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  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    This should be among the best weapons a pure paladin can wield, otherwise it's an almost complete waste of space in the game, especially as an ML 18 item.

    Just increasing the base damage is not going to salvage this. Improving the crit profile in some way will go a long way, but it won't help it pull out ahead of most of those other weapons.
    I think they will implement upgrades as they do for Reaver/Abbot if a future Mod.

    Given that a ML 18 LS in a easy raid is not a bad option. Its a nice item for the time invested imo, it doesn't shine at endgame but if i am right it will after the upgrade option that will come soon(tm).

    Also there is hope that they will fix the blind bug, making Radiance sought after again.

    On a personal note i would like the avenger to have a better base profile and/or allow faster Smite regeneration, say reduce regeneration time with 30 seconds.

  2. #242
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by curboUS View Post
    Given that a ML 18 LS in a easy raid is not a bad option.
    It only drop in Elite VoD.

    In many ways, I'd rather put together an EV6 than Elite VoD.

    "Easy Raid" seems a bit ... not right.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by curboUS View Post
    Given that a ML 18 LS in a easy raid is not a bad option. Its a nice item for the time invested imo
    Its a garbage weapon for the ML. In fact its worse then garbage since it will dispel debuffs and dots. But could we expect anything less considering the ring added to vod is also junk.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by mystafyi View Post
    In fact its worse then garbage since it will dispel debuffs and dots.
    It's been tested? It does indeed dispel debuffs and dots along with buffs?

  5. #245
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SillyWallaby View Post

    Some of the suggestions for improving this is way too OP

    I will get one, maybe two. IF the SR is 35 at least and IF the dispel doesnt affect party debuffs/attacks. One day it may be improved (and the only thing I would like to see at the VERY LEAST is an expanded crit range (18-20) to complement all the pali abilities.)

    I like it for demons and I will assume at some point the shavarath story line will be continued and we will have to go to the demon section.

    That said it is a very niche weapon at the moment.

    The only other two ideas bandied around that don't seem too OP:
    I love the idea of having named items with some crafting space on it (ala runearms) so a '+5 craftable' doesn't sound unreasonable and would make it unique or customisable for each individual paladin.

    Giving it improved destruction, this has two benefits. It improves the paladins lackluster to hit and reaffirms the party helper role paladins seem to be typecaste into.
    Last edited by SteeleTrueheart; 10-29-2011 at 08:25 AM.
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  6. #246
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    So Im posting this here because I haven't seen a thread yet for new loot from Hound. Someone posted this in general today on lamma and i just happened to snag a screenshot

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  7. #247
    Community Member Asmodeus451's Avatar
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    Nice wraps. I like the DOT effect. I know devils have some acid resist, but what about the House C stuff? if not, those are quite nice

    also, found this thread:

    with what looks like a shield meant to go along with the sword.

    since it looks like they could both use a boost, i would suggest maybe adding a set bonus?
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  8. #248
    Community Member Zess-wolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osedox View Post
    So Im posting this here because I haven't seen a thread yet for new loot from Hound. Someone posted this in general today on lamma and i just happened to snag a screenshot

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    Woot! i cant believe, some monk love looks like a good wraps
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  9. #249
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    +4 heighten awesome...

    i do not put it on my weapon, but on my dt armor...
    thank god we have some other options now....and can get both
    3 dodge and 4 hieghtness without wasting dps slot on a weapon
    more option good.

    goodbye trying to get that stupid ring from titan.
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  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zess-wolf View Post
    Woot! i cant believe, some monk love looks like a good wraps
    What's good about those wraps?

    Acid Burst + Acid Blast = fairly low damage from a weak crit weapon. The 2d6 damage from Holy would be higher.
    Tharaak Corrosion = a copy of Peals of Thunder, which worked out to under 1 damage per hit.
    Nightmare Mind Blast: Against level-appropriate monsters comes to about 1.13 damage per hit.
    Nightmare Phantasmal Killer: A level-appropriate monster passes the saving throw 99.75% of the time, so you'll expect one kill per 4000 hits of non-immune creatures.

  11. #251
    Community Member bradleyforrest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Nightmare Phantasmal Killer: A level-appropriate monster passes the saving throw 99.75% of the time, so you'll expect one kill per 4000 hits of non-immune creatures.
    Don't you mean 400 hits?
    1/20 * 1/20 = 1/400 = 0.0025 = 0.25%

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradleyforrest View Post
    Don't you mean 400 hits?
    1/20 * 1/20 = 1/400 = 0.0025 = 0.25%
    Let's see. If you have Imp Crit (not all Monks do), then there is a 2/19 = 10.526% chance of triggering PK. Then there is a 5% chance of failing the Fort save and 5% of failing Will save, for a total 0.10526 * 0.05 * 0.05 = 0.00026315 = 1/3800.

  13. #253
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    This wraps it s a pure junk for me

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by elraido View Post
    What they lack in DPS they can more than make up in survivability. It is a trade off... NO MELEE class should be able to out DPS a frenzied barb with an epic SoS.

    Fixed it for you

  15. #255
    Community Member bradleyforrest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Let's see. If you have Imp Crit (not all Monks do), then there is a 2/19 = 10.526% chance of triggering PK. Then there is a 5% chance of failing the Fort save and 5% of failing Will save, for a total 0.10526 * 0.05 * 0.05 = 0.00026315 = 1/3800.
    Right. I forgot the fact that you have to crit to get the proc

  16. #256
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SillyWallaby View Post

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    8 man Elite VoD
    Pulled this on my Bard (that's 2 of the rings in the chest, and someone else pulled a 2nd copy of the sword)

    As you can see not much fun....

