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It curbs new players from learning good kill zone tactics which the vets use to level quickly. The vets still zerg plow this content, DA or no DA.
They have designed encounters which spawn quantities of mobs which violate their own DA thresholds, which is inherantly poor game design. Its already bad enough that they use a completely arbitrary game mechanic to penalize players who have angered X amount of mobs, but to then design encounters which spawn X+5 mobs which automatically triggers DA at no fault of the player, is just proving their own reasoning for designing DA in the first place to be incorrect.
They want to say that high quantities of active mobs cause lag and increase lag, so they design DA to discourage players from angering high quantities of mobs, then design quests which spawn high quantities of mobs in one single encounter out of nowhere. Do we see where the flaw in that logic is yet? It certainly invalidates the excuse we have been presented for designing DA in the first place.