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I was struggling with the elemental bosses' regen on CL 20.
After messing about, my experience was that Crystal (haven't tested the others) won't summon more than 3 elementals at once (possible more in the beginning, but maybe not even). They do respawn near-instantaneously, but I don't think that's a bug.
Water = huge increase in regen
Air = evasion(?)
Earth = AC boost
Fire = some rubbish. Damage boost maybe?
The air and earth are too much of a pain due to their earthgrab and knockback rather than their effect on the boss, and water's regen really is very fast, so I was killing elementals till I had 3 fire up, then going for the kill.
Haven't tried epic yet though to be honest so it may be radically different enough that you can't just opt for 3 fires.