I know I am just beating a dead horse here but after talking with a lot of friends in game on Orien last night we were all in agreement. Get U12 out so people can open Arti's via favor and then please stop with new content and just work on fixing all the old issues and make the game enjoyable again. Of course this would be all the bugs from lag issues, handwrap issues, Prestige lines that have not yet been finished. The list goes on and you have a more complete one than any of us could hope to have.

Personally I like the events Mabar, Crystal Cove. They have been fun in the past but now when I hear they are coming I cringe. My guild shroud runs are twice a week one being last night and when reading Mabar was doing the sneak peak well I knew chances of it happening were going to be tough. So I logged in gathered all my old stashed items and keys and headed over anyways to see the lag people were talking about so much. Sure enough lag was rampant in all 18 instances at one point. We all agreed to attempt Shroud after the dragon had come and gone. We gathered up and loaded in to an instance to kill the big bad dragon. To our surprise not too much lag in the room I was in but was amazed to see so many people in one instance with 5 going that we knew of. My room alone had a full 12 people as did the other rooms. There was definitely something weird going on there. Completed the dragon in no time at all go figure.

Moved onto a normal quick shroud run before the next dragon spawned. Meridia was just terrible for lag. Finally got a full group and loaded into shroud. No one could move once inside just spinning around seeing horrible frame rates. Latency was about usual for my DSL so we recalled out dropped group and went back in. Second attempt at a server was wonderful. Nice smooth run to completion before the next dragon spawned. I logged after that not wanting to seal with anymore lag for the evening.

Sometimes I wonder why I am still paying for the game when it seems nothing is being done to fix any of the issues. I may need to re evaluate that shortly, paying for 4 accounts right now for my family when the other two members are so sick of the lag that they hardly log in anymore is just not worth it. Please make the game as fun as it used to be. There is so much content already and so many areas to work on. I think all would rather see the issues taken care of then worry about another class, race or quest chain. Yes, if a game stays stagnate too long then people lose interest and it dies. At the same point though if there are so many issues that hinder the fun of the game and make your long time clients back out that also will kill the game. Word of mouth will make or break and business. I still remember how much fun i used to have and tell my friends it is a fun game but I also have to be truthful to them as well and let them know about the issues it has and the list seems to keep growing.