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  1. #1
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    Default Best All Purpose Alchemical Wraps

    Running a 12/8 dwarven fighter/monk. Trying to figure out what my best bet will be in terms of general all purpose wraps. Assuming standard ToD rings.

    Alchemical Handwraps
    Refined to ... Adamantine OR Silver (I usually play a caster so some direction here would be appreciated)
    Tier 1 = Air. Shocking Burst, Stunning +10, Heightened Awareness 4
    Tier 2 = Air Alchemical Dexterity +2, Lightning Strike, Doublestrike 6%
    OR Earth Alchemical Constitution +2, Acid Blast, Disintegration
    OR Fire Alchemical Strength +2, Incineration, Righteous
    Tier 3 = Air +6 Enhancement Bonus, Electric Storm, Empty Red Augment Slot

    I'm thinking triple Air is likely the best bet here?

    And does the shocking burst from tier 1 stack with the ToD shocking burst?

    For what it's worth, no silver wraps on this guy if that matters

  2. #2
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Planning on silver 3xair (all martial) for my battleclonk, looks like a pretty solid bet for maximum benefits.

    Burst effects on the ToD ring dont stack with identical effects on normal handwraps, so I expect the same thing will apply with these.

    My personal belief is that many monk players will probably be moving more to acid burst on the 2nd ring (what i did just yesterday, in antiipation of eventual alchemical wraps) then air for 1st tier at least on the wraps so they can have 3 burst effects and the +10 stunning all at once.. though earth at tier1 looks very tasty too.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    As long as you can slot the augment Good, you'll be fine going triple-air. However, if you're having problems with Epics, I would make a second pair first and go Silver-T1 Air-T2 Fire, for the DR breaking. However, you shouldn't have too much of a problem with the epic quests and raids to get the tokens for a Good augment, so going Silver-Air-Air-Air would be best, and moving Shocking Burst off the ToD ring a good choice.

    EDIT: Forgot the other ToD ring usually has Holy Burst, which means with any silver blank you're breaking DR. Ignore the paragraph above, go triple-air with Silver, and call it done. If you're interested in more DR breaking, feel free to add, I think it is, Cold Iron in the augment, for the other major DR at end game.
    Last edited by Habreno; 10-23-2011 at 12:01 PM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    T1 air is a no brainer for any monk +10 stun is just the bees knees
    metal type depends on the monk and how many monk levels. shintao tier III go crystal.
    less than T3 shintao silver is a prime choice.
    Addy is almost always out as monks get addy bypass at 15.

    ToD rings should take care of good bypass.

    With a shintao 3 I'm going to go with crystal on the red slot and and for the metal I'm considering going with the casting flame touched iron for the superior devotion, triple lighting
    stun 10, +6% DS is huge throw in insight 4 AC is nice , with whatever electric storm turns out to be.
    and probably go acid on the 2nd ToD ring
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  5. #5
    Community Member Grenada's Avatar
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    According to the wiki, Byeshk increases your unarmed die by one. Assuming you can get the metalline augment from DA (I know, a big assumption there), this could possibly be better.

    Silver is probably good enough though.
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  6. #6
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grenada View Post
    According to the wiki, Byeshk increases your unarmed die by one. Assuming you can get the metalline augment from DA (I know, a big assumption there), this could possibly be better.
    Silver is probably good enough though.
    hmm... didn't know the byeshk was +1 die step that is nice. dropping my garments of equal for DT amp and using fire stance means no die step beyond past life (when I get it) so go byeshk for the die step is better than for a metal.

    even still they will still have the option to slot silver in the red slot with 20 epic tokens.
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  7. #7
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Adamantine for sure for the metal. It's the most important DR at current endgame, and 12/8s don't get it free.

    If you are only making one set: Fire Air Anything. Socket with +7 when able. Use random lootget +10 stunners for trash.

    If you are likely to make more than one: Air Air Air on Silver base. Covers the second most important endgame DR, and is a big upgrade from whatever anti-trash wraps you had before too. As an added bonus, these are good at tier 2 too, so if you don't want to run eLOB so much, you can leave them there.

    As a third set for electric-immune bosses and trash: I'm partial to Cold Iron Earth Earth. Almost as good on trash as stunners, good on Lailat, and almost nothing in the game resists both acid and electricity.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    Addy is almost always out as monks get addy bypass at 15.
    Only 8 levels of monk though , so no addy fist.

    So, triple air on silver with acid burst instead of shocking burst on the second ToD ring (first one will be holy burst)

    So, addy then for the metal - can you elaborate a bit on why it's the most important? (What Raids?)

