OK, it wasn't really Epic, but it sure felt like it!
Frame Work on hard, levels 11-15. One person dc'd almost at the start, so there were never more than five of us really. Went pretty smoothly up until end boss fight. There everyone died. Lilydragon (FvS 11) recalled and re-entered, with intent to raise us one by one. We did not anticipate that a) Chieftain and other red-named were by now quite far from end plaza and liable to run into, and b) minotaurs were still spawning.
I spent good 20 minutes as a stone, watching blue dots run all over the map, repeatedly dying and raising; I was either last, or next to last to be raised. Another assault onto Chieftain, another wipeout. This time there was one survivor, and another 20 minutes or so for me to wait and watch repeated deaths and raises. Finally Lilydragon got close enough to send me a raise and I headed to the shrine, being completely out of songs. I shrined and jumped outside where Bearpaw's stone was waiting. Raised him with a scroll, and two of us head back to rendesvouz with the rest. Somehow another alarm goes off, and minotaurs kill us. Amazingly, Bobgray manages to sneak among them unnoticed and pick up both our stones. He dies right after delivering them to the shrine. I raise Bobgrey with another scroll.
I am sure my narrative is missing a few deaths I forgot. Minotaurs all over the place, no telling where Chieftain went. Somebody managed to kill red-named Mercenary Leader while I was "stoned". Bearpaws and Lilydragon had RL pressures and quit. Leaves only me and Bobgray, plus Zaxor(sp?) who's been dead at Chieftain's plaza and incommunicado for close to an hour. Looked pretty hopeless, but we decided not to give up. I d-door to Doris and summon a hireling -- Riswald, Pal 13. Come back, raise Bobgray again, and we look for Chieftain. He was at less than 50% and luckily, had only one or two trash minotaurs with him. We won, even though Bobgray came close to dying again.
Zaxor(sp?) still did not respond when I spoke to him. Hope he got his xp. I wish I took end-quest screenshot -- death count must have been awesome!
I friended Bobgrey, and judging from his myDDO page, it was worth it for him! He was level 15, now 16
Sensate, Bard 14.