My wife and I play DDO because we can [could] duo everything on hard/elite at the proper level. U11 came and turned an enjoyable activity into an unusable parasite. By definition, its frustrating.
The pre-U11 hireling bugs were livable.
U11 hirelings? They do everything that would get a human player kicked from a group in under 2 minutes, to include not listening to orders (manually clicking a skill usually works, defend sometimes works, passive sometimes works, active should be renamed to Leroy Jenkins)
I hire a cleric to heal, not to scout, tank, fight, and find the quickest way to martyrdom.
Additionally, there aren't enough repair-ers to heal warforged (levels 2, 6, 8, and 13 only IIRC); one at each level, like normal healers, would be appropriate.
Finally, I hear U12 dungeons won't have hard/elite difficulties.
Non-functional hirelings and /faceroll only are both, on their own, show-stoppers for us.