It pains me for some time, that a lot is done to make this game playable and fun but old raid loot is still as it was when it was created - It's BTC.
When I look on all new content items are BTA. Yes its the raight way to do since many ppl just have multiple toons and having the ability to pass items or even make epics as they hit 20 is just great. I think that its what everyone with at least 2 toons want. That is also the fundamental reason to buy shared bank and bank upgrades.
Old epics raids like Sands, VoN, have still their items BTC, while almost all new content is BTA and if not BTA all ingredients to make items are BTA, then is no problem to make item that is BTC on toon of choice.
It should also be changed for non-epic raids like VoD, HoX, Titan, Reavers Fate, Abbot.
In the end it happens a lot that items that ppl want to create have shard, seal ans even scroll but they miss base for a long time.
PLEASE change old content items to be BTA.