since u12, maybe even before that. Failure rate in PUGs for things like ToD even is well above 50%, successful filling rate of pure PUGs (unknown leader + 2-3 of his friends) is probably like 2% and only if they are reeeeaaaally patient to wait 4 hours And don't advise people to join raiding channels, that is the biggest problem actually, the few remaining people on the server that can complete a raid are so capsulated in their guilds/channels they wouldn't take even experienced players unless they are in their channel and/or guild (best in both), occasionally they might take a healer, but only if it takes more than 30 minutes to find one in channel/guild, after my.ddo check and at least 5 vouches from the other members of the party. So yeah situation is horrible, but channels are not the answer, they are the problem

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gempoult View Post
    PUGs on Sarlona are not dying, they are dead, since u12, maybe even before that. Failure rate in PUGs for things like ToD even is well above 50%, successful filling rate of pure PUGs (unknown leader + 2-3 of his friends) is probably like 2% and only if they are reeeeaaaally patient to wait 4 hours And don't advise people to join raiding channels, that is the biggest problem actually, the few remaining people on the server that can complete a raid are so capsulated in their guilds/channels they wouldn't take even experienced players unless they are in their channel and/or guild (best in both), occasionally they might take a healer, but only if it takes more than 30 minutes to find one in channel/guild, after my.ddo check and at least 5 vouches from the other members of the party. So yeah situation is horrible, but channels are not the answer, they are the problem
    I'm with this guy.

  8. #8
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gempoult View Post
    And don't advise people to join raiding channels, that is the biggest problem actually, the few remaining people on the server that can complete a raid are so capsulated in their guilds/channels they wouldn't take even experienced players unless they are in their channel and/or guild (best in both), occasionally they might take a healer, but only if it takes more than 30 minutes to find one in channel/guild, after my.ddo check and at least 5 vouches from the other members of the party. So yeah situation is horrible, but channels are not the answer, they are the problem

    I run and am a member of several raiding channels, and I accept the pretty much whomever hits my lfm. I've also gone out on a limb over and over again offering to teach new players. I'm absolutely desperate to find more people who are interested in raids and epics, the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people I encounter on Sarlona simply are not interested improving their toons/playstyle and running higher end content. No matter how many times it bites me I'll always accept people I don't know, with how inactive our server is lately I couldn't be picky if I wanted to.

    I also feel that your post is somewhat hilarious considering you were one of the first to PM me asking for my channel details.
    Last edited by elricken; 11-04-2011 at 08:55 AM.
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  9. #9
    Community Member elricken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sithias View Post
    Kinda like having 300hp and no fortification or wearing the Korthos melee set in EV6?....Wish I would have fraps'd that comical travesty.....
    Anger's wrath is pretty uber you know, who can say no to +2 to hit?
    Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine

  10. #10
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gempoult View Post
    PUGs on Sarlona are not dying, they are dead, since u12, maybe even before that. Failure rate in PUGs for things like ToD even is well above 50%, successful filling rate of pure PUGs (unknown leader + 2-3 of his friends) is probably like 2% and only if they are reeeeaaaally patient to wait 4 hours And don't advise people to join raiding channels, that is the biggest problem actually, the few remaining people on the server that can complete a raid are so capsulated in their guilds/channels they wouldn't take even experienced players unless they are in their channel and/or guild (best in both), occasionally they might take a healer, but only if it takes more than 30 minutes to find one in channel/guild, after my.ddo check and at least 5 vouches from the other members of the party. So yeah situation is horrible, but channels are not the answer, they are the problem
    I gotta call ******** on this too.

    I run channel, guild and I pug. Infact, I am in channel because I pugged alot and had fun and made friends with members of the channels I'm in. I have 5 active toons, I miss a ton of stuff because I'm leveling someone else, or hit another raid, etc etc. I know the channels I'm in will pug out spots if we don't fill in channels. In guild, certain raids we shortman, some stuff we pug.

    I still pug, I can only think of one raid that I really generally won't pug (but it's easier to just run it in guild). Several of the raids I just don't want to run or only run when I happen to feel like it.

    I also try to teach the raids I know when I get into a party that doesn't know them.

    That said, there are also certain LFM's I won't join. If certain peoples lfm's are taking a long time to fill, maybe it's the contents of their lfm's.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gempoult View Post
    PUGs on Sarlona are not dying, they are dead, since u12, maybe even before that. Failure rate in PUGs for things like ToD even is well above 50%, successful filling rate of pure PUGs (unknown leader + 2-3 of his friends) is probably like 2% and only if they are reeeeaaaally patient to wait 4 hours And don't advise people to join raiding channels, that is the biggest problem actually, the few remaining people on the server that can complete a raid are so capsulated in their guilds/channels they wouldn't take even experienced players unless they are in their channel and/or guild (best in both), occasionally they might take a healer, but only if it takes more than 30 minutes to find one in channel/guild, after my.ddo check and at least 5 vouches from the other members of the party. So yeah situation is horrible, but channels are not the answer, they are the problem

    It’s not this bad.

    There is certainly a bit of a “dry spell” right now due to a few things:

    Artificers – People are TRing and leveling
    MA + LoB – People stick to channel/guild when new raids come out. I did, however, see some public MA this week.

    I do agree that we are way more short bus than the other old servers.

    If you have issues then try leading unwashed puggles who want to run
    eDA “for a token” so they can upgrade their mabar stuff. The perspective
    you gain from that should be quite enlightening why people close ranks.

    Be the change you want to see, it’s pretty hard to operate like Morfane
    and take chances on new kids. We need a few more people to plant seeds
    to replace and supplement the old talent leaving.

