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"Only"? 16 is a high starting charisma for a bard. If you're speccing for DPS (be it melee or ranged), 12 starting charisma is adequate.
Any chance you could share your personal experiences with such a build? My own experience is that they can't hold a candle to a good melee build. This seems to hold true both on paper and in practice.
Those damage buffs apply to any weapon you use.
"He wasn't speccing for DPS...or he'd be a Warchanter. He's speccing for CC...and that requires a high cha. As far as damage buffs apply to any weapon...thats true...but ranged weapons let you attack ....from range..which means you often take less damage"
Fascinate was the topic of discussion, and it's usable by all bards, whatever spellcasting style they employ. That style can include hypnotism and soundburst, but generally not back-to-back, and especially not with soundburst coming after hypnotism (your wording could be interpreted a couple ways). Also, crowd control doesn't empower you to solo; it just supplements whatever DPS and survivability you already have by reducing how much monsters hit you.
Um. No. Survival is good, but your tactical insights are awful. There's nothing inherently wrong with being in the thick of things. On the contrary, Fascinate works best if you're designed to handle being in the thick of things, while your mass cure spells will only heal the entire party if the entire party is actually together. Same thing goes for many of your buffs.
It's tempting to think that you'll take less damage if you hang behind the party with a ranged weapon, but this is not automatically the case. You WILL get aggro wherever you stand, and you're better off being able to go toe-to-toe with your opponent in melee when that happens. Being in the thick of it doesn't automatically get you more aggro, anyway. The more important factors seem to be whether someone else is in front of you and whether someone else is hitting a monster.
Actually, fascinate conflicts with ranged combat. Both are actions you perform while the distance between you and the monster is shrinking. You can only do one at a time. Also, after you finish Fascinating, you'll be at melee range if you did it right. You waste even more time if you have to re-maneuver so you can range effectively after Fascinating.
"Bog...why the heck would you move out of melee range....you want to be in melee range to get the bonus of PBS. As far as fascinate conflicting with ranged attacks, not at all. Fascinate lets you take a group of enemies and only have to fight one at a time...in point blank shot range...without any worries of hitting one of the other enemies and knocking them out of hypno/fascinate etc. And I have played a similar build.....with arti levels tossed in. The great thing about the build is you have great ranged damage and then can use CC abilities if enemies get near you. You do not in any way have to be outside of melee range to use ranged attacks.....and to still make great use of your buffs, heals and CC abilities"
Um. What? Why would other ranged builds need dexterity, other than to improve their attack bonus (a benefit bards get anyway)? It can't be an AC issue-- there's no reason to go to the trouble of speccing a ranged build for endgame AC.
Again, what has your experience been with this kind of build? I find it hard to believe the DPS could be competitive with that of a melee bard.