    And fire for Tier 1? For the seeker 10 and the fact that bosses can't be stunned?
    Last edited by Iaga; 10-23-2011 at 08:35 PM. Reason: Sirgog posted without me seeing it

  9. #9
    Community Member azmodeus1's Avatar
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    you want silver base

    air first tier for the stuns, lightning burst

    fire for tier two, +2 *alchemical* str anyone? righteous also allows you to break good dr.

    last tier elec, or earth.

    slot an extra +1 or cold iron.

    adamantine weapon can be scrolled on you.
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  10. #10
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azmodeus1 View Post
    you want silver base

    air first tier for the stuns, lightning burst

    fire for tier two, +2 *alchemical* str anyone? righteous also allows you to break good dr.

    last tier elec, or earth.

    slot an extra +1 or cold iron.

    adamantine weapon can be scrolled on you.
    Addy weapon scrolls (or other arti buffs) don't work on wraps, AFAIK. Plus, UMD toons are usually not in that much of a position to waste a scroll cooldown in LoB.

    All the devil content except elite TOD is easy enough that you can use weaker DR breakers than Alchemical Wraps on it. Seems a waste to run the hardest raid in the game 10+ times just to make running less difficult raids even easier. OTOH, adamantine wraps will make a big difference in the hardest content in the game.

  11. #11
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    General questing – Byeshk, Air, Water (better stuns)
    Raiding – Silver, Air, Air

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    All the devil content except elite TOD is easy enough that you can use weaker DR breakers than Alchemical Wraps on it. Seems a waste to run the hardest raid in the game 10+ times just to make running less difficult raids even easier. OTOH, adamantine wraps will make a big difference in the hardest content in the game.
    Adamantine wraps drop from EDA, craft a +5 GCB and call it a day.
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  12. #12
    Community Member elg582's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Addy weapon scrolls (or other arti buffs) don't work on wraps, AFAIK.
    They do, but you have to unequip and reequip the wraps before it works.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    OTOH, adamantine wraps will make a big difference in the hardest content in the game.
    Only if you are multiclassed.

  13. #13
    Community Member KyrzaBladedancer's Avatar
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    General All-Purpose Trash Beaters, I'm making Byeshk Air Earth x, Slotted +7, Adamantine, or Metallic Edges.

    Reason? When I want something stunned I want it stunned NOW not when he's bent me over and had his way and I finally get an Earthgrab off on him when he's at 15% hp. Earth is at least equal to Air IMO, and works on more things. For most things I'd just slot +7 for the extra DPS, the only things that you won't break DR is the Paladins, and Renders, neither of which are dangerous when stunned. Everything else, use a Boss beater.

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  14. #14
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    I think everyone suggesting anything but air for tII really need to think again.
    You aren't considering just how much extra damage 6% more strikes really is on a unarmed build.
    Base you are going to be doing somewhere between 40-50 then adding all the bursts ( 2 tod rings , wraps , brawling gloves, oremi set , ect) 6% more normal hits alone not counting crits and special attacks. 6% more is a whole lot.

    EarthII might come close with disnt but depending on the proc % but getting double special chances like stuns, voids, FoI and touch o deaths IMO puts Double strike in a league of its own.
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  15. #15
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    If Full monk.

    Go byeshk with the metal type to get the die step increase without using garments.

    Then use the slot to put silver.

    If splash monk without inherent adamantine bypass go adamantine.

    Best all around bet is probably air x3 however it may require a new tod ring without shocking burst.
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  16. #16
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elg582 View Post
    Only if you are multiclassed.
    Which the OP is. He's a Power Surge build.

  17. #17
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    Thanks for the feedback folks.

    I think in the end i'm going to start with the silver triple air.

    My main is a caster soul and that's the toon i use for the harder raids (these wraps are for an alt). Eventually i'll have enough stuff to make a second set of wraps which will likely be more specific (ie, addy-something)

  18. #18
    Community Member Bloodhaven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeLoric View Post
    If Full monk.

    Go byeshk with the metal type to get the die step increase without using garments.

    Then use the slot to put silver.

    If splash monk without inherent adamantine bypass go adamantine.

    Best all around bet is probably air x3 however it may require a new tod ring without shocking burst.
    Where do byeshk handwraps drop? EDA?
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  19. #19
    Community Member -Zyxas-'s Avatar
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    Impure monk:
    Adamantine, Air, Air, whatever (Air), slot silver or +7

    Pure Ninja (or GASP no PrE):
    Byeshk, Air, Air, whatever (Air), slot silver or +7
    Silver, Air, Air, whatever (Air), slot anything (+7 or crystal)

    Pure Shintao:
    Byeshk, Air, Air, whatever (Air), slot +7 or crystal (VERY useful....) or just leave empty...

    I believe Air/Air/Air is the best, for multiple reasons:
    -T1 Air gets stunners without having to swap. Also +4 Insight to AC for semi-weak content or if you're that focused on it.
    -T2 gets you lightning strike, sure it's not much better than disintegrate but see the next point. It has doublestrike 6%, which is huge. The stat doesn't matter much, Con or Str would be better but there are other possible items for them and a useless stat is like not having the stat from Alch wraps, which is not negative but simply not positive.
    -Well T3 doesn't have to be air.... just whatever... but if it already has 2 tiers of elec based stuff may as well match it so it's great for non-elec resistant rather than good for non-elec resistant and okay for elec-resistant. I don't see any point in having a swappable piece of gear being set up to be average in multiple areas rather than good or poor depending.

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