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  1. #1
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    Default Shadowcaster, Modified

    The Shadowcaster class is found in D&D 3.5 edition Tome of Magic. I really like the concept, but felt it needed some modification for DDO, so I took some time changing a few things around. For the spells, I’m not after an entire spell list since I feel that any discussion would be more important at this time. I welcome discussion on this character class and the changes.

    What brought this to mind was the Monk and the idea of playing a ninja, and also give the rogue assassin some love. The Shadowcaster could be the perfect caster to assist. I thought this would also be great to use as a multi-class as well.

    All information is taken from Tome of Magic.

    Shadowcaster features represent a growing mastery of shadow magic and a more personal connection to the Plane of Shadow. You are a master of arcane secrets far greater than any other -- at least you will be. You understand what others do not: All power stems from darkness. Shadowcasters tap into the Plane of Shadow when casting mysteries. They draw extra-planar shadows to them, for no shadow of the Material Plane is strong enough to displace the light. The shadowcaster can manipulate ambient lighting as a bard manipulates sound.

    Simple weapon proficiency
    - quarterstaff, crossbow
    Cannot use armor or shields

    Need high intelligence and charisma scores for spells/mysteries.
    Like other casters, keep a high dexterity

    The save DC of any spell/mystery is equal to 10+ your Cha modifier.

    Shadowcaster Paths------------
    When starting you character, you can choose either one of the three or custom.

    1 Child of Night
    2 Shadowblade
    3 Master of Shadow
    4 Custom

    Child of Night focuses on necromancy spells, also touch and short ranged attacks.
    -hide bonus
    -support the rogues
    -prestige class: Noctumancer
    Higher levels--------
    -become incorporeal

    Level 6
    Noctumancer I
    Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Shadowcaster Energy of the Mystic I
    Shadowcaster Intelligence I

    Summon Shadow (1 Action Point)

    Level 12
    Noctumancer I
    Noctumancer II
    Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Shadowcaster Energy of the Mystic II
    Shadowcaster Intelligence II

    Summon Dark Lion w/ Shadow Manipulation III (1 Action Point)

    Level 18
    Noctumancer I
    Noctumancer II
    Noctumancer III
    Shadowcaster Energy of the Mystic III
    Shadowcaster Intelligence III

    Summon Greater Shadow Elemental w/Shadow Manipulation V (1 Action Point)

    Shadowblade focuses on close combat; martial ability and the skills necessary to use them.
    -hide bonus
    -stealth attacks
    -support the rogues/fill in for rogues and possibly fighters. (not mechanical rogues)
    Unseen Weapon:
    -as a standard action you can wrap any melee weapon you wield in a layer of shifting shadows. This causes the weapon to darken, become less distinct, and leave a trail of shadow behind it as it moves. Your weapon must be in hand and in game for you to draw upon this power. The effect can be dismissed.

    Master of Shadow focuses on shadow summoning. The shadow is a shadowcaster’s greatest weapon.
    -build up a shadow summon with greater powers each level
    -shadow summon flanks enemies
    -focus on touch or ranged attacks
    -focus on shadow-based illusions and shadow magic
    -stands behind group to assist other characters

  2. #2
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    You do not cast spells as other classes do, but instead invoke mystical secrets called mysteries.

    First Level:
    Arrow of Dusk
    Carpet of Shadow
    Caul of Shadow
    Life Fades
    Night shield
    Shadow Strider
    Steel Shadows
    Voice of Shadow

    Second Level:
    Black Fire
    Flesh Fails
    Piercing Sight
    Shadow Skin
    Sight Eclipsed
    Thoughts of Shadow

    Third Level:
    Clinging Darkness
    Dancing Shadows
    Killing Shadows
    Shadow Bolt
    Umbral Touch
    Umbral Breath

    Fourth Level:
    Aura of Shade
    Dusk, Greater
    Shadows Fade
    Shadow Vision
    Step Into Shadow

    Fifth Level:
    Curtain of Shadows
    Pass Into Shadow
    Unravel Dweomer

    Sixth Level:
    Shadow Investiture
    Shadow Storm
    Shadow Walk
    Shadows Fade, Greater
    True Seeing

