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  1. #1
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default an idea to improve thrown weapons

    will currently thrown weapons have use except the occasional thrower build but historically thrown weapons were use as a distraction before engaging in melee and sometimes if the thrower was lucky and the target didn't block the projectile it would hit it and kill the target and this brings me to my idea:
    create a special thrown weapon slot in which each character can slot their favorite thrown weapon and just throw it in a press of a button before reaching the target for a bit of extra damage it will be something like this:

    at low levels the fighter wielding a greatsword and running towards the monster throws a weapon while running and when he reaches it just takes a swing and kills it

    at mid levels the fighter obtains some kind of throwing weapon with burst effect and maybe some debuff effect and throws it at the monster causing some damage and weakening the monster before engaging it making the fight easier

    at high levels the fighter obtains a vopral(the old instant kill effect) throwing weapon and throws it if he is lucky then he has killed the monster and if not he could still have some sort of debuff effect on it to weaken the monster

    so what do you think?

  2. #2


    As a fan of throwing weapons in general (call me weird but I like them), I can't condone this suggestion. Switching from thrower to melee weapon and vice-verse is not that much of a burden and can easily be accomplished on the run and faster with Quick Draw. If a special weapon slot were created for throwers, casters would want a special wand and scroll slot, archers would want the same. It would open a can of worms and there are other, more pressing problems to address.

    But thanks for the suggestion.

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