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  1. #1
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Default 14 Bard/6 Rog or 8 Bard/12 Rog ?

    Okay, so nearing TR time on my 2nd life Bard. Have gone 16 Bard/2 Ftr/2Rog Virtuoso/AA Elf and the current 18 Bard/Rog 2 Drow Spellsinger.

    The plan is to capitalize on my gear and go with a quarterstaff wielder for the next life. Most likely will be a Half Orc, trying to maximize my DPS this life.

    Leaning towards the 12 Rog/Bard 8, ThiefAcrobat 2/WarChanter 1. My real issue is the almost worthless haste/dispacement, etc...
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Okay, so nearing TR time on my 2nd life Bard. Have gone 16 Bard/2 Ftr/2Rog Virtuoso/AA Elf and the current 18 Bard/Rog 2 Drow Spellsinger.

    The plan is to capitalize on my gear and go with a quarterstaff wielder for the next life. Most likely will be a Half Orc, trying to maximize my DPS this life.

    Leaning towards the 12 Rog/Bard 8, ThiefAcrobat 2/WarChanter 1. My real issue is the almost worthless haste/dispacement, etc...

    An alternative to consider... swap Bard for 5 levels of Wizard and use one of the bonus feats for Extend Spell so you have a nice duration on Blur/Displacement.

    Take the additional 3 levels and tack them back into Rogue, giving you an extra 2d6 sneak attack damage and a special rogue ability.

    So it'd be 15 Rogue/5 Wizard. This would also let you synergize with Int rather than needing Charisma.

    Make sure to keep Bluff stacked... you'd pack a whallop.
    Last edited by kcru; 10-26-2011 at 01:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kcru View Post
    An alternative to consider... swap Bard for 5 levels of Wizard and use one of the bonus feats for Extend Spell so you have a nice duration on Blur/Displacement.

    Take the additional 3 levels and tack them back into Rogue, giving you an extra 2d6 sneak attack damage and a special rogue ability.

    So it'd be 15 Rogue/5 Wizard. This would also let you synergize with Int rather than needing Charisma.

    Make sure to keep Bluff stacked... you'd pack a whallop.
    If I go the Wiz route though, I lose +5/+6 hit/damage song.

    Had planned to take Extend anyways, but it still makes haste/displacement only last 1:36....

    Oh, and this character will be pretty much solely for a static group I play in.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    If I go the Wiz route though, I lose +5/+6 hit/damage song.

    Had planned to take Extend anyways, but it still makes haste/displacement only last 1:36....

    Oh, and this character will be pretty much solely for a static group I play in.

    Ah, ok. I was going to say that the 2d6 made up for the lost warchanter song (and gives 2 feats), but if you're the "designated bard" then that isn't helpful.

    Those combat buffs always kinda suck. They just suck even worse as a level 8. Only other thing I can recommend is look for a Pearl of Power X (min level 9). I have one on my bard and it really improves the amount of SP available. Haste may still be only 1:36, but at least you could cast it a few extra times.

  5. #5
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kcru View Post
    Ah, ok. I was going to say that the 2d6 made up for the lost warchanter song (and gives 2 feats), but if you're the "designated bard" then that isn't helpful.

    Those combat buffs always kinda suck. They just suck even worse as a level 8. Only other thing I can recommend is look for a Pearl of Power X (min level 9). I have one on my bard and it really improves the amount of SP available. Haste may still be only 1:36, but at least you could cast it a few extra times.
    Not worried about spell points, as I have the equipment (Torc, Bauble, etc....).
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  6. #6
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    You have a problem. You can't take the second thief acrobat enhancement and make taking the bard levels worth it in the end. Your going to either have to go 12 levels bard min or drop bard and take something else. Maybe a 12 Rog/6 Barb/2 Fighter? That would give you the fighter haste and two feats with barb rages and two levels of thief acrobat. No songs or buffs on that build but the only other options I see are 12 Bard/8 Rog or 12 Bard/6 Rog/2 Fighter. With the three class build you'll get a decent song, decent buffs, decent staff skills, evasion, trap skills, fighter haste boost, and two extra feats.

  7. #7
    Community Member kanbeki's Avatar
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    I don't know his feat layout or what not but this thing exist in game

    take a look you might be able to get some ideas
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