    Seventh Level:
    Life Fades, Greater
    Ephemeral Image
    Prison of Night
    Dark Soul
    Summon Umbral Servant
    Umbral Worg
    Umbral Gargoyle
    Umbral Mephit
    Mass Invisibility

    Eighth Level:
    Flesh Fails, Greater
    Umbral Body
    Tomb of Night
    Soul Puppet
    Shadow Plague

    Ninth Level:
    Ephemeral Storm
    Consume Essence
    Shadow Surge
    Army of Shadow
    Spell Descriptions------------

    Arrow of Dusk (Level/School - 1st/Evocation)
    Range: Medium
    Effect: Ray
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    A Ranged Touch attack that deals 1-4 points of nonlethal damage to the target. If you score a critical hit, triple the damage.

    Carpet of Shadow (Level/School - 1st/Conjuration)
    Range: Close
    Duration: 1 minute, 10 seconds
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    You cloak the ground with an unseen and hard to traverse surface. The terrain becomes difficult and slows enemies within the area by half speed.

    Caul of Shadow (Level/School - 1st/Abjuration)
    Range: Personal
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 min per level
    Faintly darkens your form, but does not provide hide checks or similar efforts. You gain a +4 shield bonus to AC.

    Life Fades (Level/School - 1st/Necromancy)
    Range: Touch
    Target: Foe
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
    Spell Resistance: Yes
    Your touch deals 1-6 points of nonlethal damage per caster level, (max 5d6), and causes the enemy to become fatigued for 1-6 point penalty to strength. Fatigue does not stack with itself.

    Night shield *

    Shadow Strider
    * Same as Expeditious Retreat

    Steel Shadows (Level/School - 1st/Abjoration)
    Range: Personal
    Target: Self
    Steel Shadows grants you a +3 armor bonus and a +3 shield bonus to AC. But without weight, armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. The effect is not a force effect, and attacks from incorporeal creatures ignore it.

    Voice of Shadow (Level/School - 1st/Enchanment/Necromancy)
    Range: Close
    Target: 1 creature
    Duration: 6-24 sec
    Saving Throw: Will negates
    Spell Resistance: Yes
    This mystery functions like the spell Command. A second function is a necromancy effect. Undead and constructs that fail their saving throws against this effect are dazed for 6-24 seconds

  3. #3
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    I understand that Turbine is backed up with new material for at least a couple years. But would the shadowcaster be too strong, too weak, or just not right for ddo? I posted it figuring it would be a lot different than what ddo has right now.


  4. #4
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilagan800 View Post
    would the shadowcaster be too strong, too weak, or just not right for ddo?.
    It was so weak in PnP that even the guy that designed the class admitted so (on the EnWorld forums) and made heavy modifications to the class which were never printed (but were instead introduced on said forums).
    The class was all about flavor, and was extremely lacking in power. That's fine for a PnP game if that's your thing, but it wouldn't work in DDO.

  5. #5
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    Sounds really fun to play. It COULD be really powerful, but because of enhancements it wouldn't be too hard to balance.
    I agree. I read quite a few times here about people playing shadow mages by combining a rogue and a wizard. However, this class will practically be both in one and a lot more party friendly than just some wizard stealthing around monsters with nothing to contribute to a group.

    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post
    It was so weak in PnP that even the guy that designed the class admitted so (on the EnWorld forums) and made heavy modifications to the class which were never printed (but were instead introduced on said forums).
    The class was all about flavor, and was extremely lacking in power. That's fine for a PnP game if that's your thing, but it wouldn't work in DDO.
    Well, my op showed how turbine could easily modify it to make it relevent in ddo - being that a lot of its attributes already exist in the game. Also a shadowcaster is a great team player class and a group can benefit greatly from it. Look at the wizard, if ddo kept it as is then it would only cast three spells a day and be useless in a party let alone as a single player. I would totally understand if the shadowcaster wasn't right for ddo, (I know this is a long shot), but there are always changes made in every class, don't see how this would be any different.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Sounds really fun to play. It COULD be really powerful, but because of enhancements it wouldn't be too hard to balance.

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