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A quick comment about this, one that I have wanted to make several times but always held off for one reason or another.
Currently (as it is on lamma) there are favor rewards (artificer) and some itemization rewards (loot) which are unique to the new challenges. This means that, by its very nature, its about the rewards/loot on a very tangible level. That holds true of everything in any MMO which has only one avenue of acquisition.
For those of us who would like to have fun (playing an artificer, or having some of the new loot effects which are not, and have no history of being, integrated backwards through the game) we are forced into grinding the content, whether we consider said content fun or not; or be faced with giving up hopes of having fun with the target reward in the first place.
I suppose it could be said that Artificer has another avenue of acquisition, which is true even if I find the idea of simply buying it of little appeal personally. And the items are hardly mandatory to experience most of the game. So please don't interpret this as any kind of illogical request to simply be handed everything because the game is unplayable otherwise.
My point is, for your original statement there to really be applicable, there would have to be alternative ways to go about most things in the game. Which is, ironically, what DDO was originally about: it flat out intentionally tried to make quests playable by killing, stealthing, using turn undead, etc... there was a whole example worked up with how different classes might get around some undead and traps using different abilities which was used a lot in the initial promotion postings. Now, more and more quests are being changed to force only one method, with required kills all over the place, only one path to go, immunities or removal of all kinds of abilities, etc.
I'd like for there to be more in the future. But I'd also like that variety back, where you have choices about how to quest, and more than one way to get the chest at the end. Please implore whoever is in charge of that, of looking at ways to integrate effects elsewhere, or in multiple places. And try to add quests with more than one path, without required kills every 10 feet, without barring effects or adding immunities to everything.
Like some bridge you need to cross, where you fight the troll on the bridge and he doesnt agro until you walk too far past him while in his perception range. So you could fight him, or waterwalk across off to the side and avoid him, or sneak past him, or can hail him and diplo to pay his toll since he wont agro initially, or bluff him without paying and have a short window of time before he figures it out and then agros if youre still around in his range, and have like a half dozen ways of dealing with that one objective. Poor example perhaps but its not like I spent more than a moment on it.
Partycrashers, as one example, is close with a lot of optionals that use different abilities, but at the end of the day theres really one 1-2 ways to do each of them. And, its not really dealing with main objectives different ways, so much as it is doing side quests. Expand that, so different classes/builds/skills/abilities/items are useful each step of the way. People can use a lot of different abilities to complete the main objective and get the same main chest/reward, and instead of having lfms that are like 'need diplo for more loot' or 'casters only' you might get 'need 1 person for troll, anything works' with the emphasis back on different classes bringing cool abilities to the table not just differing dps numbers. With maybe 200 favor available so we only need half of it, so we can pick and choose whats required to grind instead of having only one option.
I realize thats basically a request for more content, in larger chunks at a time, with a higher complexity in each piece. So perhaps an unreasonable request, and if so fair enough. But until theres a larger level of latitude in how to approach things, it kind of is about the rewards. Because without them, in a game where you just play for the sake of playing content for fun, no one would repeat quests the number of times we are required to in order to get loot. People do that because its fun to use the rewards in future quests, not because they enjoy shroud for the 500th time. Anyhow, thats what I would like to see to justify the fun not loot comment, in a general sense. Shrug, just 2 cents, thanks.