I can both understand and sympathize with that. But if we swamp him (Maj) with questions, requests and criticism about things he can do nothing about, we might "loose" him.
Apparently (as they've said themselves) the DDO staff - of course apart from the Community Reps - have no "Customer Interaction" listed in their work deliverables. So they don't have to talk with us, and only do so if they feel like it. (I heard a rumor that when WB took over they wanted the devs to communicate more but that was obviously false.)
And while I would love to have some devs here (or even Marketing people, like B. Ogre wants to address in his posts) discussing all kinds of hows and whys like Codog used to do (and no, we don't need any whens), we don't. They don't have to talk to us, and there's nothing we can do about it - no picket signs saying "we are the customers" etc. will change that. ("Being nice to the devs" won't help since we are thousands of people, not one person. There will always be some that are unhappy.)
Maj does provide very valuable information about current bugs and QA (and football ), and that's great. Let's not chase him into the same dungeon as where the DDO developers are hiding.