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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Rune arm drop rate?

    Very new to DDO (about a month reguardless join date)

    Have now done Chamber of Raiyum 11 times without getting a rune arm drop.

    Cult of the six took 2 tries.
    Seal of Shan-toKor took 7 tries.
    Assault on Splinterskull took 9.

    Just unlucky?
    The drop rate get worse at higher levels?
    Any of the rune arms have a single shot at a drop and if not the first pass your screwed?

    Have yet to see any posts on this in specialists...maybe looking in wrong section?

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rapier03 View Post
    Very new to DDO (about a month reguardless join date)

    Have now done Chamber of Raiyum 11 times without getting a rune arm drop.

    Cult of the six took 2 tries.
    Seal of Shan-toKor took 7 tries.
    Assault on Splinterskull took 9.

    Just unlucky?
    The drop rate get worse at higher levels?
    Any of the rune arms have a single shot at a drop and if not the first pass your screwed?

    Have yet to see any posts on this in specialists...maybe looking in wrong section?
    Shan-to-kor and Tangle root seem a bit on the unlucky side. Wizard King.. keep running, be sure to wait a week in between every 8 runs, ransacked chests generally don't drop named items.

    Wiz king named loot is pretty rare, I think I pull about 1 item every 10-20 runs or so and there is a dozen different items that can drop.. so keep running it.


    Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rapier03 View Post
    Very new to DDO (about a month reguardless join date)

    Have now done Chamber of Raiyum 11 times without getting a rune arm drop.

    Cult of the six took 2 tries.
    Seal of Shan-toKor took 7 tries.
    Assault on Splinterskull took 9.

    Just unlucky?
    The drop rate get worse at higher levels?
    Any of the rune arms have a single shot at a drop and if not the first pass your screwed?

    Have yet to see any posts on this in specialists...maybe looking in wrong section?
    Bad roll of the dice. I don't play an arti, but have done a Tangleroot run where 3 out of 6 party members got the Rune arm drop, excluding the arti in the group.

    Have also ran waterworks (or was it Sharn to Kor?) where the rune arm dropped for two of us, and none for the artificer.

    I guess the option to have class-specific loot is not working really well for artificers.

  4. #4
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by learst View Post
    I guess the option to have class-specific loot is not working really well for artificers.
    Class specific loot only applies to randomly generated items not named items.


    Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

  5. #5
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rapier03 View Post
    Very new to DDO (about a month reguardless join date)

    Have now done Chamber of Raiyum 11 times without getting a rune arm drop.
    Playing on Elite increases chances. I did elite with a L20 toon, got it on 4th try.
    Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).

  6. #6
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Drop rate is very low on Hand of the Tombs at the moment, but will be much, much higher post U12.

    On Elite or Epic, you should see one (maybe under your name, maybe under a party member's name) every 2 runs after the update.

  7. #7
    Community Member Calonderial's Avatar
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    ran wizking over 40 times on elite to get hand of the tombs, still trying for lucid dreams (only run mindsunder around 10 times so far)
    all the others I got if not on first try then second or third. Hopefully post U12 the grind for named items specific to the arty class wont be as much of a grind to acquire

  8. #8
    Community Member Osco's Avatar
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    I feel extremely lucky that someone put a Hand of the Tombs on the AH for 10kpp the other day, and I snapped it up! (I think they missed a 0 when typing the price, since all the rest I've seen are going for 100k.) I've run Catacombs (normal) three times with no rune arm yet. I wanted it before hitting Deleras. Made one elite Tangleroot run, but no arm there either, so still using the starter arm at level 7. I crafted a Spot +5 to it because I was tired of walking into traps :P

  9. #9
    Community Member FooWonk's Avatar
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    0/2 Catacombs
    0/3 The Lost Seekers
    0/3 Shan-To-Kor
    2/2 Tangleroot
    0/2 Sentinels of Stormreach
    1/2 Delera's Tomb
    1/1 Threnal
    0/2 Cult of Six
    0/2 Into the Deep
    1/3 Attack on Stormreach
    0/4 Devil Assault
    0/3 Reign of Madness
    0/14 Mindsunder
    0/20 Garamol (all solo runs before TR'ing)
    0/5 Wiz-King

    0/1 Catacombs
    1/1 Phiarlan Carnival
    0/2 The Lost Seekers
    0/1 Shan-To-Kor
    0/2 Tangleroot
    1/1 Sentinels of Stormreach
    0/1 Delera's Tomb
    0/1 Threnal
    0/1 Cult of Six
    1/1 Into the Deep
    0/1 Devil Assault
    5/9 Garamol (-: w/Raid party, ty Snemeis for having my level 14 along :-)
    0/1 Wiz-King

  10. #10
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    When I ran my arti early on, I couldn't get a single rune arm to drop until I got into the lordsmarch range.

    Then when I ran through the lower level content on a couple of other toons, they were dropping everywhere the first time through. Now I have more arms than I know what to do with.

    Basically, because I was looking for it, I couldn't find it. Then when running my rogue or my wizzy, they dropped everywhere. haahahahahha

    Totally hit and miss.
    The Fockers of Argo
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  11. #11
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    I've had no trouble getting the arms from STK, TR, WW, korthos, and Catacombs but I haven't been able to get any of the others to drop. well, ok I saw the Delera's one but I picked up VotM instead. I have run Wiz King multiple times on norm, hard, and elite, I have ran Sentinels so many times I was very surprised when I hear a rune arm could drop there. I have run into the deep 4 or 5 times on hard or elite. I have a level 15 Arti and I can't get any rune arm better than Flicker or Fury of Khyber. frustrating.

  12. #12
    Community Member Osco's Avatar
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    made one more Cats run, this time with a group on Elite and Candlelight finally dropped. I don't think I want to do Deleras solo, so I'm headed for Tangleroot next I guess.

  13. #13
    Community Member Osco's Avatar
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    Second run of Tangleroot (hard), solo with cleric hireling and dog: Rune Arm dropped. First run was Elite with team.

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