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Thread: Dear Artificers

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    ... However, just because your dinky plinker can now bypass DR...
    I think my new pickup line in bars will be "hey baby, my dinky plinker can now bypass DR".

    Look out, ladies, here I come!
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  2. #22
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paleus View Post
    Since a few people have come on and just not seem to get it let me back up the OP's point. We dont need silver weapons or bard songs or -insert x- support buff to complete a quest. But if you are on a class that can significantly boost party dps for minimal investment and you refuse to do so then we also don't need you either. It would be like a light monk refusing to take the time to stun buff on ToD because they themsleves wont get stunned so why should they lower their dps from time to time. Sure, kudos to you but what about everyone else?

    This is not to say everyone will refuse to group with you or that somehow you'll cause the group to wipe all of a sudden. It does mean people will mentally note that you're not a team player and won't consider inviting you along for anything else, and some will blacklist you since you're easily replaced by just any other meathead dps who also doesnt give out party buffs but can more easily (not always) do more dps than you. If all you want to do is run pug shrouds then that won't effect you much. But rather than taking this as a knock on your characters or a whine about a bad run take it as a bit of advice that can help make people mentally flag you as that person we really want in our parties because he/she goes the extra mile (inch in this case) to help the party out rather than that person who is easily replaceable by anyone else.
    Thank you! The message seemed to get lost among the dingleheads. To said d-heads, yes we completed...that's not the point. An arti who can't be bothered to throw a few buffs is just as bad as a bard who refuses to sing songs for whatever reason. You were brought into the raid as a support that, then do whatever else.


    Artis who refuse to give weapon buffs to bypass DR
    Bards who refuse to sing songs
    Casters who refuse to throw a haste and rage once in a while (should be all the time)
    Healers who refuse to heal

    Screw it, I'm going to make a CHA based barb with some rogue levels just so i can heal/recon scroll a raid. How dare I assume that a class will bring its class abilities into a raid....stupid me.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  3. #23
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    There's thing I don't understand- why don't you get real DR breaker and take damage boosting spell from artificer, especially that deadly weapons are coming in U12?
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  4. #24
    Founder Raiderone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    He was asked repeatedly before he even shrined in part 3. he got ****y and told everyone to quit asking him for the buff...then he linked the tira's splendor and proceeded to explain that he doesnt need the buff since he has that rune arm. He had the ability to carry it but refused to because he got a rune arm to break his pew pew dr.

    TL;DR - Guy was a Huge Bag of D*****ry
    Then you have a beef with that individual. Dont make it an ARTY ISSUE!

    I play an Arty and yes I carry all of the weapon augmentations.
    It makes sense and doesnt take much effort to hit all melee with Silver before parts4 and 5 of Shroud.

  5. #25
    Community Member aleqkabo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    Thank you! The message seemed to get lost among the dingleheads. To said d-heads, yes we completed...that's not the point. An arti who can't be bothered to throw a few buffs is just as bad as a bard who refuses to sing songs for whatever reason. You were brought into the raid as a support that, then do whatever else.


    Artis who refuse to give weapon buffs to bypass DR
    Bards who refuse to sing songs
    Casters who refuse to throw a haste and rage once in a while (should be all the time)
    Healers who refuse to heal

    Screw it, I'm going to make a CHA based barb with some rogue levels just so i can heal/recon scroll a raid. How dare I assume that a class will bring its class abilities into a raid....stupid me.
    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    Sure they can throw out some buffs and hit stuff, but ultimately they are brought in as a support role.

    which is what an arti is, a support class.

    So please, my dear failed artificers, carry buffs that will boost the party damage output....and much like most bards, you can pike away after you buff.
    My beef is here ^^ That attitude will get you nowhere. I'm not saying the Arti should refuse to throw buffs; but if you treat people like trash you will get trash back "Support classes" pft
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  6. #26
    Community Member macros123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    There's thing I don't understand- why don't you get real DR breaker and take damage boosting spell from artificer, especially that deadly weapons are coming in U12?

    The DPS difference between using a Min II and a Lit II with silver is more than bringing along a DR breaker with a DPS buff from an arty at the current time.

  7. #27
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Wow, just /signing your post got me negged rep.../classless. I play most classes including an artificer, which I must say is verfy fun, but great DPS it isn't. It's a support class thatcan do decent DPS but its strength is in its ability to improve the entire groups DPS.

    My experience so far with having an artificer in a group is just meh, haven't been overly impressed, but have hopes that people will get better and learn to play the class much like the monk. When playing my FVS, I tend to cringe a bit because so far most of the Arti's I've played with tend to die often and/or become a mana sink. So, like my pal Toastee has stated, learn to play your class and earn your spot in a group by at least passing out a few buffs, especially the silver buff.

    To the tool who stated you need to bring your own DR bypassers, well that is true if there isn'tan artificer in the group but if there is then I can do far more DPS with my Lightening IIs instead of some other DR bypasser, which is what makes the Artificer class valuable in a group.

    So neg away...
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  8. #28
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raiderone View Post
    Then you have a beef with that individual. Dont make it an ARTY ISSUE!

