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  1. #1
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Default Last Will and Testament

    The Last Will and Testament Bank Box;

    Simple concept – When a character is deleted (for those toons ya just don't feel like reinc'ing), all the items and cash go into a part of the shared bank that would, for all intents and purposes, function like the True Reincarnation bank box.

    My primary reason for suggesting this is that if one is deleting an old character then it would allow the player to keep hard won raid items and such without circumventing the reasoning behind the original rationale to BTC. Hey, Turbine could even charge for the Will's notarization fees. I dun care.

    I dunno, I like it. What do you folks think?
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  2. #2
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cholera View Post
    The Last Will and Testament Bank Box;

    Simple concept – When a character is deleted (for those toons ya just don't feel like reinc'ing), all the items and cash go into a part of the shared bank that would, for all intents and purposes, function like the True Reincarnation bank box.

    My primary reason for suggesting this is that if one is deleting an old character then it would allow the player to keep hard won raid items and such without circumventing the reasoning behind the original rationale to BTC. Hey, Turbine could even charge for the Will's notarization fees. I dun care.

    I dunno, I like it. What do you folks think?
    As far as keeping BTC items, I'm kind of conflicted. It wouldn't encourage that much hoarding, since you would have to delete the character, but ehhh... can't decide.

    On the whole, though, /not signed. Being able to shift all the bta/unbound items I have over to a new toon and then delete it to save space seems a bit much.
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  3. #3
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Actually it would encourage hoarding. roll a new toon, shove all your stuff on it, delete it: free storage. Repeat. Take stuff out of the cache when you want it. Even if you could only do it with one toon at a time, it would give ALOT of extra storage, and essentially remove any incentive at all for purchasing additional shared bank slots.

    Not to mention being able to shift BTC items. While I hate wasting BTC items on toons i ended up not liking, its still not a good idea.

  4. #4
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by varusso View Post
    Actually it would encourage hoarding.
    A good point. So, a modification to the original idea - the bank would hold (capture from the deletion process) ONLY BTC items.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cholera View Post
    A good point. So, a modification to the original idea - the bank would hold (capture from the deletion process) ONLY BTC items.
    Create several accounts (lets say 3), and get two characters on each (triple box, solo quests on one)of them to 10-12 (reasonable to do in 2-3days) either buy TP or use TP from favor to get sands..
    Run ADQ2 twice, triple boxing both times.
    Pass all "mad loots" to "throw away toon" on main account.
    Delete "throw away toon" after getting items that you want immediately, and remake throw away for later use OR continue farming every 3 days.
    Get items on main character.
    Rinse and Repeat every three days.
    Win at DDO.

    Another reasonable way to use this would be to change process to leveling to 15 [3-4 days] and raid to DQ, Von, and Reavers (Madstone loots)
    Anything past this and IMO the time invested starts to get annoying, then again, you could run Hox and VoD at that level, and semi-pike.
    Abbot flag is annoying, but I could also reasonably see flagging for abbot/piking abbot instead of DQ.

    Bottom line? No thanks, way too easy for anyone thinking about it to take advantage of the system.
    Last edited by Darknark; 10-29-2011 at 03:41 AM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    Bottom line? No thanks, way too easy for anyone thinking about it to take advantage of the system.
    Interesting concern. The thing is that the most questionable part about that particular scenario; its already possible: Making throw-away toons in order to multi-box a raid, pike and get extra items for a preferred toon.

    Admittedly, my suggestion does contribute to the likelihood that the perpetrator will be able to remain anonymous. Easy way around that - if the toon to be deleted is not at least a year old and does not have, say, 2000 or more favour, they do not qualify for the feature.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cholera View Post
    Interesting concern. The thing is that the most questionable part about that particular scenario; its already possible: Making throw-away toons in order to multi-box a raid, pike and get extra items for a preferred toon.

    Admittedly, my suggestion does contribute to the likelihood that the perpetrator will be able to remain anonymous. Easy way around that - if the toon to be deleted is not at least a year old and does not have, say, 2000 or more favour, they do not qualify for the feature.
    1) Multiboxing is 'legal' in that Turbine allows it. I multi-box quite often. Nothing is wrong with this, and I don't care if I (the 'perpetrator') am anonymous or not.

    2) The difference is that someone could do it [box a raid] TWICE (or more) as much in the same time period and just delete one character to move it to the main.

    3) Your suggestion to fix it wouldn't help very much in the sense that leveling a character to the level to do raids is quite fast, if someone wanted to delete the character it would probably happen sooner rather than later (a later character is more likely to have the ability to TR rather than delete, and after that time [a year] it is more likely that the other characters of the player don't require the gear from it as much [if at all] ). Video game wise, for a game that is constantly growing, a year is a long time.

    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    What you are forgetting is that 1 person exp farming is a live person. I have seen in other games where people exp farm in groups using bots - that is, everyone sits around and the one guy who is mass killing mobs endlessly is not actually there, a script is running his toon (which is the against the rules part). Here's a nice conversation explaining multiboxing courtesy Phoenix:

    I have had the pleasure of running into Phoenix several times, he's always been extremely helpful. He specifically mentioned that even when using my software to multibox by repeating keystrokes to multiple clients, thats still not considered cheating - because I am physically there controlling the characters.

    Myth busted?
    Last edited by Darknark; 10-29-2011 at 02:13 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
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  8. #8
    Community Member Cholera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    1) Multiboxing is 'legal' in that Turbine allows it. I multi-box quite often. Nothing is wrong with this, and I don't care if I (the 'perpetrator') am anonymous or not.

    2) The difference is that someone could do it [box a raid] TWICE (or more) as much in the same time period and just delete one character to move it to the main.

    3) Your suggestion to fix it wouldn't help very much in the sense that leveling a character to the level to do raids is quite fast, if someone wanted to delete the character it would probably happen sooner rather than later (a later character is more likely to have the ability to TR rather than delete, and after that time [a year] it is more likely that the other characters of the player don't require the gear from it as much [if at all] ). Video game wise, for a game that is constantly growing, a year is a long time.
    I disagree - what you suggest is far more work than just running the raid to get a given item on the preferred toon in the first place. As for what I call questionable - I mean that in terms of player culture. Few people appreciate pikers, save for on short raids and guild run raids or similar circumstances. And yes, many would likely prefer to TR but that is not always the case, particularly if they already have a completionist TR going - and many these days do.

    For those of us that have been around a good deal longer than reincarnation, having 10 or even 20 toons wasn’t unheard of for serious players (I've capped easily 40 over the years). When they added TR, however, such numbers become less likely as mistakes are now easily corrected, permitting greater focus and, subsequently, greater development on fewer characters.

    Anyway, you seem committed to the notion that exploiters would go to the ends of the earth simply to abuse such a feature and, to be fair, maybe some would but I expect not many.
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