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    ... so we gave it to a pally
    i could use that sword on my ranger until 20. cant see myself using that over epic timeblade and epic kronzeks cruelty. i dont think i would really use it over my gs swords either though, but it looks cool so i want it anyways.

  17. #257
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    Except it wouldn't have all those stats on your ranger. Since it only gains full stats in the hands of a Paladin. A Lawful character would only get some of those/weaker versions, we don't know specifically what I don't think yet.
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  18. #258
    Community Member Jahmin's Avatar
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    Exclamation Questions to be answered

    Quote Originally Posted by DemonMage View Post
    Except it wouldn't have all those stats on your ranger. Since it only gains full stats in the hands of a Paladin. A Lawful character would only get some of those/weaker versions, we don't know specifically what I don't think yet.
    Not to mention HElf Paladin dilettante & fallen (non-lawful) Paladins!

    Also what about non-pure Paladins? How much splash is enough? What are the break points?

  19. #259
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Does this drop on anything but elite?

    Even if it were easy to get, none of my proposals has anything to do with how easy to acquire the weapon is. Are VoN base items difficult to get? No. Are they rather good when made epic? Yes. There need be no correlation between the base item and the upgraded one in terms of how easy or hard to get they are. Heck, look at Chronoscope! I've got so many copies of each base item that I just throw them away, yet they are excellent when made epic, and those are a hell of a lot easier to get than anything we're talking about here, and I (oddly) see elite loot runs of Chrono in 10-20 groups semi-regularly.

    This at least is somewhat challenging for high level characters to acquire.
    Quote Originally Posted by elraido View Post

    I had a nice response all typed out and I lost it. DOH!

    But in general it was:

    Lets look at the weapons you picked out there and how hard they are to get for a newer player:

    Shroud item---Need about 20+ runs to construct a Lit II Going to be less than that come the next update, and so what? These are three years old, semi-common among anyone who has been running a toon at or near cap for a few months, and have nothing unique to paladins about them...well, except that they are better, and are better 6 levels lower, albeit not against some demons, but against many.

    Enduring Conviction---While not highly sought after, people do roll on it when it is up for grabs. That and this raid still fails a decent amount with pugs. Figure in about 20 runs you could get one Harder to acquire the base item, yes, and with a higher demand and a wider niche. But we aren't talking about how easy the base items are to acquire, we're talking about upgrading the thing!

    Cannith Crafted---This requires a STUPID amount of items and time to get to that level. The grind required for it is extreamly high. And yet, people have them. The grind isn't hard, and can produce unbound, tradeable items better than this sword in terms of DPS.

    Epic Weapons---Need to be level 20 to use and level 20 to run to get the ingrediants. Not only that, but you need the item, a seal, a shard and a scroll. If it is a rare scroll like an epic Sos....a newer player won't have enough to trade for one. The grind required to make some of these items is also very high....especially on how sought after the item is Still no idea what your point is. Did I say this needs to be better right out of the chest? Nope. So, what's your point?
    Alchamial weapons---You need to beat LoB on epic to get all the ingrediants you want for this. Not an easy task...even for fully geared vets of the game. Very challenging. See above.

    It should be an easier "higher end" sword for some newer players to get. Yes, the base damage isn't good, but the other effects can help make up for that. It doesn't seem like they wanted it to be a DPS king of a seems like they wanted it to be a sort of all around weapon that can debuff and do extra damage via holy/light effects. In the hands of a pure paladin, it will do 17d6 points of damage on a crit. On a kotc, it will do more. What? No it won't! Where are you pulling that BS? A KotC's damage is entirely separate from this. That isn't horrible. And like I said, it needs a base damage modifier if they want more people to use it besides newer paladins.
    Okay, you clearly missed my point.

    This weapon should not be a filler weapon for characters at level 18 and 19 before they make their Cannith crafted/greensteel/epic/alchemical weapon of choice. That is doing a disservice to the idea of this weapon and to the point of including it in the game at all. There are plenty of weapons in a comparable level range that players can acquire.

    This weapon should be upgradeable. Whether that means using some epic system, or alchemical system, or drawing upon several different raids/quests/systems, I don't know, but it should be a quest for the paladin who has acquired this to unlock its full potential. That may mean the sword's ML raises to 20.

    You can quote 17d6 on a crit to me all you like, but until you put up some actual DPS numbers, it's meaningless. The fact is, it has a terrible crit profile, and simply having a better profile would almost match this weapon for DPS even with half the effects this possesses.

    Sure, SR 35 is nice, but you can get 32 from a lvl 20 cleric, favored soul or artificer (Mass SR scroll +5 CL), and in epics, that SR will do almost nothing. Whoopee! Then we have the Greater Dispel, which, while appearing nice, may dispel debuffs on the monsters, which would make it a true piece of junk. Last I saw, that remained to be seen.

    The DPS is okay...if the monster is both evil and chaotic aligned. If it isn't, the weapon is junk, and you know what? Even within the niche that this should be isn't.

    The thing needs to be better, whether we're talking the base item or some upgraded version.
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  20. #260
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Are VoN base items difficult to get? No.
    Dragon's eye

    Those wraps are pretty craptastic btw, but I wasn't really expecting much after I saw the sword stats. As for cannith crafting being a 'gigantic grind', you can just get someone to craft you a holy cold iron bane weapon in exchange for crafting mats (that you get by doing nothing but questing) and some plat (for the base cold iron item), how is that a grind exactly? As someone that got to ~100 in crafting I can tell you that the grind is on a much smaller scale than getting most of regular end-game items. Sure it's possibly more tedious due to the fact that you just stand in one spot and click on some buttons, but that still doesn't mean it's a bigger grind.
    Last edited by sweez; 10-29-2011 at 10:28 PM.
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