    LOL, you say one thing and then completely support what Toastee wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raiderone View Post
    I play an Arty and yes I carry all of the weapon augmentations. It makes sense and doesnt take much effort to hit all melee with Silver before parts4 and 5 of Shroud.
    Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
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  9. #29
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aleqkabo View Post
    My beef is here ^^ That attitude will get you nowhere. I'm not saying the Arti should refuse to throw buffs; but if you treat people like trash you will get trash back "Support classes" pft
    Right, so could you please post screenshots of where I treated this individual like trash?




    Perhaps you shouldn't roam other servers' message boards and post without knowing the personalities involved. For your information bucko...I was on a FvS carrying a DR breaking eSoS. I wasn't the one asking for the buffs. He decided to get on voice chat and act like a ****. I had said nothing to the individual prior to his **** poor attitude. After he announced that he has no intention of helping the raid out I said, "It's very interesting that you don't carry silver weapons." Then I said nothing in voice nor text to the individual afterwards. ZOMG I'M SUCH A JERK!

    Perhaps you shouldn't make assumptions because you're butthurt about something. Some people play arti's very well. But there are a lot that are completely clueless...and they don't bother me. The ones that bother me are the clueless and ignorant.

    Thanks for playing along kiddo, see you around.
    Last edited by furbyoats; 10-25-2011 at 06:45 PM.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  10. #30
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raiderone View Post
    Then you have a beef with that individual. Dont make it an ARTY ISSUE!

    I play an Arty and yes I carry all of the weapon augmentations.
    It makes sense and doesnt take much effort to hit all melee with Silver before parts4 and 5 of Shroud.
    Welcome to the Argo boards...things are a little different around here. You have to watch your step when you make posts like these. If you find your stay on the Argo boards to be confusing and frightening, the exit is on your left.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  11. #31
    Community Member macros123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post

    zomg i'm such a jerk!


  12. #32
    Hero Nahual's Avatar
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    /joins the I hate artys movement
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  13. #33
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macros123 View Post

    also, die!
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  14. #34
    Community Member scottmike0's Avatar
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    Hmm, Hard to say when an arti never carrys alignment buff i mean that spell is soo useful to use why not just carry scrolls or at least something. Of course tira spendler helps for your arty but how does it help the others. your ranged damage is more useless if you have more aggro then the melee. since your being attacked and your attacking short-ranged...
    Just make the melee more stronger than you "that would help you not being able to aggro everything"....

  15. #35
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Thumbs down bleh

    The way the OP presented his point was antagonistic as well as a being a failed diplomacy roll.

    Just don't invite artificers or be specific in your post.

    Sounds like since the "arty" was just a support player who could do damage without silver weapons.

    I find that 9 out of 10 times when a player says other players need to carry some sort of item... they really don't.
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  16. #36
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    The way the OP presented his point was antagonistic as well as a being a failed diplomacy roll.

    Just don't invite artificers or be specific in your post.

    Sounds like since the "arty" was just a support player who could do damage without silver weapons.

    I find that 9 out of 10 times when a player says other players need to carry some sort of item... they really don't.
    Wow, the brilliance is coming out in droves today. Perhaps you could read the post....and the rest of the thread to understand the point.

    Let me break it down for you real slowly.

    Arti - gets buffs like silver weapons...has the ability to greatly increase raid party dps versus pit fiends. decided to be a huge **** when asked politely by party members if he could buff them. sat on the outside and plinked away.

    How about i take this a step further and say that the party was one of those shroud pugs where it could get really really scary. myself and the other healer were rather experienced and the raid was pud.

    that's not the point.

    If i were to swap my post and make it about a WF FvS who refused to heal because he was only a FvS for self sufficiency, and couldnt be bothered to heal or buff any other party member, i guaran-friggin-tee that there would be less dopehead responses about how "you were mean" and "you should just have dr breakers"

    so please, more shortsighted unintelligible comments are needed. don't stop now, the pressure mark on my face from my palm is just setting in.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    Quick're a bit light on dps for the you take a) and art or b) basically anything else?

    Repeaters can do okay damage, but if you expect me to believe that a repeater arti can out dps a pure dps build then you're just crazy.

    As usual this depends completely on the arti. I know tons of artis that do better dps then tons of barbarians.
    Then again my exploiter (which I have no illusions about in terms of dps) has better dps then tons of barbarians,
    but that's because I still see barbarians that take 0 damage in the portal round of shroud. The build/player/gear
    is soooo much more important then the thing that shows up on your bar.

  18. #38
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    So what you're saying is that you don't come to raids prepared with silver type weapons, so you want someone to carry you through the raid.


  19. #39
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    So what you're saying is that you don't come to raids prepared with silver type weapons, so you want someone to carry you through the raid.

    Gotcha. obviously read the thread.

    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  20. #40
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawel_San View Post
    As usual this depends completely on the arti. I know tons of artis that do better dps then tons of barbarians.
    Then again my exploiter (which I have no illusions about in terms of dps) has better dps then tons of barbarians,
    but that's because I still see barbarians that take 0 damage in the portal round of shroud. The build/player/gear
    is soooo much more important then the thing that shows up on your bar.
    Agreed...but your average barb will beat out your average arti. The "great" player that you reference would understand game mechanics and know that dr bypassing lit II's will dominate min II' they will have the buff if needed. I dont hate artis. I hate boneheads who are jerks when asked for reasonable buffs.

    We are talking about a guy who "doesn't carry it because he doesn't need it. he has a tira's splendor."
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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