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Thread: Firelings

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010

    Unhappy Firelings

    My wife and I play DDO because we can [could] duo everything on hard/elite at the proper level. U11 came and turned an enjoyable activity into an unusable parasite. By definition, its frustrating.

    The pre-U11 hireling bugs were livable.

    U11 hirelings? They do everything that would get a human player kicked from a group in under 2 minutes, to include not listening to orders (manually clicking a skill usually works, defend sometimes works, passive sometimes works, active should be renamed to Leroy Jenkins)

    I hire a cleric to heal, not to scout, tank, fight, and find the quickest way to martyrdom.

    Additionally, there aren't enough repair-ers to heal warforged (levels 2, 6, 8, and 13 only IIRC); one at each level, like normal healers, would be appropriate.

    Finally, I hear U12 dungeons won't have hard/elite difficulties.

    Non-functional hirelings and /faceroll only are both, on their own, show-stoppers for us.
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2010


    I have to agree that the healing hirelings are extremely messed up right now. I have had better luck with the FVS hirelings over the clerics. The cleric hirelings have now decided that they are Barbarians. I have found that running them on active instead of defend does help a little, but they still tend to forget that they can heal anyone including themselves.

    As far as the U-12 dungeons go they are being set-up on the Crystal Cove model. These are the challange quest the Devs promised after the 1st CC event. You are right in that they will not have the normal difficulty settings. Instead you will pick a level that you want to run. They level you pick will determine the difficulty and the rewards.
    In the begining the Universe was created.
    This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    Douglas Adams-The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    For the past two-three days I've noticed the clerics just not healing - AT ALL.

    Marissa was regularly down to 1/10th of her hp total and simply standing there looking at me - I'd move on expecting her to heal herself but no - She simply gets her legs in gear and follows me to the next fight charging in like a lunatic still on 1/10th of her hp.

    The new UI showing cooldowns is DEFINITELY interfering with hirelings AI - They simply ignore all commands now.

    The lvl 9 Rogue Hireling - Corbin Kohl - Is incapable of finding the trapboxes in Chamber of Insanity Elite {A lvl 7 quest}.
    He did find the boxes in the secret room with the chest but blew the second one up {and was unable to do the int rune} I was on a barb = No Augment Summon.

    Molin, Zaghar, Laerathor, Arkyn, Marissa - All have been used by me over the past couple of days and ALL have been severely impaired since the patch.

    The only cleric hireling I've found to be still reliable is the one and only Kendra.

    Erythyn has become incredibly aggressive - brilliant as long as you don't need healing at any point.

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