How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
Also signed, but warn me before its implemented.
I want time to empty my TR cache out and not get hit by the inevitable cache-related bug that somehow springs into existence at the same time.
Good idea.
Characters on Orien:
Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus
On my 15th TR now...Still wish this was implemented.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
this idea should be deployed in all character bank, inventory, bags, etc.
It is a pain to have to shift through all that junk to get to the items I actually WANT to take out.
Sort by ML or slot would be my hope.
If must be faster to implement, just add a searchbox for on-the-fly searches like a bag has.
for ml sort of tr bank ... makes most sense
Those who know me, know my main toons. Those who know me well, know my altsThose who dont know me, just dont understand ! -- Motto for the Alt-aholic
I only have one tr'd character and the tr bank currently has a bunch of random quest items I don't want to sort through, this upgrade would make me very happy.
Cannith: Gurei - Kinkaku - Xier - Biggorox - Slenderbot - Lrrrr (RULER OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8!)
The worst part of TR'ing for me isn't the actual process of lvling again (I love it). It's frantically searching through my cache hoping all my stuff made it through again. One of those OMG where's my eC.Blade at or my latest TR experience of not being able to find one of my Triple PoS Warhammers because it was randomly placed down the list mixed between some junk items I should have tossed out anyhow. Hence the reason I also screenshot every bank page/Inventory bag and page of my ingredients bag.
The Bladesworn
Ranger UP
F yeah! ML!
Sarlona Deluxe
Axess (high dps/versatility [TR1]) ~ Nimmuz (cleric) ~ Roboboogie (spellsword [TR1])
Partydeluxe (bard [TR1]) ~ Partywiz (WF AM [TR1])
I don't even have that much gear compared to most and it still sucks trying to find what I need.
SarlonaMain is Arthnoxx, currently on life 4 as artificerDDOwiki: best source for just about everything about ddo
Seeing as how I'm about to TR 2 more toons I hope that the hotfix today is addressing this... but I'll assume it's not...
Last edited by Olds-cool; 05-02-2012 at 08:49 AM.
Olds, Proud Member of The Silver Legion on Cannith
This should be something that can be offloaded to the client for processing, rather than increasing the load on the server. Just have the client sort the display, and when an item is clicked report the unique item id or whatever to the server. The server can move the item from TR bank to inventory, and tell the client to reload the TR bank contents.