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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Increase the duration of Action Boosts

    The duration of spells are based on caster levels however the duration of action boosts are a constant 20 seconds. i would like to see action boosts be class level based. starting at 20 seconds and adding 2 seconds per class level. this would mean a level 20 rogue would get 60 seconds of rogue haste boost and a 18 ranger/2 rogue could get 24 seconds of rogue haste boost and 56 seconds of ranger sprint boost. This dose not mean it would extend the durations of abilitys that use different action boosts like power surge.

  2. #2
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    My 20th level fighter supports this message, but also wants it to effect power surge!


  3. #3
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Melee balance is very delicate. 60 second boosts would obliterate it, because not all builds have access to the same number of DPS boosts. It would also obliterate the current scheme of (nominally) short-term vs. long-term DPS. A fighter (or rogue) would go from exhausting 5 boosts in 2:30 to exhausting 5 boosts in 6:40, an effect compounded by any additional boosts.

    On my melees, I find the current durations to be pretty good. Not too short to be micro-managey, but not too long to be overpowering.

  4. #4
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    Defensive Action Boosts (like AC or Saves) should probably have the length increased by +10 to +20 seconds, but true offensive boosts should remain the same (although their activation delay could be reduced).

    The Attack Boost (which is a fake offensive boost) could get a duration in between.

  5. #5
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    Definitely agree it's needed for both boosts and surges. At the very least, some sort of scaling is needed to adjusted for the length of fights as you level. I wouldn't mind much shorter boosts pre lvl10, but end game definitely calls for longer boost durations

    /signed x 100

  6. #6
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    no to power surge! 1 min is on par with other things like frenzy. A lot of builds don't bother taking some boosts because there too short. find me a ranger that has energy resistance boost 4 and actually uses it, or a rogue assassin that has damage boost 4.

    As for balance, how many casters do u think would burn this forum to the ground if buffs durations by caster level was replaced with a set duration of 5 mins and a set 30 seconds on haste, rage, and other short term buffs.

  7. #7
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    Melees need a BIG boost to fix the imbalance between them and casters, but I don't sign this.

    Fighters need a smaller boost than other classes, the only melee class that needs less of a boost is Barbs.

    This would put fighters so far ahead it would be insane.

    What I WOULD like to see, is the boosts lasting 30 seconds to match the cooldown. Not as big of an increase in what you suggest, but enough for a decent boost to most melees.

    But when it's implemented, they would have to buff Rangers and Paladins, and to a lesser extent monks who rely less on action boosts and need the boost in power more than anyone.

  8. #8
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kavassa View Post
    no to power surge! 1 min is on par with other things like frenzy. A lot of builds don't bother taking some boosts because there too short. find me a ranger that has energy resistance boost 4 and actually uses it, or a rogue assassin that has damage boost 4.

    As for balance, how many casters do u think would burn this forum to the ground if buffs durations by caster level was replaced with a set duration of 5 mins and a set 30 seconds on haste, rage, and other short term buffs.
    Casters and buffs are irrelevant. Melees are in large part balanced between each other, your suggestion would destroy that balance.

  9. #9
    Community Member incineration's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kavassa View Post
    no to power surge! 1 min is on par with other things like frenzy. A lot of builds don't bother taking some boosts because there too short. find me a ranger that has energy resistance boost 4 and actually uses it, or a rogue assassin that has damage boost 4.

    As for balance, how many casters do u think would burn this forum to the ground if buffs durations by caster level was replaced with a set duration of 5 mins and a set 30 seconds on haste, rage, and other short term buffs.
    would casters hate it? bring striders, cast displacement at fights, really i think that would actually hurt melee who rely on that more than the caster, as you said yourself, if the duration is too short, nobody will use it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockback View Post
    It's a grenade, so just throw it at your feet. : )
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    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a meteor swarm!

  10. #10
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    One minute is probably too long, but an extra enhancement line like extra action boosts is probably a good idea. Maybe at levels 8, 12 and 16. Add maybe 10 seconds per tier on a 1/2/3 progression. That would max out at 50 seconds, but most builds would probably have trouble fitting in all 6 APs. It should also probably be a racial enhancement given to every race so that all characters can take advantage of it.

  11. #11
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    That would Make Humans superior to all races because of Human versatility. i was right in this being class based only. they could make a feat to extend action boosts but then again fighter would stand the most to gain from this. However as things are increasing the boosts they already gain would only enhance each class acordingly.

    Maybe they should scale all melee abilities in this way making Rage, Frenzy, Divine Might, Surge, Uncanny Dodge, Manyshot, Endless Fusillade, Bard Songs, and more. the whole point of this is that the fact that spells are level based durations while melee abilities and boosts are a fixed duration.
    Last edited by Kavassa; 11-05-2011 at 08:06 PM.

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