Yeah, I know, he's a mindflayer. But he's been living in Stormreach for years now, he must be getting to know his customers pretty well by now. Maybe they'd come by and visit more often if he weren't so hard to talk to.

What I'd like to see is a list, on one side, of what feats you have, and what level you took them, then on the other, when you select a feat on the first side, a list of what feats it could be swapped for. And make all this viewable without having to actually put a dragonshard in the dialog. Once you've selected a feat to swap out and one to replace it with, he can give you his price.

This would make it so much easier to decide how to go about swapping out that Shot on the Run feat you took 4 years ago when you couldn't reload while moving...maybe even get that archer leveled up enough to finally TR it...