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Thread: Dear Artificers

  1. #61
    Community Member
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    ya know the diffrence between a good arty and the 99% of arties out there?
    the good ones are not in my backpack.

    it's not that i dont raise arties.
    it's that i dont raise people who's stupidity endangers the rest of the party a second time.

  2. #62
    Community Member
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    My 2pp worth.

    I run an Arti as my main now. (and actually run with toastee &co fairly often though not recently)

    All the weapon buffs available to me are locked and loaded. As far as I'm concerned thats my job.

    There are some runs where having an arti in the party is just not worth the team spot unless I'm carrying those buffs. The extra dps on 8 or 9 dps is more than worth my spot in the group. If I'm not giving out weapons/speedy armour them I consider myself piking the run.

    Saying that it does have a 5 second cooldown and going through an entire raid group with weapons and armour buff will quickly chew threw available sp. but the only thing I have those sp for is buffing/self heals (or spot heals) and to try knock something on its backside with prismatic strike. so the heavy dps can take care of it easier.

    Tors hammer = Lit2, stack that with a min2 xbow and your average arti is knocking out some fairly decent dps. Its still a support roll though.

    main problem with the Arti is that they are aggro magnets and if you don't have the hp to stay in the dps pack so you don't pull the mobs away from the main dps guys. Then at least learn how to kite so the melee guys aren't trying to run in circles to hit a mob. I used to detest trying to chase things down from a ranger that was running away dragging everything with them. Kiting is easy. Invest in a good jump skill and jump over the melee guys repeatedly till they grab the mob off you. Job done. part of the support job is to bring those mobs in for the melee guys to whallop. Drop down a bb while your doing it so you take a few chunks out of them while your kiting. once the dps has them cornered go off and find them some more to play with.

    I think another problem is that Arties are fairly decent solo runners and I can epic farm with mine now. Is the same with wiz/sorc though. They are not going to go stand in a pack of mobs and wait to get hit, they will either cc the mobs or take them to the dps in a raid.

    My point, If your running an Arty then you need to be a versatile player and be able to read the situation as to what you need to be doing. Pulling mobs away from overwhelmed dps, kiting, take them back. Spot heals when needed. Buffs is main part of the job discription. Capped Arties have that gorgeous capstone here wand buffs last ages, this saves sp resources on your main casters.

    Ary roll. Fill in the gaps in the run when its needed, stand back and kill things until then.

  3. #63
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    FYI all you arties you do not need tira's splendor, nor a minII to break DR. Get house D favor and use silver bolts. then use a damage enhancing buff on yourself. They also have cold iron bolts, beshyk bolts, and adamantine bolts. In chronoscope I believe you can even purchase flametouched bolts. You can have all these bolts available to you very early on (I had em all by level 5 once). Your metal DR breaking spells exist to help other people, because you should never ever need them. And as far as tira's spendor goes, it is better suited to being paired with a non silver melee weapon.
    Matt Walsh:
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  4. #64
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    I'm so happy that you got carried through a skelly run and you pulled a tira's splendor...good job. Seriously, my hat is off to you. However, just because your dinky plinker can now bypass DR, you should still carry silver weapons for the raid party. I know you don't need it, but realistically I don't need your sub-par DPS when i could throw a meathead barb in your slot. An arti who doesn't carry silver weaps is like a bard who doesn't sing songs. Sure they can throw out some buffs and hit stuff, but ultimately they are brought in as a support role.

    which is what an arti is, a support class.

    So please, my dear failed artificers, carry buffs that will boost the party damage output....and much like most bards, you can pike away after you buff.

    Next time I hear this mindless jargon about how "I don't carry silver weapons because I don't need it," I will be more than happy to express how my FvS doesn't carry mass heals/cures...because I don't need them.
    FYI its been proven that between Rune Arms, The Repeater and the dog Arty's can match a Barb in overall DPS and thats not even including the buffs for other party mebers

    If you want I can not cast those buffs on you if you'd like since you don't like them or somehow think Arty Silver Buff is different than reuglar silver bypassing

    Also EVERY caster class can't carry EVERY buff...Arties aren't there solely for YOU..and frankly most could care less whther you heal them or not they can handle themselves.
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 12-21-2011 at 12:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
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  5. #65
    Community Member Bain-Deathtouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apep1412 View Post
    By 'a long time', do you perhaps mean almost 2 months?
    heh has it been only 2 months, did we not have a great discussion on the super awesomeness of the upcoming return of festivault.. maybe that was another time on another thread on another forum site.

    by the way would u like all these stupid coins.
    Githyankii Proud member of IA

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