I'm so happy that you got carried through a skelly run and you pulled a tira's splendor...good job. Seriously, my hat is off to you. However, just because your dinky plinker can now bypass DR, you should still carry silver weapons for the raid party. I know you don't need it, but realistically I don't need your sub-par DPS when i could throw a meathead barb in your slot. An arti who doesn't carry silver weaps is like a bard who doesn't sing songs. Sure they can throw out some buffs and hit stuff, but ultimately they are brought in as a support role.
which is what an arti is, a support class.
So please, my dear failed artificers, carry buffs that will boost the party damage output....and much like most bards, you can pike away after you buff.
Next time I hear this mindless jargon about how "I don't carry silver weapons because I don't need it," I will be more than happy to express how my FvS doesn't carry mass heals/cures...because I don't need them.