Having taken a look at the proposed challenge items from Lammania and their postings on the wiki, I noticed something of a hole.
There's something for artificers/warforged. There are elemental spell boosts for the wiz/sorc. Additional weapon options for the meleers. Armor that is designed for people who get hit a lot. And it all looks great.
But really, there's nothing for a healer. I look at this list, and there's nothing really for a cleric except a chance to help other people get their stuff. I could go on a long story about how that is a theme, how there is generally less stuff out there to look forward to for a class that generally *has* to be there - but that is a bit off topic beyond one point. Having a cleric style item would give us primary clerics a reason to go there and something to look forward to.
I don't really care what it is. But please, add something cleric/fvs - healer oriented. Maybe something with brilliance and void lore for the offensive fvses. Or a brilliance and devotion/brilliance lore devotion lore for the more traditional healer type. Or an item with empowered healing II (or dare I say, III?)
Something - anything - that is directly aimed at the healer types and gives us something to look forward to and a reason to participate other than "get (*&#$ for an alt".