    One of these people could be you.
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  12. #12
    Pirate Cursed Raolin_Darksbane's Avatar
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    This is kinda off topic but since there's some solid players here (I'm assuming based on the comments anyway - I only recognize a couple of ya)...

    My arti TR Epiitaph is having a hard as hell time getting a group that can complete In the Flesh elite at lvl (max 17). Yeah I don't NEED the xp/bravery from it, I can skip it and come back in a level or so - But at this point it's a matter of principle. So if any of you have a max lvl 17 toon and you want to come show what you're made of, look me up in game on Epiitaph or send me a shout there. I'm on most nights and I would really love to show this MindFlayer what's up before I run out of lube
    Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin

  13. #13
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raolin_Darksbane View Post
    This is kinda off topic but since there's some solid players here (I'm assuming based on the comments anyway - I only recognize a couple of ya)...

    My arti TR Epiitaph is having a hard as hell time getting a group that can complete In the Flesh elite at lvl (max 17). Yeah I don't NEED the xp/bravery from it, I can skip it and come back in a level or so - But at this point it's a matter of principle. So if any of you have a max lvl 17 toon and you want to come show what you're made of, look me up in game on Epiitaph or send me a shout there. I'm on most nights and I would really love to show this MindFlayer what's up before I run out of lube
    Such a nice quest series. That's where I got my +6 str ring no minimum level, bta as end series reward. I'll join u Billy for that once I get the others done tonight.

  14. #14
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raolin_Darksbane View Post
    This is kinda off topic but since there's some solid players here (I'm assuming based on the comments anyway - I only recognize a couple of ya)...

    My arti TR Epiitaph is having a hard as hell time getting a group that can complete In the Flesh elite at lvl (max 17). Yeah I don't NEED the xp/bravery from it, I can skip it and come back in a level or so - But at this point it's a matter of principle. So if any of you have a max lvl 17 toon and you want to come show what you're made of, look me up in game on Epiitaph or send me a shout there. I'm on most nights and I would really love to show this MindFlayer what's up before I run out of lube
    In the Flesh is rough - heck, even on normal - if the party doesn't know the boss fight. I've probably had something like one out of five at-level PUGs succeed, there's usually at most one other person that knows what they're doing and the rest won't listen because they're not used to having to do things differently to complete a quest.

    On the other hand, if everyone knows the fight or can listen, it really isn't *that* hard. I've two manned it at level with a melee tank kiting trash and a caster on the illithid.

  15. #15
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    I'm sorry I can't log much anymore! But, if I ever begin playing again I'll whip people in shape!

  16. #16
    Pirate Cursed Raolin_Darksbane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    In the Flesh is rough - heck, even on normal - if the party doesn't know the boss fight. I've probably had something like one out of five at-level PUGs succeed, there's usually at most one other person that knows what they're doing and the rest won't listen because they're not used to having to do things differently to complete a quest.

    On the other hand, if everyone knows the fight or can listen, it really isn't *that* hard. I've two manned it at level with a melee tank kiting trash and a caster on the illithid.
    Two manned it at level on Elite? Or are you talking about normal? I'm trying to get it done on elite for the bravery bonus - If I wanted normal I would skip the pug experience altogether and solo it with Dogmeat
    Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin

  17. #17
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Elite. It's really not that difficult. Harder than most quests definitely because you can't just bulldoze through it, but not that hard.

    Might work with an arti if the dog is really tough and you can break the illithid's DR, but I have no experience with artificers.

  18. #18
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raolin_Darksbane View Post
    Two manned it at level on Elite? Or are you talking about normal? I'm trying to get it done on elite for the bravery bonus - If I wanted normal I would skip the pug experience altogether and solo it with Dogmeat
    Billy, didn't you say you didn't need/want the bravery bonus, now it was principle of getting it done?
    You changed your mind fast! I'm on the quest before it so will be ready to show you how it's done after I pick kids up from school.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by elricken View Post

    I run and am a member of several raiding channels, and I accept the pretty much whomever hits my lfm. I've also gone out on a limb over and over again offering to teach new players. I'm absolutely desperate to find more people who are interested in raids and epics, the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people I encounter on Sarlona simply are not interested improving their toons/playstyle and running higher end content. No matter how many times it bites me I'll always accept people I don't know, with how inactive our server is lately I couldn't be picky if I wanted to.

    I also feel that your post is somewhat hilarious considering you were one of the first to PM me asking for my channel details.
    You are some nice exception then, too bad I can't catch you online to raid with you, anyway the fact that I am in a channel doesn't change my opinion about it or them in general and here its about PUGs really and they are dead on Sarlona, even chinese don't play so much recently, or at least they don't pug. And also piglet... So we had a public MA last week? Really? Wow! So 1 public MA in almost 2 months since those are out, and not even LoB, its MA that can be pretty much completed by 3 people on normal without using pots and this is suppose to show that PUGs on Sarlona are not dead? Cause it kinda shows the opposite to me...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gempoult View Post
    You are some nice exception then, too bad I can't catch you online to raid with you, anyway the fact that I am in a channel doesn't change my opinion about it or them in general and here its about PUGs really and they are dead on Sarlona, even chinese don't play so much recently, or at least they don't pug. And also piglet... So we had a public MA last week? Really? Wow! So 1 public MA in almost 2 months since those are out, and not even LoB, its MA that can be pretty much completed by 3 people on normal without using pots and this is suppose to show that PUGs on Sarlona are not dead? Cause it kinda shows the opposite to me...



    And spent...

    Congratulations your are the mother of a bouncing baby boy.

    j/p. Anyways, I do what I can to not pug as much as possible. I haven't done a full pug run in quite some time actually so my experiences lately haven't been all that bad. I'll run a few later today when I get home from work and see how things are doing from my perspective.
    Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~

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