Ryiah, I didn't mean I thought you specifically were just trying to be contrary. It was clear you actually disagree. That is why I tried to clearly mark that comment as an aside, within brackets. I guess I should have said so more directly.
Oh well, not like my idea has much chance of happening anyway. But I stand by my argument that it would be an improvement, for the reasons I laid out. With the way it is on lama, there will be zero incentive to buy or trade for any desert scroll at all, effectively making them all worthless. That is simply because in all likelihood you will get more than 3 scrolls merely as a by-product of the time it takes just to get the seal and shard of the item you're looking for. And at that point, why even have scrolls at all? That is the purpose of my suggestion - to make it unlikely that you will get the scroll for an item before you get the seal and shard (maintaining a reason for scrolls to even exist), yet make it relatively simple to acquire the scroll once you get the other necessary pieces (reducing the amount of grind).